Tag Archives: unlock

Unlocking a BlackBerry that has been locked by operator (Directions)

The BlackBerry shows the error message “SIM Card Rejected”, and a SIM Card is inserted that is from another country than where the BlackBerry was purchased.

The BlackBerry must be unlocked; the user must contact the service provider from which the BlackBerry is purchased to get a code that will unlock the phone.

BlackBerrys with a QWERTY keyboard(83xx, 87xx, 88xx, 9xxx)

  • Insert SIM card
  • Start the BlackBerry and turn off the antenna (Turn Wireless Off/Manages Connections). This is very important!
  • Go to “Options” and “Advanced Options”
  • Scroll down to “SIM Card”
  • Type “MEPD” (you will NOT be able to see what you are typing). The combination is [M][E][P][D]
  • Type “MEPD2” (you will NOT be able to see what you are typing). The combination is [M][E][P][D]alt[2]
  • Enter the code you’ve been given by your previous service provider
  • Press “Enter”
  • Restart the BlackBerry and turn on the antenna

BlackBerrys with Sure-Type keyboard (81xx, 82xx)

  • Insert SIM card
  • Start the BlackBerry and turn off the antenna (Turn Wireless Off/Manages Connections). This is very important!
  • Go to “Options” and “Advanced Options”
  • Scroll down to “SIM Card”
  • Type “MEPPD” (you will NOT be able to see what you are typing). The combination is [M][ER][OP][OP][DF]
  • Type “MEPP2” (you will NOT be able to see what you are typing).The combination is [M][ER][OP][OP] alt [2]
  • Enter the code you’ve been given by your previous service provider
  • Press “Enter”
  • Restart the BlackBerry and turn on the antenna

The BlackBerry should now be unlocked.


It's a bird, it's a plane! It's Superhero Solo, here to protect your device and data!

superhero solo

Hey, I kid a bit with the title, but most of us are very serious about device and data security, as evidenced by the plethora of apps and services that aim to help. I’ve covered a couple in recent weeks, Find My Phone and BuddyGuard Pro, both of which are solid options when it comes to this particular area of smartphone ownership, and of course most people are already aware of SmrtGuard and everything they provide. This one happens to be a free service (1 year) that does a lot of the same things, but for a price tag that is significantly lower (read zero). Some of the options available:

  • Remote phone lock / unlock protects your phone and data
  • Phone contact back up / restore allows you to recover vital data
  • Phone locks automatically after an unauthorised SIM card change
  • Device Siren makes the phone a risk to handle
  • Incoming calls allowed to lost or stolen phone when locked
  • Calls to Yougetitback.com allowed from lost or stolen phone to encourage returns
  • Autolock functions lock phone following unusual usage
  • Inactivity/call pattern/country dialling/roaming locks

As you can see, it stacks up pretty well against the others, my personal favorite feature being the fact you can set a “profile” of suspicious behavior which will cause the device to lock automatically. Available for all devices running 4.2.1 OS and up, you can grab it today from App World and give it a spin for yourself.

Rogers Set To Carry BlackBerry Torch 9800 In White (Exclusively)?

112474 blackberrytorch9800 300x297 Rogers Set To Carry BlackBerry Torch 9800 In White (Exclusively)?

So far, Canadians are left to either pick up an AT&T branded Torch and unlock it for use on whichever network they’re on, or to simply wait. With Telus, Virgin Mobile, and Bell set to launch it in a month or so, we’re still left without any specific launch information from Rogers, besides that they will carry it. A new rumor has surfaced today, stating Rogers will also launch a white version of the new device from RIM, though no confirmation has been provided as of yet. Maybe this is what the ‘Rogers exclusivity rumor’ was hinting at a month or two ago?

Rogers has basically had exclusivity on the white versions of most handsets from RIM, at least for a limited time, so it would make sense that they would launch this variation as well. According to tip-offs, the white version should launch shortly after that standard black version, but since we still don’t know when that will be, we’re stuck waiting a little bit longer.

What do you think about a Torch 9800 in white? Personally, I would be interested to see a white variation of this device without the pearl-type finish.

[ via BerryFix ]

T-Mobile Denying Service to Storm Devices? [from a Alliance member http://www.berryreporter.com]

logo tmobile 300x89 T Mobile Denying Service to Storm Devices?The folks over at CrackBerry have been getting reports that many Storm users on T-Mobile are no longer able to get service. Now even though the BlackBerry Storm is a Verizon Wireless device, people can still unlock their BlackBerry Storm device them to make them work on other carriers such as T-mobile.  However, looks like T-mobile is finding a way to make it so current Storm users no longer get service on that device. Seems like every time a Storm owner on T-Mobile calls their customer service they get a message saying there device is not supported. Let me know if you are having the same problem down below