Tag Archives: Curve 9360 becomes official for the Curve 9360 from Digicel

Curve OS

Just the other day we saw leak out for nearly every new BlackBerry 7 device, and then yesterday we saw it go official for the Bold 9900, and today Digicell made it official for the BlackBerry Curve 9360. As always you will want to make sure you have a back up of the device before you load it up, and be cautious while loading it on your device. Be sure to let us know in the forums how it goes for you.

Download OS for the BlackBerry Curve 9360


BlackBerry Torch 9860 & Curve 9360 Spotted in T-Mobile Inventory System

T-Mobile inventory system 9360 and 9860

We already had it on good authority that T-Mobile would be getting the BlackBerry Curve 9360 but things have been back and forth about the all touch Torch 9860. We know that RIM has an AWS version of the 9860 that would work on T-Mobile but we have been getting conflicting signals on if they decided to carry it in the end.

Thanks to TmoNews we have a leaked T-Mobile inventory screenshot showing both the Torch 9860 and Curve 9360 in their system.

For those of you who were looking for a full touch device on a GSM carrier stateside I hope this pans out! It would be T-Mobiles first all touch BlackBerry.

Thanks GP for sending this one in!


Official Update: OS for BlackBerry Curve 9360 via Digicel

Official OS has reached the BlackBerry Curve 9360 on Digicel. If you have a Curve 9360, get out that USB cord and give your a device a fresh OS.


Don’t forget to drop a comment below and let us know how it’s working out for you!

hNote: The Software Platform and Applications version numbers can be found under Options-About screen on the Blackberry Smartphone.

Rogers pricing for the BlackBerry Curve 9360 confirmed

Rogers BlackBerry Curve 9360

Not one to be left out when new devices are in the air, Rogers official pricing for the BlackBerry Curve 9360 has been confirmed. If the new Curve is of interest to you, then you will be pleased to see that you can pick one up for $349.99 off contract or as low as $49.99 on a 3 year plan with appropriate voice/data package. If you’re not keen on being locked into 3 years with an entry level BlackBerry, you can do a 1 or 2 year contract instead for $149 and $99 respectively.

When will this device be available on Rogers? It’s “coming soon”, of course, though word around Twitter is it will be out in time for back to school.

Source: MobileSyrup  also cb

OS becomes official for the BlackBerry Curve 9360 from Telus, Bell and Redington

9360 Official

Always fun to see three carriers bring the same OS out as an official release for a device that has yet to be released, but if you are a lucky user who happened to snag a BlackBerry Curve 9360, give this a shot. OS is the latest official available for this device, and yours to download now. While it is an official, you will want to be sure you are careful while loading, and be sure to discuss in the forums what kind of results you are seeing

Download OS for the BlackBerry Curve 9360



BlackBerry Torch 9860 and Curve 9360 coming soon to SaskTel

SaskTel 9860 and 9630

Hey SaskTel customers, you’ll soon be able to purchase the BlackBerry Torch 9860 or Curve 9360 too! No date is showing yet on the SaskTel website for either device, just that far too familiar ‘Coming Soon’, but they have listed pricing details. The Torch can be yours for $549 outright or as little as $129 on a three year contract and the Curve is listed as $349 off contract and a low $49 on a three year.

Source: SaskTel, CB

T-Mobile BlackBerry Curve 9360 turns up at a meeting

BlackBerry Curve 9360

Though it’s not exactly the most shocking news — considering the devices are now officially announced and we’ve been seeing them for a while anyway, some fresh pics of the BlackBerry Curve 9360 have now appeared. The images come from a T-Mobile meeting of employees held today where some product knowledge was dropped and they got to go hands-on with the devices. Still no release date for T-Mobile version but we’re expecting that shortly.

Source: PocketBerry


Three UK, Vodafone UK, Rogers, Virgin Canada, & TELUS Confirm Curve 9360

BlackBerry Curve 9350 9360 9370 BlackBerry Curve 9350 9360 9370 second shot

The tree is shaking now that RIM has announced the new Curve lineup and carriers are falling out confirming the BlackBerry Curve 9360. Other than Sprint they are not talking launch dates but they are confirming the device. You have to love how US carriers are always the quietest. Here are the latest confirmed carriers:


AT&T roadmap shows Q4 release for the BlackBerry Torch 9860 and BlackBerry Curve 9360


AT&T Roadmap

Not exactly a whole lot of surprises to be found on this purported AT&T documentation but the BlackBerry Curve 9360 showing up is interesting considering most U.S. carriers have remained hush about the device and any possible release dates for it. Either way, the BlackBerry Torch 9860 will be making its way to AT&T, along with the BlackBerry Curve 9360 sometime in Q4. Again, not a lot to go on really but we’ll take it.

Sadly, you’ll notice the BlackBerry Bold 9900 is missing off of this list — we’re not sure why, but maybe that means AT&T is coming to their senses and realized they have way more customers waiting for it than the BlackBerry Torch 9810 and will release it sooner. What? We can hope — can’t we? You of course, shouldn’t take this as a sign of the 9900 NOT coming to AT&T — no one knows how old, accurate the info here is.

Source: Pocketnow


BlackBerry Curve 9350, Curve 9360 and Curve 9370 features and specifications


BlackBerry Curve 9350 9360 9370

The new line of BlackBerry Curve smartphones from Research In Motion are some great devices that carry on the BlackBerry Curve name. If you’re curious as to just what each device is packing under the hood, check out this full list of BlackBerry Curve 9350, Curve 9360 and Curve 9370 features and specifications. We break down what each device has going for it so you can see just what’s what and help to make the decision as to what BlackBerry Curve fits best for you. Read on for all the BlackBerry Curve 9350, 9360 and 9370 features!

Continue reading BlackBerry Curve 9350, Curve 9360 and Curve 9370 features and specifications