Tag Archives: Updated

Free AccuWeather BlackBerry App Updated to v1.1.10

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It has been a long while since the last update to the AccuWeather for BlackBerry app. Janet let us know she just got a notification from App World about an update to v1.1.10. This new update does not include a crazy amount of changes but she did manage to snag the change log:


  • Customizable Home Screen Ribbon settings
  • Facebook status sharing abilities
  • Warning prior to exiting if risk of losing new settings
  • Multiple locations options fixed
  • LED settings fixed
  • State abbreviations fixed

You can pick up the updated AccuWeather app in App World for free[qrcode pix=120]http://nhcbba.com/downloads/AccuWeather[/qrcode]

BlackBerry WebWorks SDK for Smartphones Updated to v2.1.1


Good news for web developers making WebWorks app for BlackBerrys. RIM keeps pushing the platform forward and the latest update brings us to v2.1.1 since the previous update in June. The new version brings APIs and new features including a built in BlackBerry® 7 OS simulator, Web Inspector, Microphone API, Auto injection of Gears-to-HTML5 shim. Here is a breakdown of the features added:


  • BlackBerry® 7 OS simulator – a BlackBerry® Bold™ 9930 simulator running BlackBerry 7 OS device software is now included in the WebWorks SDK download.
  • Web Inspector – As promised in a previous blog post, developers can now use WebKit Web inspector to debug, test and profile Web browser or BlackBerry WebWorks application content running on a live device or simulator.
  • Microphone API – The same API that was recently made available for the BlackBerry WebWorks SDK for Tablet OS can now be used to record WAV audio files in BlackBerry WebWorks applications running on BlackBerry smartphones.
  • Auto injection of Gears-to-HTML5 shim – BlackBerry WebWorks developers that wish to use HTML5 features on BlackBerry 5.0 smartphones no longer need to manually add the Gears-to-HTML JavaScript toolkit to their projects. The BlackBerry WebWorks SDK automatically does this for you.

You can read more about the update on the DevBlog or download it here. There is also some good info on GitHub.

Poynt Updated to v1.2 On the BlackBerry PlayBook

Poynt has rolled out v1.2 of their PlayBook app today. This new version does not have an official changelog sadly but users have been sending in unofficial ones. So far BarracudaBob noticed events and gas added like the smartphone app. Tim let us know that you can now buy movie tickets too. Let us know what else you spot!

You can pick up the new version of Poynt free in App World[qrcode pix=120]http://nhcbba.com/downloads/Poynt[/qrcode]

BlackBerry News App for BlackBerry PlayBook Updated to

RIM updated their BlackBerry News app for the PlayBook today. The new version brings us to v1.1.0.1 along with a host of new features. They add the ability to import your Google Reader subscriptions but I am really hoping they allow for full two way Google Reader sync soon.

New functionality includes:


  • Portrait mode support for all screens
  • “Read” articles are marked as such
  • “New” content indicator on home screen
  • Ability to update channels through data tethering
  • Ability to switch channels in magazine view
  • In the article view, ability to go to previous/next article
  • View a feed immediately after subscribing to it

You can pick up the new version in App World[qrcode pix=120]http://nhcbba.com/downloads/BB_News_for_PB[/qrcode]



Free BlackBerry Mobile Conferencing App Updated to v1.0.0.50 – OS 7 Support


RIM has updated their popular Mobile Conferencing app this week to v1.0.0.50. This new version improves the app with the ability to turn an email into a conference invitation and some other great features. The app remains free and is a sweet download if you use your BlackBerry to connect to conference calls regularly.

The new version adds the following features:

Continue reading Free BlackBerry Mobile Conferencing App Updated to v1.0.0.50 – OS 7 Support

IM+ by SHAPE Updated with Neighbors Service and Russian Support

SHAPE Services let us know that IM+ for BlackBerry has been updated to version 9.0 and this most recent update brings a lot more features for Russian users. The IM+ app has been a very popular download as it lets you connect all of your favorite IM services and interact with them in a single application. In this most recent update, IM+ features:

  • Neighbors service is out of beta
  • VKontakte & Yandex IM services are now supported
  • IM+ is now also offered in Russian
  • SMS+ service is no longer supported
  • Bug fixes and performance optimization

The neighbors service is really interesting as it offers users the opportunity to find new real life connections and friends with common interests.

Head over to the SHAPE Services site for more information

Download the app[qrcode pix=150]http://nhcbba.com/downloads/IM+[/qrcode]

FourSquare For BlackBerry Updated – BBM Integration is Back!

A few weeks ago, we seen a alpha version of Foursquare v3 that included BBM integration, but had a limited access to the integration. An official version was released (v3.0.2) days later, which had BBM integration removed. Today, Foursquare has been officially updated to v3.1, which brings back BBM integration!

via: bbos

Download BBHTool

BBHTool Alpha Findings/Fixes [Updated Weekly/Daily]

For those that are interested in trying “alpha” versions of BBHTool…
Here is an alpha version of BBHTool that brings some new features including PlayBook .bar installation/removal

With this I hope to bring further testing for the Install-A-Hybrid feature and the Phone Tools tabs, as well as fixing any issues with the PlayBook tab and any bugs/features we can fix/add in the meantime
Ultimately I want to make this an all in one tool for your PlayBook/BlackBerry and I’m lookign for your input to do so

Please note: things may be broken! If they are, please report them here so I can take a look.

download here: http://www.theiexplorers.com/BBHTool-Alpha.zip
Current: Alpha 3

Alpha 3

– Added App Read button to PlayBook
– Added save App Read/Device Info to .txt buttons
– Added launch .BAR after install option
– Added progress bar to PlayBook tab
– Added .APK installer for Android/Android Player on PlayBook
– Fixed mutliple .BAR un/installation
– Various GUI changes/fixes


Things to try:
– .apk/.bar installing (more than one at a time if possible)
.apk uninstalling doesnt seem to work on android player for PB, so that won’t work
Note 2: Remote .apk install doesn’t work just yet (last piece to finish for release)

Known bugs:
– .apk uninstalling doesnt seem to work on android player for PB, so that won’t work
– Remote .apk install doesn’t work just yet (last piece to finish for release)
– Save .cods throws an error after

Plans for future releases:
– install it feature (after completion)
OTA Downloader
– download OTAs without a .jad ending
– Finish Install-A-Hybrid tab and explain how builders can implement
– Finish feature to “Install Hybrid” in Build-a-Hybrid
– Radio swap – offline mode
Phone Tools
– Backup apps to .alx file / add option to backup RIM apps as well
– Restore apps from .alx or .jad
– Phone dump: zip/upload
– Saving .cod files crash
– System read: version/file size
– (Un)Install multiple .bars
– Update Latest Hybrids button (implement other sites)

Thanks in advance and I look forward to improving BBH Tool for you


ScrapBook For PlayBook Updated To v1.1.0.4

One the coolest app for the BlackBerry PlayBook is Scrapbook, this app allows you to create some fun slides with your picture collection and the graphics included. Version includes the following new features:

  • Share Scrapbooks on facebook wall
  • New postcard and summer themes
  • Multitasking
  • Delete scrapbooks

To download use the following app world Link or simply check your app world if you already the app.[qrcode pix=150]http://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/content/42721?lang=en[/qrcode]

via: bbreview

NHCBBA is apart of The Hawk Smartphone News Radio