Tag Archives: YES

RIM Co-CEO's given 6 months to prove value of Co-CEO position

Co-CEO Clock ticking

The tech and business world has been reporting on the value of a Co-CEO position at RIM for quite some time.  But the chatter really picked up steam with inventor Northwest & Ethical Investments LP called for the roles to be split up last month.  At the annual shareholders meeting this week in Waterloo there was to be a vote on this proposal, but Northwest withdrew their motion and have give the company 6-months to show that this shared CEO role can work.

The rational behind this current RIM hating is a mystery to me.  If the only measure of RIM was their market share position, than I would be at the front of the line wondering WTF the boys in Waterloo are doing.  BUT that isn’t the whole story.

  • Are profits increasing each quarter compared to same quarter last year?  YES
  • Are the number of devices sold in each quarter increasing over previous quarter?  YES
  • Are company revenues not tied to one single product or vertical?  YES, in fact 40% over revenue in previous quarter came from licensing, not hardware sales

“But their market share is slipping and OS7 is just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic!” Well OK the BlackBerry has 40% smartphone market share in 2009, but total smartphones in the US as a percentage of all cell phones was only 19%.  So RIM had 40% of a 19% market.  Fast forward to 2011 when many are predicting that Ontario Hydro will turn off the electricity at RIM because they won’t have enough money to pay the bills.  Smartphones now account for 40% of all cell phones in the US.  And RIM’s share is down to 24.7%.  If I was running a business selling smartphones, I’d prefer 24.7% of 40% over 40% of 19% everyday of the week.

Is Waterloo the Garden of Eden?  No, of course not.  I believe that RIM does need to get things rolling and quickly, but the RIM Book of Revelations is not here either.  Kevin’s RIMPIRE Strikes Back campaign is spot on and needs our support!  The BlackBerry platform is here to stay.

Source: Bloomberg Businessweek

via: CB

BelCompany to introduce BlackBerry PlayBook in the Netherlands

BelCompany to introduce BlackBerry PlayBook in the Netherlands

Europe, this is for you. After several retailers in the UK announcing the availability of the BlackBerry PlayBook on June 16th, BelCompany is here to do the same for the Netherlands, on the exact same date. Hopefully this means that June 16th marks the launch of the BlackBerry PlayBook in all of Europe, and perhaps other countries countries as well. As far as pricing goes, the BlackBerry PlayBook will be available in 16GB, 32GB and 64GB models at 479€, 579€ and 679€ respectively.

As a European myself, I am very excited about this; the BlackBerry PlayBook definitely has something to go for it and I really want to see it become available in every part and corner of the world. What do you think? Is it time for the BlackBerry PlayBook to finally shake the tablet market on a global scale? I think YES! 😉


via: cb

Leaked BlackBerry Messenger v6.0.0.56 Overview

Last week, BlackBerry Messenger v6.0.0.56 was leaked from an extracted OS 6.1 leaked build. Many individuals who initially tried to install it ran into bricked devices. Within 48 hours (thanks Poita316 & Firesail2010) we were able to create a step-by-step installation for our readers.

This new version of BBM brings tons of UI & tweaks that are much welcomed.

The ability to choose specific colors for each BBM contact is a feature that should have been included years ago! I find it much easier to differentiate between what I’m writing & what my contacts are typing back to me.

There is a slight lag within the application, but the overall use is smooth. Many are stating that they’ve had memory leaks or battery drain from this leak.

OS 6.1 icons abound & they bring a more friendly look to BBM.

If you wish to install this leaked version of BBM, please follow the instructions below carefully:

1. Make sure you have a Stock BBM ( seems to work well) *Do NOT delete*
2. Install BlackBerry ID app (BlackBerry ID [OS6] – Downloads – BBH-Plus Forums)
3. Install BBM (http://bb-h.me/bbm60056)
4. If prompted to overwrite, please say YES