Tag Archives: White

Where's my BLUE (or white or pink?!) BlackBerry PlayBook?

Back at the 2010 BlackBerry Developer Conference where the BlackBerry PlayBook was officially announced, RIM had both black and blue units on display (embedded within glass – click here to see our historic “first hands-on playbook” video). As a fan of gadgets that don’t follow the traditional dark/black motif, the blue teaser unit gave me hope that RIM would launch the PlayBook with more than one color choice. Unlike phones where the traditional physical keyboard allows you to spot a BlackBerry at 400 yards, tablets sort of all look the same, so I was thinking RIM could really differentiate themselves in the space by taking a more colorful and dare I say playful approach on their hardware casing, which based on its fairly straightforward design one would think would be relatively easy to change up the colors on.

With no other colors announced for the BlackBerry PlayBook to date, it’s looking like RIM is going to market with the good ‘ole Henry Ford approach (you can have it any color you want, as long as it’s black!). I guess it’s not too big a deal as for those who want color as we know a ton of brightly-colored BlackBerry PlayBook cases will be available. Despite that being the case, I’d still love to see RIM offer the PlayBook in more colors. Am I alone here, or who’s with me??? What color would you want to see RIM release the PlayBook in next? White? Blue??

If cases are not your thing and RIM doesn’t release any followup colors of the PlayBook anytime soon, I did follow up with the folks at ColorWare to see if they’d be offering custom paint jobs on the PlayBook.  They haven’t announced anything yet, but promised to the Blackberry Alliance readers will be the first to know when they do.

BlackBerry security breached at Pwn2Own 2011

BlackBerry security breached at Pwn2Own 2011

This year’s Pwn2Own event is well underway in Vancouver. The yearly event takes the best White hat hackers and challenges them to exploit computers and operating systems so that their vulnerabilities may be shared with the owners of those operating systems in an effort to make them more secure. In previous years, Research In Motion has stood its ground but this year results are now in for BlackBerry. The news however, isn’t the best. This year, a BlackBerry Torch running OS was successfully exploited using the long awaited WebKit browser. The browser exploit allowed Vincenzo Iozzo, Willem Pinckaers and Ralf Philipp Weinmann to gain access to all contact information as well as the image database. Research In Motion’s director of security, Adrian Stone was on hand to confirm the exploit and made the following statements about it:

“It happens. It’s not what you want but there’s no such thing as zero code defects,” in addition to that statement Stone also advised that RIM’s security team would analyze the date to see if it was a true zero-day flaw and if so, then a fix would created and then rolled out to carrier partners so that end-users get it. This situation of course assumes that it hasn’t already been fixed in a later revised OS. But that could not be confirmed at the time.

Given that Research In Motion doesn’t use any underlying security in its OS such as ASLR or DEP and others do, it is something that Research In Motion is looking to be adding at a later time. When asked about the security within BlackBerry devices Vicenzo Izzo noted “The advantage for BlackBerry is the obscurity. It makes it a bit harder to attack a system if you don’t have documentation and information,” which leads into the fact that WebKit while Open Source, is an Apple derived product with lots of detailed information about it being available to all.

Source: ZDNet

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-28

Canadian Government gives thumbs up to MPs using Social Media on BlackBerry

If Barak Obama gets to keeps his BlackBerry in the White House, why shouldn’t Members of Parliament in Canada be allowed to tweet or do a status update from the House of Commons?

Well, it seems that issue has been resolved. Starting today, MPs can now use Twitter/Facebook installed on their BlackBerry to keep their constituents updated on what’s going on.

Previously, they were only allowed to use web-based applications.


via: BBOS

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-31