Tag Archives: WAP

RIM played a part in the making of Twitter

RIM 850

Granted, it’s a small part but when speaking of Twitters early days Twitter founder, Jack Dorsey credits the use of his then RIM 850 as a tool that helped spark status updates across the World.

“I had a RIM pager, the 850, the first email device. I programed a system where I could fire off an email from that and set my status from anywhere. And it worked! And I was able to also at a regular interval pull my buddy list and get those updates sent to my email address. It was awesome! But the number of people who had those mobile devices was so minimal that the timing was just not right. This was 2001.”

We’d like to pretend we are surprised at this news but really — we’re not. People tend to forget that RIM was one of the first companies to make use of mobile data. The RIM 850 provided e-mail and WAP services, with limited HTML all across what was then basically a 1G network, called Mobitex. The inter@active pager was in the hands of approximately 400,000 users in 1997 then blew up to 51 million users by 2002.

Source: Gizmodo via:CB

Gmail mobile site now in HTML5

Gmail - old & new, night & day

I’ll admit it. I’m an avid Gmail user, but I don’t use the mobile site. There’s too much clicking. And waiting. And clicking. It’s entirely too much like the WAP sites of yesteryear, you remember. Back when SMS texting was the brand new thing. I don’t use the mobile Gmail site. Until today. Today, I discovered the HTML5 version of Gmail on my OS6 BlackBerry.

The new version of the Gmail mobile site is like night and day compared to the old. The experience with the site is much like sitting at your home computer, though slimmed down and optimized for the BlackBerry experience. Buttons appear and disappear as needed. Menus follow you around the page. Emails looks like they belong in the page, no need to zoom in and scroll left and right.

I am impressed with the mobile site, impressed enough to use it much more often now.

Continue reading Gmail mobile site now in HTML5

LogicMail for BlackBerry becomes a 2.0 beta

LogicMail BlackBerry

Just in time for a great start to 2011, e-mail client LogicMail has now reached a milestone with its latest release two-point-oh, beta. Inspired by the now defunct Mail4ME project, LogicMail provides an alternative to the conventional push e-mail system offered by RIM. As such, it is a dream come true to the evergrowing audience of BlackBerry users without a data plan. And I ask you not to question this very audience – they could be students with a limited budget not able to afford the luxury of having a BlackBerry data plan, people with limited needs trying to get by with a generic data plan or (just like me) people to whom BlackBerry services are simply out of reach. Not only do I hope that 2011 will mark the year when RIM strikes back with a game changer, but also that RIM will continue expanding its products and services to the handful of countries currently left out of the fun. I am sorry; I lost myself there for a moment. Back to LogicMail.

Continue reading LogicMail for BlackBerry becomes a 2.0 beta

miRoamer Free Online and FM/AM Radio For BB

While browsing through App World I came across miRoamer a fully loaded Internet Radio application that allows you to listen to local radio stations AF/AM or stream internet radio. The application is loaded with genres from all over the world.  At this time the application only has BIS, WAP or Wi-FI options for network.  The UI is nice and works well on the 9800 touch screen.
Best of all the application is Free, I know most of you are familiar with Pandora, and Slacker but this will give you a new option. The application uses location to determine local radio stations. Works best over Wi-Fi.

Features from product description:

miRoamer’s Global AM/FM – We gather radio channels from all over the world to bring you the best that radio has to offer. Browse effortlessly through tens of thousands of global radio channels and enjoy the world’s best Internet radio channels.

miRoamer Platinum – miRoamer’s own radio stations with music compiled by radio experts. The result: simply the very best music content for any of our 20 plus Platinum channels.

Content Partners – Access SHOUTcast’s® vast Internet radio directory here, with more specialized Internet radio content partners coming soon.

Tune in to the World by downloading miRoamer on your BlackBerry® now – for FREE!

Supported BlackBerry® products include:

BlackBerry® Torch 9800
BlackBerry® Bold 9700
BlackBerry® Bold 9000
BlackBerry® Pearl 9100
BlackBerry® Curve 8520

NOTE: Application requires latest release of OS 5.0 to be installed. Please check with your Network Service Provider.

To download via App World click Here[qrcode pix=150]http://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/content/7879[/qrcode]

Via: BR

BlackBerry Internet Service 3.2 Details

The rumor is that Blackberry Protect will start running when BIS 3.2 is released.

  • Synchronization with Google calendar – so far we have had (if we had …) the ability to synchronize address book with our Gmail accounts. Since reads 3.2, you can also synchronize your calendar. Note: does not apply to BES users.
  • Improved security – now the password will have to be between 8 and 16 characters long and contain uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers. To date, was required only 6 characters of any kind.
  • Corrected automatic login – users who have had an account through a web page, using the Application Configuration E-mail every time they had to give out your password and login. From now on, when you try to configure access their mailboxes from the device, they will be automatically transferred to the control panel account.
  • Improved interface – WAP users have so far trouble viewing passwords for accounts integrated with the device when you change the active terminals. With BIS 3.2, these users can choose to view the password (instead of marking placed on covering the password), which will enable them to make sure that the entered password is correct
  • Re-validation of Windows Live accounts – now required to re-activate the Windows Live Mail accounts integrated with the device every 360 days and 3 days before the event is sent to the appropriate guide. The BIS 3.2 will also take place one day before the expiry of the account. This situation does not affect users running Windows Live Mail using POP.

Repost YouTube of Application [from a Alliance member http://phantomberry.net]

Continue reading Repost YouTube of Application [from a Alliance member http://phantomberry.net]
Player for YouTube allows you to browse, play, search, share and bookmark YouTube videos on your BlackBerry device with a very easy to use interface.
  • Featured, Popular, Top Rated, Newest and Most Viewed Feeds
  • Playing videos over RTSP Streaming or Wifi and WAP
  • Share video links by email with your friends
  • Search for videos, including saved search history
  • Browse videos by Categories and Tags
  • View user channels
  • Support for High Quality videos
  • New embedded video player, does not launch browser
  • Login to YouTube, view, add and remove favorites
  • Click on YouTube links from other BlackBerry applications