Tag Archives: release dates

App World 3.0 to Officially Launch August 22

In the past we ave always tried to guess RIM’s release dates. Sometimes we have hard evidence and other times we just have hear-say. That being said, we are usually right with the dates we announce (unless RIM pushes back dates, like they so frequently do!). This time we have some info about App World 3.0, it looks like August 22nd will be the official release date.


As RIM gears up to release the newest version of App World, we should know more. On Monday look out for an announcement of the release.


Leaked Wireless Giant road map shows release dates for BB 7 devices, Cyclone, Calypso, Beats and more

Wireless Giant BlackBerry Road Map

While the buzz over the new BlackBerry 7 devices is still going strong, we’re still trying to pin down official dates for all devices across the board. A faithful reader sent in this internal road map of BlackBerry devices that was supposedly sent out to Wireless Giant retailers (aka BlackBerry Stores). The document shows off a ton of estimated release dates for all the latest devices, including the BlackBerry Bold 9900/9930, Torch 9850/9860, Torch 9810 and even the rumored BlackBerry “Cyclone” (aka BlackBerry TV). Also on the list are Wifi Stereo devices listed as “Beats” and “Calpyso” – what these are we’re not totally sure, but they could possibly be the step up from the Bluetooth Music Gateway in Wifi form.

Continue reading Leaked Wireless Giant road map shows release dates for BB 7 devices, Cyclone, Calypso, Beats and more

Commercial in production for Verizon's new BlackBerry lineup


Verizon BlackBerry 7

We’ve seen a lot of disappointed folks this week on Verizon that are concerned that Big Red won’t be carrying any of the new BlackBerry 7 smartphones. We don’t know the reason why Verizon hasn’t announced officially which devices they will carry, but as one of the biggest wireless providers in the US, it seems silly to think they would drop BlackBerry all together. In any case, this tidbit of information posted in the forums today should help squash some of your worries. Christian Remde is a director, and he posted on his personal blog on Tuesday about his latest project, which happens to involve this exact subject. *Edit: Apparently between the time I wrote this and it was published, he edited out the BlackBerry portion of what you see below. Rest assured, it WAS there this morning.*

This week I’m directing for Invodo, an agency here in Austin.  One of their clients is Verizon Wireless and, in particular, I’m directing a web spot for one of Verizon’s new Blackberry smart phones that are coming out in the next month or so.  Can’t say too much about the actual device as I had to sign some NDA’s, but it’s a very cool project.

So fear not Verizon subscribers, you won’t be left out of the loop when these new devices are released. As far as release dates and prices, well, those remain to be seen.


via: cb

Which Carrier Will Sell the BlackBerry Bold 9900 first?

BlackBerry 7 Lineup

There is rampant speculation going on about release dates for the BlackBerry Bold 9900 and 9930. Its a pretty sure thing that some carrier in North America or internationally will launch the Bold 9900 before the Torch 9810 or 9850/9860 launch. The whole situation sort of reminds me of the BlackBerry Bold 9000 launch which came out in Canada before the US though thankfully this time it is not an AT&T exclusive.

So I thought we could have some fun placing gentlemen’s bets on who gets the 9900 out first. My bet is sadly on Rogers though I wish it was AT&T or Verizon.

via: bbreview

Rogers announces pricing for the BlackBerry Bold 9900, Torch 9810 and Torch 9860


Rogers BlackBerry

We knew Rogers was getting ready to announce the BlackBerry Bold 9900, Torch 9810 and Torch 9860 today and now they’ve done so. Sadly, Rogers is remaining quiet about release dates but they’ve now got pricing details out of the way and are as follows:

  • BlackBerry Bold 9900 – $249.99
  • Blackberry Torch 9810 – $199.99
  • BlackBerry Torch 9860 – $199.99

Those prices are of course based under the typical 3-year contract terms so we’ll have to wait and see what no contract pricing ends up being but either way — nice to see Rogers lay down some official pricing for everyone.

Source: Rogers

via: cb

Telus roadmap shows a whole lot of BlackBerry coming soon!

Telus Roadmap

If you’re looking for one carrier who will be covering all bases BlackBerry, then Telus has this one wrapped up. Their latest leaked roadmap shows they’ll soon be launching the whole 2011 line up from RIM. Although the images are rather blurry up there, here is what we can expect for devices and release dates:

  • BlackBerry Torch 2 / 9810 / Jennings – August 15th
  • BlackBerry Bold 9900 / Dakota – August 15th
  • BlackBerry Torch 9860 / Monza – August 22nd
  • BlackBerry Curve Apollo / 9360 – August 29th
  • BlackBerry Orlando / Curve Touch – October 1st
  • BlackBerry Bellagio / Bold 9790 – October 1st

That’s quite a bit of BlackBerry devices all within a short span — looks like RIM will be making up for lost time assuming these dates don’t sway far from what they are now. Of course, roadmaps are guidelines and not official but either way — it’s nice to see all those dates listed.

Source: BGR

via: cb

RIM to announce Torch 9810 and 9850/9860 Today?

Rumors are swirling that TODAY will finally be the day that RIM announces the 2 new “Torch” models: the 9810, and the 9850/9860. These announcements have been extremely delayed on RIM’s part as we have heard about these devices for some time now. We all hope this time it proves to be true as it seems like RIM is constantly trying to pretend as if the BlackBerry universe is only aware of one new OS 7 device (really?).

Apparently the successor to the original Torch, the 9810 will not be the only device known as the Torch unfortunately. RIM has decided, in what I consider to be a fail of epic proportions, to name the 9850/9860 the Torch as well (Once these phones get officially announced I’ll be sure to go deeper into a rant about it).

Let’s just hope along with announcing these phones officially, we also get some release dates at the same time. It’s already August and the clock is ticking.

  • Let us know what you think about this latest rumor! after this break in our comments
Continue reading RIM to announce Torch 9810 and 9850/9860 Today?

RIM Holding Press Event on 08/03 in London England

Research In Motion is holding a press event on Wednesday in Central London, England. The assumption among many who are planning to attend is that they’ll either officially announce the BlackBerry Bold 9900’s European release dates or that they will use the press event to announce the remaining OS7 devices to come.

Will you be in attendance?

  • Let Us Know What You Think RIM Will Announce in London in the Comments below.

Continue reading RIM Holding Press Event on 08/03 in London England

BlackBerry Bold 9900 launching in India on August 8th?

BlackBerry Bold 9900 and 9930

All of us here at NHCBBA are anxiously awaiting a release date for the BlackBerry Bold 9900 in North America, but so far we’re not hearing anything concrete. We’ve heard rumors that August 22nd will be the launch date in the UK, and now new word has it that India will be releasing it the second week of August, on the 8th. This will of course be the standard black version of the device, though the same source is reporting that a white version will follow in October.

With all the delays this BlackBerry has seen, it’s nice to finally be seeing it get some release dates. My fingers are crossed now for some news for Canada and the US, as well as for those other as of yet unnanounced devices!

Source: iGyaan  via: cb

Verizon release dates leaked online for BlackBerry Torch 9850 and Bold Touch? Plus other Smartphones their going to carry..

Are you dying to know when that shiny new BlackBerry with OS7 will launch on Verizon?

Well, today on twitter, excitement was created when Lee Huffman (@liquidcyber) tweeted the details of Verzion’s upcoming inventory and it read’s as follows:


  • Moto bionic pushed back to September
  • Xoom 4g upgrades-devices have to be sent back here to be updated (around 8/11)
  • Samsung 10” tablet-should be available some time next week but will not be stocked in all stores due to cost. We will bring in about 10 of each.
  • Convoy 2-first release date given 8/4-please wait to check tags for orders placed! I will update you when I know!
  • Rim torch– 8/25 (not sure if we will carry-will keep you updated)
  • Bold-replacement due date 8/10

If these dates are true, we are less than two weeks away from the Bold Touch being released on Big Red!


via: bbos