Tag Archives: YORK

Verizon announces online payment partnership with Payfone

Verizon Wireless announced a new partnership with Payfone on Monday that will soon allow its customers using phones, tablets, and PCs to make online purchases easier. Once the partnership’s new service is deployed, customers will be able to make more secure purchases online and charge them to their Verizon Wireless bill or use other standard forms of payment. “Our relationship with Payfone complements the part of the mobile payments equation we’re already working on with our Isis joint venture,” said Greg Haller, marketing vice president, Verizon Wireless. “We approach the mobile payments arena from a customer’s perspective. As we move forward, the most important goals will be security, privacy and simplicity. Through our relationship with Payfone, we will be able to quickly offer value to our customers by offering them greater choice and a simple, safe and secure purchasing experience when shopping online from their smartphones, tablets and PCs.” Hit the jump for the full press release.


New Service Will Allow Verizon Wireless Customers to Make Mobile Payments for Online Purchases from Smartphones, Tablets and PCs

BASKING RIDGE, N.J., and NEW YORK – Verizon Wireless and Payfone, a leading mobile payment processing service, today announced the companies are working together to bring a new mobile payment system to Verizon Wireless customers.  When available, the service will allow Verizon Wireless customers to make online purchases from their smartphones, tablets and PCs using numerous payment methods, including charging purchases to their monthly wireless statements or using traditional payment methods through financial institution partners.

“Our relationship with Payfone complements the part of the mobile payments equation we’re already working on with our Isis joint venture,” said Greg Haller, marketing vice president, Verizon Wireless.  “We approach the mobile payments arena from a customer’s perspective.  As we move forward, the most important goals will be security, privacy and simplicity.  Through our relationship with Payfone, we will be able to quickly offer value to our customers by offering them greater choice and a simple, safe and secure purchasing experience when shopping online from their smartphones, tablets and PCs.”

With Payfone’s unique approach to mobile payments, operators and merchants are able to complete transactions securely and accurately.  Payfone also provides other features important to consumers and merchants, including intelligent routing, pre-authorization and authentication designed to reduce the friction and fraud that affect sales conversion and revenue yield for merchants and operators.

“We are pleased to be working with Verizon Wireless to deliver a new level of convenience, security and flexibility to their customers and to boost revenue and conversion for operators, merchants and publishers,” states Rodger Desai, chief executive officer, Payfone. “This underscores Verizon Wireless’ dedication to cutting-edge innovation as it stays ahead of the mobile payments curve.”



Has your inkwell run dry? The AP Stylebook for BlackBerry gives you a refill

Associated Press

I have to be honest with you; some days it’s difficult to put two words together. These days seem to coincide with the days my brain decides to bubble, lose molecular stability and then decides to ooze out of my ears. It’s at that point when anything I decide to write begins to sound like the ramblings of a mad man, who also has issues spelling korektlee…I mean correctly. Thank goodness I have my better half to point out every. single. mistake. I. make. (love you!).

Besides dealing with writer’s block, as well as spelling/grammatical mistakes, it’s also helpful to get a grasp on what impact you are making with your words of wisdom. Why you are writing about it? Who are you looking to reach out to? Where should you be sharing your valuable insight? It’s a lot to think about – when you’re already thinking about what to write. The other day, the Associated Press unleashed an application they call “an essential tool for writers” – The Associated Press Stylebook mobile. It’s designed to help you find your voice, through guidelines. The 2010 AP Stylebook includes:

  • A new Social Media Guidelines section, with information on using tools like Facebook and Twitter, as well as 42 separate entries on such terms as app, blogs, click-throughs, friend and unfriend, metadata, RSS, search engine optimization, smart phone, trending, widget and wiki.
  • New terms like; Great Recession- referring to the 2007-08 economic downturn that was the worst recession since the Great Depression, and tea party, for the conservative political movement, along with new entries for Alcoholics Anonymous, Bluetooth, Blu-ray, bondholder, Breathalyzer, flu-like, GED, International Space Station, mic -as the shortened form for microphone, hard line, high-five, Taser, thumbs-up and Ultimate Fighting.
  • The change in AP style from “Web site” to “website”

The app normally costs $24.99, but is discounted to $19.99 for early adopters- who will get the 2010 app, plus a free upgrade to 2011 this spring.

Pricing for the AP Stylebook is high, but if you’re looking to separate yourself from the rest of the pack, it may be worth a look. Check out the press release after the jump.

More information/download the AP Stylebook from BlackBerry Appworld

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