Tag Archives: Bold Touch

First Impressions of the Bold 9900, Torch 9810 and Torch 9850/9860

BlackBerry 7 fan night
More pictures from the event available from PhotoJunkie.ca.First of all, can you believe these model numbers? RIM couldn’t have made them more confusing. I have been writing about BlackBerry for years and I simply cannot remember what device they’re talking about when they say 9850, 9860 or 9810. The 98xx doesn’t even represent the same device anymore. You used to be able to write 97XX and you knew the 9700 and 9780 both looked the same, but not anymore. From now on, we’re going to refer to the devices by name only.


The following seem most appropriate:

Bold 9900 = Bold Touch
Torch 9810 = Torch 2
Torch 9850/9860 = Storm 3

Continue reading First Impressions of the Bold 9900, Torch 9810 and Torch 9850/9860

Verizon release dates leaked online for BlackBerry Torch 9850 and Bold Touch? Plus other Smartphones their going to carry..

Are you dying to know when that shiny new BlackBerry with OS7 will launch on Verizon?

Well, today on twitter, excitement was created when Lee Huffman (@liquidcyber) tweeted the details of Verzion’s upcoming inventory and it read’s as follows:


  • Moto bionic pushed back to September
  • Xoom 4g upgrades-devices have to be sent back here to be updated (around 8/11)
  • Samsung 10” tablet-should be available some time next week but will not be stocked in all stores due to cost. We will bring in about 10 of each.
  • Convoy 2-first release date given 8/4-please wait to check tags for orders placed! I will update you when I know!
  • Rim torch– 8/25 (not sure if we will carry-will keep you updated)
  • Bold-replacement due date 8/10

If these dates are true, we are less than two weeks away from the Bold Touch being released on Big Red!


via: bbos

A new BlackBerry to be unveiled Today, or so Facebook would have us believe

What’s made by Research in Motion and is “shiny, new, and social all over?” No one can say for sure, but according to BlackBerry’s Facebook page, we’re going to find out tomorrow. Might it be the Torch 2 come calling, newly acquired FCC badges in tow? Perhaps Waterloo’s hinting at the Bold Touch, its phone of many flavors. Or, maybe it’s something yet unseen that will blind all who perceive it with a corona of social networking awesomeness. Whatever BlackBerry’s got in store for us, let’s hope it’s not just another phone with a Facebook button.




Rumored Sprint Q3 Roadmap Has Bold Touch, Monaco, & PTT BlackBerry


Usually leaked roadmaps have a bit more in terms of details or visual aids but ThisIsMyNext managed to get some loose details about Sprint’s Q3 roadmap. According to this rumor Sprint is gearing up to launch both the BlackBerry Bold Touch 9930 and the BlackBerry Monaco 9860 (full touch device to replace Storm line). Not much detail beyond that though its nice to know it is confirmed for Q3.


On top of that their source has an iDEN BlackBerry with Push to Talk coming to update the Curve 8350i that was the last BlackBerry with that feature. I guess they have a big demand for PTT…

Thanks to everyone who sent this in!


BlackBerry OS leaks out for the Bold Touch 9900/30, Torch 2 9850/60, and Curve 9350/70

BlackBerry 7

Someone call the plumber, the leaks are flooding in this morning. This time around they come in the form of OS for the unreleased BlackBerry Bold Touch 9900/9930, and the still unannounced BlackBerry Torch 2 9850/9860 and the BlackBerry Curve 9350/9370. Obviously, these don’t do us common folk much good, but if you’re one of the minority and happen to have one of these devices, you might be interested in downloading these and giving them a go. Do not go crazy and try to install them on your current device if you don’t have the ones listed above! No they will not work on your PlayBook, Bold 9700, or Curve 8320.

Pssst… RIM, if you’re reading this, why not just go ahead and announce the Torch 2 and those Curves? They aren’t really a secret anymore anyway.

*OS Disclaimer – Please Read: Keep in mind this is NOT an official release and as such is not supported by RIM or your Carrier. If you choose to install, do so at your own risk and only if you’re comfortable in the process of upgrading and downgrading your device software. It is quite normal during operating system development for certain features to be crippled or disabled while others are tested, and these beta builds often reflect that. They are not always better. Depending on your BlackBerry comfort level, it may be best for you to wait for community feedback on a build before deciding to download and install for yourself or simply wait for the next official release. . *

Download OS for the BlackBerry Curve 9350/70
Download OS for the BlackBerry Torch 2 9850
Download OS for the BlackBerry Torch 2 9860
Download OS for the BlackBerry Bold Touch 9900
Download OS for the BlackBerry Bold Touch 9930



Another Demo of Wikitude Augmented Reality App for BlackBerry

YouTube link

The BlackBerry Bold Touch was a pretty cool smartphone that we got our hands on back at BlackBerry World. It was nice how the light device fits into your pocket and you almost forget that it’s even there. With a built-in-compass (magnetometer) that supports location-based services and augmented reality, the device looks like it will be a decent stepping stone until the following year when the QNX smartphones come out. From the demo, we see the app’s ability to bring up information from a variety of sources including BBM and Foursquare, and bring them on a map or into the Augmented Reality view in the camera. It’s too bad that you can only see your current BBM contacts in the Augmented Reality view though. It would have been really cool to see other BBM contacts who at least also have Wikitude.



BlackBerry Bold 9790 (Onyx III?!) Photos Emerge!

BlackBerry Bold 9790 BlackBerry Bold 9790

If you’re seeing this post and thinking to yourself what the heck is a  BlackBerry Bold 9790? you’re not alone. We’re kind of stumped by the existence of this one, though I’m thinking it’s the device we have talked about previously that went by the codename Onyx III. With a look that’s very similar to the BlackBerry Bold 9780, the 9790 shown in the photos (more pics below) apparently packs a lot of the next-generation stuff that we’ll be seeing in the BlackBerry Bold 9900/9930, including:

  • 8 GB internal memory
  • OS 7
  • QWERTY / QWERTZ Keyboard
  • Touch Screen
  • NFC

Continue reading BlackBerry Bold 9790 (Onyx III?!) Photos Emerge!

Rogers Wireless New Upgrade Policy Explained

Rogers Wireless

To all you Canadian BlackBerry users out there, many of you are subject to the wills of Rogers Wireless and their iron clad 3 year contracts.   Canadians have always been the victims of outrageous cell phone contracts and plans, but, the tide seems to be turning in our favour with all the new competition coming from players such as Koodoo, Public Mobile, Mobilicity and Wind.

With this new competition comes better prices and in this case, better upgrade policies.  Rogers Wireless quietly announced on May 6, 2011, a big change to their Hardware Upgrade Policy. Now this is going to get lengthy and might be complicated, but, I will try to break it down.
Lets start with the old system.

Continue reading Rogers Wireless New Upgrade Policy Explained

BlackBerry Bold 9900, apollo and monza all headed to T-Mobile

T-Mobile BlackBerry Bold 9900

We like carrier road maps here at NHCBBA. They often give us a great perspective of what is up and coming for specific carriers. That said, road maps when leaked can often times be a little old and out of date so — try and keep that in mind as we go through the following list of devices seemingly slated for T-Mobile.

No, this isn’t the first time we’ve heard of these devices all being brought to T-Mobile. Previous rumors suggested all of them listed within similar time frames as well — the problem we have with this listing is the fact the BlackBerry Bold Touch is already confirmed for T-Mobile while, the BlackBerry monza hasn’t even received an official welcoming to the family from RIM. Sure, it’s totally possible these dates are accurate but if you find the BlackBerry Bold 9900 on shelves before the monza, we’d not be surprised at all.

In any event, we’ll just have to wait and see how this road map turns out. No matter how you look at it, we’re just super stoked to see some actual dates at all for the next generation of BlackBerry smartphones.

Source: ThisIsMyNext via:CB

More Live Photos Of The BlackBerry Touch 9860!

More Live Photos Of The BlackBerry Touch 9860!

It’s been a little while since we’ve seen some live photos of the rumored BlackBerry Touch 9860 smartphone, also known as the Monaco and Monza. A few weeks ago we saw two brief videos that showed a nice bit of the device. As a reminder, this device will supposedly have a 1.2GHz processor, OpenGL ES 2.0, 5-megapixel camera with 720p video recording, will run BlackBerry 7 (formerly BlackBerry 6.1) and more. This photo must be recent since the Touch 9860 in it is already running OS 7.0. Is anyone exciting for this device or are you more excited for the Bold 9900 like I am? Apparently the poster of these pics took them with the new Bold Touch.

Check out some bigger photos below!

Continue reading More Live Photos Of The BlackBerry Touch 9860!