
BlackBerry 7 Smartphones Buyers Guide

So you’ve decided you want a new BlackBerry Smartphone? Let our buyers guide point you in the right direction!

BlackBerry 7 Devices

The latest BlackBerry 7 line of smartphones from Research In Motion brings some great new devices to the market, but choosing one that is right for you can be a challenge. Each device caters to a particular set of users, but we’ll help shed some light on things so you can better decide which device is for you. The first thing is always checking with your carrier to see what devices are available to you. You’ll also need to know if you’re on a GSM carrier (AT&T, T-Mobile, Rogers and other global carriers) or a CDMA carrier (Verizon, Sprint and other North American carriers) before your new device as your next step as a BlackBerry user.

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BlackBerry Torch 9860 & Curve 9360 Spotted in T-Mobile Inventory System

T-Mobile inventory system 9360 and 9860

We already had it on good authority that T-Mobile would be getting the BlackBerry Curve 9360 but things have been back and forth about the all touch Torch 9860. We know that RIM has an AWS version of the 9860 that would work on T-Mobile but we have been getting conflicting signals on if they decided to carry it in the end.

Thanks to TmoNews we have a leaked T-Mobile inventory screenshot showing both the Torch 9860 and Curve 9360 in their system.

For those of you who were looking for a full touch device on a GSM carrier stateside I hope this pans out! It would be T-Mobiles first all touch BlackBerry.

Thanks GP for sending this one in!


Yahoo fires CEO, puts company up for sale

Following recent rumblings surrounding discontent atop Yahoo’s executive chain, the struggling Internet company fired its CEO Carol Bartz. In the same stroke, Yahoo! also revealed that it is for sale. News broke Tuesday night that former chief executive Carol Bartz sent an email to the entire Yahoo organization. In her brief note, she stated that Yahoo’s chairman of the board had fired her — over the phone, no less. Yahoo confirmed the news, stating that Chief Financial Officer Tim Morse would step in as interim CEO while the company searches for a new chief. Following the news, a Yahoo employee speaking with The Wall Street Journal also confirmed that the company would be open to selling itself. “Yahoo is open to selling itself to the right bidder,” the Journal wrote. No additional details were provided. Carol Bartz’s full email to Yahoo staff follows below.

From: “Carol Bartz”
To: “all-worldwide@yahoo-inc.com”

Subject: Goodbye

To all,

I am very sad to tell you that I’ve just been fired over the phone by Yahoo’s Chairman of the Board. It has been my pleasure to work with all of you and I wish you only the best going forward.





RIM Shareholders Call For Change

Its not to anyone’s surprise that RIM’s stock this year has been less than stellar. Rumors of the company selling its self to another tech giant have been circulating for quite some time now. In addition, key personnel have left the company to pursue other endeavors. The results of all this are that shareholders are becoming more restless as they continue to see their shares fall.

Now shareholders are beginning to become more vocal about their investments with BlackBerry maker RIM. In a letter to the board, Vic Albioni head of Jaguar Financial, an investor in RIM, expressed his frustrations with the company, and added some pretty bold suggestions.

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Rumor: Neil Sainsbury to Possibly Replace Mike Kirkup as Director of Dev Relations @RIM


It was sad news when we heard that Mike Kirkup would be leaving RIM and leaving his post of Sr. Director of Developer Relations at RIM. Now Kevin @CrackBerry is hearing that Neil Sainsbury (@eZainny) might be stepping in to take Mikes place as a possible candidate for the Director of Developer Relations at RIM.

Continue reading Rumor: Neil Sainsbury to Possibly Replace Mike Kirkup as Director of Dev Relations @RIM

QNX Superphone to come with front facing camera for BBM Video Chat

The rumors of a BlackBerry coming with a front facing have been around for a long time. Most BlackBerry users (myself included) have been clamoring for this to happen since the first Torch came out. Truthfully these recent BlackBerry 7 devices should’ve come equipped with front facing cameras and chat already, but unfortunately what’s done is done.

Today, sources have reported that RIM is taking the idea of front facing cameras, and video chat integration via BBM, very seriously. Video Chat over the BlackBerry PlayBook works extremely well so we know RIM is capable of doing this efficiently. Let’s hope these rumors end up being true and we can have some awesome video chat capabilities on the new generation of BlackBerry devices.

  • We know what most of you will say, but we’ll ask anyways. Do you want a front facing camera on the new QNX-powered BlackBerry lineup?
  • Will these rumors stop you from getting a BlackBerry 7 device?
  • Let us know in the Comments below we might talk about in our weekly news show.

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QNX Allows For Quicker Updates

We have all been there, patiently waiting for that OS update from our carrier. With RIM’s Java-based OS carriers have had to test, and retest the OS to allow for network compatibility. These long delays caused by carrier testing have always been a contributer to the slow roll out of updates from RIM.
This has all changed with the implementation of RIM’s QNX based OS. QNX allows RIM to separate certain parts of code that often times the carrier would have to test. This separation, and elimination of carrier testing allows for faster OTA updates. This type of update can already be seen in how the BlackBerry PlayBook updates itself. A user is alerted that there is a update for the device, and they simply click on install.
This type of quick updating is absolutely crucial with new devices, as bugs are found all the time shortly after a new release. We have seen affects of quick OTA updates within the PlayBook, as many of those updates have quickly resolved issues, and enhanced the user experience.

What do you think of the new approach to updating? Let us know in the Comments below we might talk about in our weekly news show.

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BlackBerry Bold 9900 now available on T-Mobile, still late to the 7 OS party

We knew this day was coming, so there are no surprises here. BlackBerry’s latest addition to its portrait QWERTY family, the Bold 9900, is on sale now at T-Mobile stores. The chrome trimmed, 14.4Mbps HSDPA capable handset’ll run you $350 (before a $50 mail-in rebate) with a two-year commitment, or you can always fork over the full $600 if you’d rather steer clear of the carrier’s contract chains. In case you were in need of a refresher, the phone packs a zippy 1.2GHz processor, 2.8-inch capacitive touchscreen and runs BlackBerry 7 OS. Feeling like it’s time to update your crackberry habit? Then head to the source below to get your order on.




Apple accused of impersonating police during effort to recover lost iPhone 5 prototype

This whole lost iPhone 5 prototype story just got whole lot more interesting. According to SF Weekly, six investigators claiming to be members of the San Francisco police department descended upon one Bernal Heights, San Francisco man’s home in search of a lost iPhone 5 prototype that CNET originally reported had been left in a bar. The scary part? The SFPD confirmed the investigators weren’t police officers at all. Instead, it appears as though they may have actually been members of Apple’s security team allegedly impersonating police officers. Read on for more.

Continue reading Apple accused of impersonating police during effort to recover lost iPhone 5 prototype

RIM Boils Down their BlackBerry Smartphone Core Values for Us

BlackBerry Ethos

A friend of mine pointed out something interesting about the slide deck RIM put up during their BlackBerry 7 device launch in the UK and Canada. RIM kindly posted the slide deck on SlideShare and it really boils down RIM’s smartphone core values, strategy, and even ethos into two slides. The first highlights how “BlackBerry Just Works” and I think if you take those 5 examples RIM puts out of how it “Just Works” you clearly see how the BlackBerry 7 portfolio improves on it.

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