Tag Archives: video

BlackBerry YouTube Video: Flowers by Emily


BlackBerry’s YouTube channel has released a new which features Emily Butcher. She is the owner of Flowers by Emily in Northbridge, Sydney. Her BlackBerry is an essential part of running her business and for keeping in touch with clients, and her friends and family.

QNX BlackBerry ‘Superphone’ Will Have BBM Video Chat Capability?

A new rumor has surfaced that suggests the upcoming QNX BlackBerry ‘Superphone’ will have video chat capabilities. We’ve heard rumors ourselves and even gave you a few specs, which basically suggests the first BlackBerry ‘Superphone’ will be a “Mini-PlayBook”. In the sense that it will nearly be identical to the PlayBook and include a front-facing camera, but of course be much smaller in size.

QNX Superphone to come with front facing camera for BBM Video Chat

The rumors of a BlackBerry coming with a front facing have been around for a long time. Most BlackBerry users (myself included) have been clamoring for this to happen since the first Torch came out. Truthfully these recent BlackBerry 7 devices should’ve come equipped with front facing cameras and chat already, but unfortunately what’s done is done.

Today, sources have reported that RIM is taking the idea of front facing cameras, and video chat integration via BBM, very seriously. Video Chat over the BlackBerry PlayBook works extremely well so we know RIM is capable of doing this efficiently. Let’s hope these rumors end up being true and we can have some awesome video chat capabilities on the new generation of BlackBerry devices.

  • We know what most of you will say, but we’ll ask anyways. Do you want a front facing camera on the new QNX-powered BlackBerry lineup?
  • Will these rumors stop you from getting a BlackBerry 7 device?
  • Let us know in the Comments below we might talk about in our weekly news show.

Continue reading QNX Superphone to come with front facing camera for BBM Video Chat

Samsung ChatOn to bring BBM-like experience to Android, iOS, BlackBerry, bada [video]

Samsung is set to make a big splash with new products during the IFA trade show in Berlin, which kicks off later this week, and the phone maker recently announced a new group text application called ChatOn. The application allows Android, iOS, BlackBerry and bada users to create groups to quickly send and receive group text messages. The service will no doubt compete with BBM, Apple’s iMessage, Google’s Huddle, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and GroupMe, but Samsung is trying to distinguish itself from those other services by offering a more robust feature set. ChatOn lets users to see their most messaged friends, complete with “interaction ranks,” send animated text messages and share photos and videos in a shared group “trunk.”

Read on for a full intro video and press release.

Continue reading Samsung ChatOn to bring BBM-like experience to Android, iOS, BlackBerry, bada

ePhone Anywhere now allows free video and voice calls between PlayBook, PC and Mac users

Comwave ePhone

So last week, we mentioned an alternative to Video Chat on your PlayBook called ePhone. The service extended calls to nearly 60 countries, with free voice and video calling between ePhone users and monthly allotment of minutes for contacting those without ePhone. Check out more details here. Today, they made an announcement that extended their service even further; allowing people to make and receive calls from their Macs and PCs. This extension is – ePhone Anywhere, which is rather fitting.

Their offering now includes:

ePhone: Allows PC and Mac users to make and receive free local and long distance calls to the world for just $20/year, from any computer in the world. No software to install.

ePhone for PlayBook: The PlayBook App that allows you to make and receive free local and long distance calls to the world. For just $20/year, all from your PlayBook.

ePhone Anywhere: This includes the PlayBook App and PC & Mac combined for $30/year.

Many of you have requested the ability to place and receive calls from your PC & Mac computers. Well… we have listened and done one better, it’s called ePhone Anywhere. With ePhone Anywhere, you can make and receive calls from your ePhone PlayBook App AND from any computer in the world, by simply logging into www.comwave.net/ephone. ePhone Anywhere is just $10 more than our regular ePhone and as always, you get your own phone number and free local and long distance calling to 57 countries for a full year.

And more good news… if you don’t own a PlayBook, now ePhone is for you too. For just $20/year, anyone anywhere in the world can use ePhone to make and receive calls from their computer. So spread the word and tell your friends. Video calling is also supported between all ePhone users for free.

Still being in beta, Comwave has acknowledged a known issue in which phonebook entries which are not being saved as requested. They gave a resolution ETA of 1 to 2 weeks. Remember that they give a 3 day free trial, and 100 minutes, to play with before you decide if ePhone is for you.

More information/download ePhone for thr BlackBerry PlayBook[qrcode pix=120]http://nhcbba.com/downloads/ePhone_for_PBook[/qrcode]


RIM Shows Off Law Enforcement Concept Car with BlackBerry PlayBook

police-with-playbook-2 police-with-playbook-3

There has been a very interesting push from RIM to integrate the BlackBerry PlayBook into cars for law enforcement. I have not been able to tell if all of these concepts are related or separate but RIM has shared some info on their latest concept car for “serving and protecting… With a BlackBerry PlayBook. The concept of using a PlayBook with all of its security certifications and BlackBerry integration is a strong argument. I love the mount they have setup in this car and it makes me wish I had a car of my own to try it out on. Until then I highly recommend checking out RIM’s setup if you have any aspirations of creating your own PlayBook connected car. Video of it in action below!

Desktop Video Link | Mobile Video Link


Awesome BlackBerry PlayBook Ad for Airport Domination!

PlayBook AIrport Ad

I am not sure exactly what the story is with this advertisement (Is it new or old? Where is it?) but Gokulesh sent it in to us and I love it. The video was just uploaded by Monster Media and was done in partnership with Starcom and Razorfish. I really want to find this airport and experience some “BlackBerry PlayBook Domination!” The most I have seen about it is MonsterMedia pitching it as one of their non-traditional advertising methods along with their portfolio.

Video below:

Continue reading Awesome BlackBerry PlayBook Ad for Airport Domination!

BlackBerry Curve 9380 Caught on Camera & Video Again

93801 93802

More and more about the unannounced BlackBerry Curve 9380 is coming to light. This is the full touch version of the BlackBerry Curve and it looks hot. Now we have MacBerry.de following up with pictures and a nice video of the device. They also got some of the specs along with the video they captured below:

Continue reading BlackBerry Curve 9380 Caught on Camera & Video Again

BlackBerry Enterprise Express Activation app not supported on BB7 devices

No BES Love for BB7

Update: The Enterprise Activation app now supports all BlackBerry 7 devices including the new Curves. Download it from App World here.

It’s bitter sweet when a brand new series of BlackBerry and OS launches. Sweet because of the excitement of getting that shiny new device in your hands. Nobody was more excited than the fearless leader of the CrackBerry Nation Kevin. I don’t think it could have been clearer in his unboxing video that he more excited than the 6 year old on Christmas morning when he finds that new red bike. For those of you who missed it, go back and watch the video, you can’t fake that love for the BlackBerry.

The bitter part though is many of our favorite apps are not supported on the new series of devices. Today was no different when I went to setup my new Bold 9900. OK so my Audible.com app isn’t working, the Cineplex Mobile app isn’t’ supported, nor is Copy2Contact; but Enterprise Activation for BESX isn’t supported?!?

*Note: The article doesn’t imply that BES isn’t supported by BB7, just that the BlackBerry Enterprise Express Activation app in AppWorld isn’t supported.*


Enterprise Activation Supported Devices

Dear RIM, how am I supposed to activate my new BlackBerry Bold 9900 on a BlackBerry Enterprise Server Express? Do I have to call my carrier and pay an additional $15 on my data plan for the Service Book to be pushed down? RIM you created this app so we didn’t have to do that anymore.

BES support is the bread and butter of the BlackBerry ecosystem, for goodness sakes RIM YOU need to support the devices YOU make.  Please tell me that the guys who work down the hall in the app development department didn’t get the memo on that a new series of BlackBerry smartphones were launching?


BlackBerry Curve 9380 debuts in its very own silent film

A few days ago one of from a forum members we were lucky enough to show off some pictures of the BlackBerry Curve 9380 for us all to see, and now the folks at MacBerry.de have taken it in-front of the camcorder to show it off a little bit more. The video shows off just how small the device is in comparison to some other devices, and while we are still boggled by the naming scheme that RIM has chosen, the device does look like one that will interest quite a number of you. The 3.25″ display is powered by a 800MHz processor with 1GB of flash memory and 512MB of RAM on board. Hit the break to take a glance at some more pictures.

Source: MacBerry.de


Curve Comparison

Curve 9380