
ElcomSoft Password Breaker gives you access to BlackBerry Wallet and Password Keeper

One of the great things about BlackBerry devices is the ability to password protect the device itself, as well as certain applications or areas on the device from prying eyes. Browse BlackBerry App World you’ll find a whole host of third party apps that allow you to password protect files, folders, photos, BBM, website passwords etc but the BlackBerry itself has one built in already – Password Keeper. You can also download a BlackBerry app that lets you save billing information, credit card details etc to save you time in filling out forms. Of course this is also password protected with a master password. You also would not want anybody accessing that kind of information, bringing me to the point of this post. ElcomSoft, a sotware company, has developed the first commercially available product that allows you to access passwords that are stored in Password Keeper as well as the information stored in BlackBerry Wallet.

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Virgin Mobile shuffles Beyond Talk pricing, saves BlackBerry owners duckets

Virgin Mobile Logo Virgin Mobile, the contract-free subsidiary of Sprint, is giving its Beyond Talk plans a pricing overhaul — with its cheaper choices getting a bit of a bump in the wrong direction. Sprint spokesperson Jayne Wallace confirmed to FierceWireless that this week its $25 unlimited text and data plan that comes packaged with 300 minutes will move to $35, while its 1,200 minute $40 option will become a $45 one. It’s not all bad news though — the unlimited everything $60 service tier is being cut to just $55 and the company is doing away with the $10 add-on fee for BlackBerries. So, try not think about it as a price hike, think about it as saving you $15 a month when the blessedly Blur-free Triumph hits.Update: And now it’s doubly official!

sourceFierceWireless, Virgin Mobile USA

via: Engagdet

South African Youth Name BlackBerry As Country’s Leading Smartphone Brand

While BlackBerry the brand has been getting a lot of flack for not being cool in North America, it’s getting a lot of love from the youth in South Africa. BlackBerry was named as the ‘Coolest Brand Overall’ in the Sunday Times Generation Next 2011 Brand Survey Awards. BlackBerry also took top honours in the ‘Coolest Cellphone’, ‘Coolest High-Tech Gadget’ categories and BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) was named ‘Best Cellphone Application’.

This must be a great boost to company morale considering South Africa has been leading what’s cool in North America recently with music from artists like Jack Parow. Apparently the smartphones of choice are in the lower price range including the 8520.

It’s clear that while the mainstream media is focused on a small sample of North America, journalists would do best to go into other regions to get the full story.


More info on Apple's Lawsuit Files against Motorola to Defend Multi-Touch

The inevitable: When Motorola preemptively launched their declaration judgment action against Apple earlier this month, we knew that Apple was likely to launch multiple patent infringement lawsuits against Motorola once their licensing negotiations failed to produce an agreement. Late yesterday, Apple filed a pair of patent infringement lawsuits against Motorola Inc. and Motorola Mobility Inc. in the Wisconsin Western District Court. The combined lawsuits cover six patents – none of which were covered by Motorola Mobility Inc.’s filed lawsuits. The main focus of these lawsuits centers in on the most important technology of all pertaining to the next generation smartphones: Multi-Touch. In 2009, Apple’s COO Tim Cook warned the competition during a financial conference, as follows: “we like competition as long as they don’t rip off our IP. And if they do, we will go after anyone who does.” Obviously Apple now thinks that Motorola has crossed that line.


The Accused Products

According to court documents, Apple states that the Accused Products are mobile devices, such as smartphones, and associated software, including operating systems, user interfaces, and other application software designed for use on, and loaded onto, such devices.

Upon information and belief, these products are manufactured, marketed and/or sold by Motorola in the United States. At least the following mobile devices infringe one or more claims of one or more of the Asserted Patents: Droid, Droid 2, Droid X, Cliq, Cliq XT, BackFlip, Devour A555, Devour i1, and Charm.1

An Overview of All the Patents listed in the Two Lawsuits

The following information pertains to six granted patents listed in Apple’s two distinct lawsuits.

Continue reading More info on Apple's Lawsuit Files against Motorola to Defend Multi-Touch

New development software dragonRAD looking for beta testers – Head's up for established and aspiring devs!

Here’s some exciting news for both established and aspiring developers alike. Seregon is planning on introducing a new tool to the development community, which they are calling dragonRAD, that aims to take application development and make it much more accessible. Those who have programmed for the BlackBerry platform before know how frustrating it can be to develop for, which seems to be one of the main reasons given for the lack of people developing for our beloved platform. dragonRAD is a stand-alone PC software that will give the ability to create enterprise applications from the ground up, with minimal coding experience required, depending on what the goal is. The drag and drop interface means that as long as you have a solid plan for the layout of the app, and the intended function, you can create an app without having to code a single thing. A scripting language has been included as well, for those with the know-how that want to write their own complex business logic. Users also have the ability to pull information from any database or web service, and integrate their application fully with the native functions of the BlackBerry OS, such as the camera, barcode reader, GPS, etc. The software also assists with easy OTA deployment to devices you authorize, and can synch in real time with mobile devices to keep the information current on the handhelds.

The fact that applications can be built this rapidly, without advanced coding knowledge could be a huge step forward for the BlackBerry platform, opening it up to the creativity of many more users that previously haven’t been interested in learning. The software also aids in cross platform development, allowing developers to create their applications for multiple platforms rapidly. I’ll be following this one very closely to see what happens with it, and I’ve already signed myself up for the beta. If you’re as interested as I am, hit up the website below and enter your email address to get your name in for a spot. Space is limited, and they have already seen a huge demand, so be patient.

BlackBerry Bold 9800 Slider Headed To Vodafone UK & Verizon?

The majority of launch rumors we’ve heard so far about the BlackBerry Bold 9800 slider have revolved around a North America launch. A new report says it might also be available to UK users on the Vodafone network and maybe even Verizon:

Look deeper and the rumor sounds all the more spicier. Vodafone UK also owns the Verizon Wireless network in the US. A possible launch of Blackberry 9800 Torch Slider on Vodafone in UK could then also possibly hint at a Verizon launch in the US. Now, Verizon is a CDMA network but that should not be much of a worry for this handset.

According to GoRumors the Bold 9800 should be available through Vodafone UK between September and October of this year. No word on a Verizon launch estimate though. As with all rumors, don’t consider anything official until it comes straight from RIM or a wireless network.

Regardless, anyone on Vodafone or Verizon excited about the BlackBerry Bold 9800?

via GoRumors