
BlackBerry YouTube Video: Flowers by Emily


BlackBerry’s YouTube channel has released a new which features Emily Butcher. She is the owner of Flowers by Emily in Northbridge, Sydney. Her BlackBerry is an essential part of running her business and for keeping in touch with clients, and her friends and family.

Samsung ChatOn to bring BBM-like experience to Android, iOS, BlackBerry, bada [video]

Samsung is set to make a big splash with new products during the IFA trade show in Berlin, which kicks off later this week, and the phone maker recently announced a new group text application called ChatOn. The application allows Android, iOS, BlackBerry and bada users to create groups to quickly send and receive group text messages. The service will no doubt compete with BBM, Apple’s iMessage, Google’s Huddle, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and GroupMe, but Samsung is trying to distinguish itself from those other services by offering a more robust feature set. ChatOn lets users to see their most messaged friends, complete with “interaction ranks,” send animated text messages and share photos and videos in a shared group “trunk.”

Read on for a full intro video and press release.

Continue reading Samsung ChatOn to bring BBM-like experience to Android, iOS, BlackBerry, bada

DirectFix tears down a Blackberry Bold 9900 for the greater good

Device tear down videos are as common practice as device boxings however, tear down videos serve a greater good. That of course being, should you ever happen to need to fix your device or replace parts, you can do so with a visual guide for reference. The folks over at Directfix have taken apart a BlackBerry Bold 9900 for us all, though — we hope you never need to make use of it. But either way, good to know it’s there should you ever need it.


BlackBerry Cruiser makes an appearance at the 2011 CACP

Windsor Ontario will be a safer place to live for the next couple of days; and it’s not because of the 2011 CACP (Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police Conference) running from August 21st to the 24th. Mobile Innovations is showcasing their MPA (Mobile Police Assist)for the BlackBerry Playbook. We last saw a PlayBook equipped 2011 Dodge Police Interceptor concept car in mid-July, when Kevin gave a walkthrough…after he tried to steal a BlackBerry Bold 9900. Michelle gave us the first glimpse of it on July 7th. The video above doesn’t show off anything about access to the Canadian Police Information Centre or the rooftop message boards but it did have a sweet paint job.

“The really big difference with our new Mobile Police Assist for BlackBerry PlayBook compared to its BlackBerry smartphone counterpart is that it offers a complete in-vehicle dashboard-mounted touch screen solution, as opposed to a complete in-hand solution for smartphones,” explains Mobile Innovations President Gary Bauer. “In smaller vehicles, a tablet is cheaper and better than a laptop. All of our clients are asking us about what we can do about putting PlayBooks in their cruisers to round out their secure mobile data capability which together make a powerful all-in-one mobile solution. We can’t wait to take them on the road.“

Personally, I love the paint job on this model; every police car should have BlackBerry PlayBook emblazoned on their sides to strike fear in the hearts of criminals everywhere! If you want to check out the MPA demo, you can find them at the CACP Booth 625 in Caesar’s Windsor until August 24th. Press release after the jump.


Mobile Innovations & Blackberry Cruiser at the CACP 2011

Windsor, Ontario – August 22, 2011 – Mobile Innovations announced today Mobile Police Assist (MPA) for the BlackBerry® PlayBook™ tablet on showcase at the 2011 Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) Conference taking place this week – August 21 to 23 — in Windsor, Ontario. Mobile Innovations President Gary Bauer is at the conference to personally demonstrate MPA’s powerful in-vehicle records and data management capabilities in an equally powerful 2011 Dodge Charger police cruiser outfitted by D&R Electronics with BlackBerry PlayBook.
Mobile Innovations has partnered with D&R Electronics which specializes in storage & mounting systems, on-board IT, lighting arrays and rooftop message boards for police vehicles. As a BlackBerry® Alliance Partner, Mobile Innovations worked closely with D&R to put together a functional concept vehicle solution featuring the new BlackBerry PlayBook for this year’s CACP annual conference. MPA for BlackBerry PlayBook is slated for general release in early 2012 after a tour of two Dodge Charger concept police cars across North America throughout the remainder of this year.
Like MPA for BlackBerry smartphones, MPA for the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet provides data access and entry for the NICHE RMS police records management system, the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC), GPS mapping and tracking, as well as dictation for a total mobile law enforcement solution. Each BlackBerry PlayBook armed with MPA software provides its user with a secure, comprehensive and cost-effective alternative to more costly ruggedized laptop solutions typically used today.

“The really big difference with our new Mobile Police Assist for BlackBerry PlayBook compared to its BlackBerry smartphone counterpart is that it offers a complete in-vehicle dashboard-mounted touch screen solution, as opposed to a complete in-hand solution for smartphones,” explains Bauer. “In smaller vehicles, a tablet is cheaper and better than a laptop. All of our clients are asking us about what we can do about putting PlayBooks in their cruisers to round out their secure mobile data capability which together make a powerful all-in-one mobile solution. We can’t wait to take them on the road.“

Mobile Innovations is a privately held company dedicated to enhancing law enforcement with the most advanced mobile data products available. Based in Niagara Falls, Canada, Mobile Innovations also has operations in Toronto and works with over thirty agencies across Canada, the United States and in the United Kingdom. Mobile Innovations is a RIM Alliance partner with six years of service developing and deploying advanced mobile solutions for BlackberryTM.

BlackBerry Curve 9380 debuts in its very own silent film

A few days ago one of from a forum members we were lucky enough to show off some pictures of the BlackBerry Curve 9380 for us all to see, and now the folks at have taken it in-front of the camcorder to show it off a little bit more. The video shows off just how small the device is in comparison to some other devices, and while we are still boggled by the naming scheme that RIM has chosen, the device does look like one that will interest quite a number of you. The 3.25″ display is powered by a 800MHz processor with 1GB of flash memory and 512MB of RAM on board. Hit the break to take a glance at some more pictures.



Curve Comparison

Curve 9380


An interview with RIM's Managing Director for the UK & Ireland, Stephen Bates

While Ewan was busy checking out the new BlackBerry 7 devices today in the UK, he took some time out to sit down with RIM’s Managing Director for the UK & Ireland, Stephen Bates. Mr. Bates talked on the new devices, the BlackBerry 7 OS, Liquid Graphics and the international reach of the BlackBerry platform. He goes on to say that this is the biggest global launch for RIM to date and more devices are certainly on the way. Sit back, relax and check out the full interview above (make sure you stick it out til the end!) then read more on the upcoming BlackBerry smartphones.

via: cb

BlackBerry Torch 9860 Video Walkthrough


For those of you that are anxiously awaiting the next all-touch BlackBerry – the wait is over. The BlackBerry Torch 9860 has been announced and will in your hands before you know it. With no QWERTY keyboard, the Torch 9860 hopes to fill the needs for those who simply want a touchscreen device. It carries a 1.2GHz processor, 768MB RAM, 4GB embedded memory and more. Of course the Torch 9860 sports RIM’s Liquid Graphics as well as other BB 7 goodies. Check out the video above for more.

via: cb

The New York Times tackles BlackBerry versus iPhone


Oh my stars, folks; someone got it right! The debate over which smartphone is better, BlackBerry or iPhone, has raged since the dawn of…well, the iPhone. In this video from The New York Times, assistant technology editor Sam Grobart, and Dealbreak editor Andrew Ross Sorkin finally have it out. Mano a mano, suits versus khakis, iPhone vs. BlackBerry.

The two swap smartphones (and their clothes transform, apparently to great surprise), and hilarity ensues. Well, no but the pair do come to a bit of a realization. The phones both have nice features and are great pieces of technology, but the borrowed devices just “weren’t right for” them.

At, we’re firm believers that there is no one smartphone perfect for each and every person. Kevin’s Hierarchy of Smartphone Needs explains this in much greater detail (it’s classic Kevin, but it’s a good read).  The video up there gives a great demonstration of the hierarchy in action. The best smartphone is the one that best delivers what the user wants to do. Communication and security are the BlackBerry’s forté, media and entertainment are the iPhone’s.

In the end, the question isn’t “What’s the best smartphone?”  It’s “What’s the best smartphone for me?”

Thanks to Jake-44 

via: cb


New photos of the BlackBerry Torch 9850 & 9860 emerge with Verizon branding


unreleased BlackBerry devices

We’ve seen evidence of the BlackBerry monaco coming to Sprint, and rumor of it hitting Verizon as well, and today we got further confirmation via pictures posted on BerryCN. They have posted up a ton of pictures of the BlackBerry Torch 9850 (CDMA) and 9860 (GSM), highlighting the major difference: the buttons! According to these images, the 9850 is going to have the physical buttons we’ve seen in other photos, and the 9860 will have the capacitive buttons a la the Storm 2. More pictures and video can be seen after the break, with the full gallery at the link below.

via: cb


BlackBerry Torch 9850


BlackBerry Torch 9860


BlackBerry Torch 9850/9860 Verizon


Mobile Technology and Automobiles… it's an exciting future, and QNX is at the heart of it

QNX Automotive Concepts
I was stoked to see that QNX had a mockup of my previous PlayBook-in-car dream…

Back in March, prior to the release of the BlackBerry PlayBook, We had an editorial here on NHCBBA called How RIM Can Win the Next Great Tablet Race – PlayBook in Cars From Factory (Video Below). Knowing that QNX, which is at the core of the PlayBook’s Tablet OS, is also running the computers in dozens of car manufacturers these days, it made sense to connect the dots and go there – this would be a BlackBerry addict’s dream come true. Take a look at the photo above and below, and you’ll see this isn’t only my dream, but also one of the many potential visions QNX has for the future of mobile technology in automobiles.

Last week in Waterloo, Ontario — the hometown of BlackBerry — The other forums  had the chance to talk to Derek Kuhn, the VP of Marketing for QNX, for an hour and walk through some of the trends they’re seeing and where they think the future of the automobile cockpit experience is going. QNX has a big footprint in automotive, already being utilized in over 200 automobile models (they’re pretty much in every German-manufactured automobile and many, many more) and they’re continuing to grow in this area.

QNX Automotive Concepts

In the past, in-car automobile technology has typically lagged consumer electronics by a pretty big margin, but it’s clear that car manufacturers want to change that. QNX is already starting to see this happen in their workflow. In the past, car companies would typically work four years ahead on their models (think 2010 models being developed in 2006), with the electronics locked down – once a car hits the market you don’t see the computer software get upgraded. But already automotive is starting to move much faster, as more and more it’s becoming what you can do in your car that’s as important a selling feature as horsepower, fuel mileage, body style historically have been. With automotive wanting to keep up with the consumer market, the manufacturer’s lead time from concept to reality on the electronics/infotainment/computers is becoming much shorter (think as fast as a year vs. 3-4 years).

If you start to think about a future where cars have data connections to a carrier and on-board computers can be updated wirelessly over the air (think about how easy and reliable it is to do an OS update on your PlayBook), things start to get exciting. And if you think to start about automotive cockpits that feature more and more LCDs and touchscreens (in other words what you see in your interior is driven by software, not hardware), then things get REALLY exciting. I was lucky enough to snag the two images in this article from QNX, but let’s just say that dozens of mockups and usage cases demonstrating the future of where automobile is going. When you have a data-connected, location-aware car with a lot of screens it, things can get crazy awesome. And when you further think that QNX will be at the heart BlackBerry and the heart of your next car, you start to get goosebumps over the things QNX and BlackBerry will be able to accomplish over the years ahead.

So that brings us to the question of the week…. close your eyes and think real hard…. where do YOU want to see mobile technology in automobiles go? Drop us a comment with your wish list feature. And start saving your pennies… as the odds are your wish may be available sooner than you might think.

Via: cb