Tag Archives: United Arab Emirates

Gist for BlackBerry Gets Big Update & Support for More Countries

RIM purchase Gist a bit back as a way to create a social address book for BlackBerrys. Quite a few people were excited about what this could mean but it keeps on getting better. Gist just released a new version of their app (For OS 6.0 only) that first of all expands the app beyond the US and Canada. It is now available in :

  • Australia
  • India
  • New Zealand
  • Nigeria
  • Philippines
  • Singapore
  • South Africa
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United Kingdom

They have also bulked up the app which now allows you to connect to Twitter, Facebook, and Google Apps (Including Gmail, Google Apps, Google Calendar, and Google Contacts) to bring all of your contacts to one place in one app.

You can pick up this latest version of Gist in App World now[qrcode pix=180]http://nhcbba.com/downloads/Gist[/qrcode]

Thanks to everyone that sent this in!

via: bbreview

FilmOn Live TV – Free Mobile WiFi Streaming Of International News Channels & More!

FilmOn Live TV   Free Mobile WiFi Streaming Of International News Channels & More!

Edwin let me know about a website he came across called FilmOn. At first glance this website only seems available for desktop computers, iPads and Droid devices but a quick visit with the BlackBerry Browser presents you with a mobile-optimized website. The mobile site allows you to stream live TV using your BlackBerry’s WiFi connection and includes channels like CBS LA, KTTV Fox, Ion Life, NBC HD, Sky News, BBC News, CNN International and more.

Most of the channels available in the United States seem to be West coast based but there are international channels with a focus on specific countries like Spain, Russia and Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. I have to mention that FilmOn does offer certain explicit channels that are extremely NSFW and should only be viewed if you’re 18 years of age or whatever the age requirement is for your locale. These explicit channels should be viewed at your own risk, NHCBBA.com, bb.nhcbb.com or nhcbb.com is not responsible for your actions.

That being said, if you want to check it out go to filmon.com from your BlackBerry browser to be redirected to the mobile website. I’ve confirmed the live streaming to work smoothly on BlackBerry devices running OS 6.0 but do not know how it will work on devices running earlier OS versions. If you decide to check it out be sure to let me know how it works for you in the comments!

Thanks @tmobb4life!

BlackBerry encryption, time to talk turkey

BlackBerry with open padlock

With all the news these days of about encryption on the BlackBerry solution there is a great amount of misunderstood reporting in the media on just what is at stake between RIM and governments of the world. I’m not going to pretend that this article will be the ultimate encryption thesis it’s my hope to explain things plainly and clearly.

Continue reading BlackBerry encryption, time to talk turkey

Germany Flirts With BlackBerry Ban

Hasselhoff with BlackBerry

Government contracts are a big part of BlackBerry’s business in the U.S. If President Obama’s constant use of the device is not evidence enough, senator John McCain was once attributed as the phone’s inventor. But that’s not the case in Germany, at least for much longer. There, the government announced today that due to a “dramatic” increase in cyber attacks, its ministers and senior civil servants were ordered not to use BlackBerry and iPhone devices.

The announcement comes following an “urgent” recommendation by federal IT security agency BSI, which suggested the German government switch to Simko devices offered by Deutsche Telekom. Interior minister Thomas de Maiziere explained that “a rise in attacks against our networks and in particular against government networks” has led officials to reconsider whether the smartphones’ security was aligned with its own. “BlackBerry’s infrastructure is a company-owned closed system,” he said. “But the access standard must be capable of being set by the government and not by a private company.”

Continue reading Germany Flirts With BlackBerry Ban

Saudi says deal reached on BlackBerry services!

A Saudi customer is served in a mobile shop at a market in the capital Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Thursday, Aug. 5, 2010. Some Saudis are trying to sell their BlackBerrys ahead of a ban on the smart phone’s messenger service in the kingdom _ but with few willing to buy, they’re having to slash

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — Saudi Arabia and the makers of the BlackBerry smartphone have reached a deal on accessing users’ data that will avert a ban on the phone’s messenger service, a Saudi official said Saturday.

The agreement, involving placing a BlackBerry server inside Saudi Arabia, would allow the government to monitor users’ messages and allay official fears the service could be used for criminal purposes, the official said.

The deal could have wide-ranging implications for several other countries, including India and the United Arab Emirates, which have expressed similar concerns over how BlackBerry maker Research in Motion Ltd., handles data.

The Saudi regulatory official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the details of the deal with the media, said tests were now under way to determine how to install a BlackBerry server inside the country.

Continue reading Saudi says deal reached on BlackBerry services!

Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton Discussing BlackBerry Ban With Middle Eastern Governments

Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton Discussing BlackBerry Ban With Middle Eastern Governments

The looming BlackBerry ban by countries in the Middle East is becoming a very hot issue to the point where the United States is now getting politically involved. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is apparently in discussions about the proposed ban with U.S. “partners” in the United Arab Emirates:

“We have been in touch with our partners in the U.A.E. on this matter,” Clinton said at a press conference. “It involves a very complex set of issues that we’re working on with other countries as well.”

The U.A.E. has voiced concerns about protecting national security in light of encryption that enables BlackBerry users to communicate with each other privately.

“There is a legitimate security concern,” Clinton said, “but there’s also a legitimate right of free use and access.”

I think I prefer Mike Lazaridis’ response. What do you think? You can expect a lot more news coverage on this topic as the discussions progress and I’ll be posting up the highlights here on NHCBBA.com.

via Bloomberg

BlackBerry Users in UAE Get Free Smartphone After Shutdown

Some BlackBerry users in the United Arab Emirates will get to choose a new, free replacement smartphone as a result of the U.A.E. government’s decision to suspend data services on Research In Motion’s smartphones, mobile operator Etisalat announced on Tuesday.

On Sunday, Etisalat was told by the United Arab Emirate Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) to suspend BlackBerry services providing e-mail, Web browsing, instant messaging and social networking from Oct. 11 until the services are in line with the country’s telecommunications regulations. However, if an acceptable solution is provided before then, it is possible the services will continue uninterrupted, according to an Etisalat FAQ.

Currently, Etisalat offers a number of different BlackBerry packages to its users, so the replacement phone will depend on the user’s service level. For example, subscribers to its Unlimited Global will get a free new phone. However, subscribers to its cheaper packages will have to pay extra to get the most advanced phones.

Replacement phone users can choose from an unspecified version of the iPhone, the Samsung Galaxy S, Sony Ericsson’s Xperia X10 mini and mini pro, as well as a number of Nokia phones.

Etisalat’s users can also get up to 550 local voice minutes per month free.

Each existing BlackBerry package will also get a corresponding base package, which includes data and SMS (Short Message Service) and MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) messages.

To qualify for the offers, users will also have to sign up for a 12-month contact, according to Etisalat.

Report: RIM Agrees to UAE Monitoring Request

A day after the United Arab Emirates threatened to suspend some BlackBerry services for fear they are a threat to national security, Research In Motion (RIMM) is taking steps to allay those concerns. First, it released a statement emphasizing its commitment to security.

“RIM respects both the regulatory requirements of government and the security and privacy needs of corporations and consumers,” the statement reads. “RIM does not disclose confidential regulatory discussions that take place with any government. However, RIM assures its customers that it is committed to continue delivering highly secure and innovative products.”

Second, it met with UAE authorities and offered to give them the information they need to monitor BlackBerry services.

“After some persuasion, the (BlackBerry) representative agreed that they can provide the Metadata of the message ie the IP address of the Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES) and PIN & IMEI of the BlackBerry mobile,” internal notes from the meeting reveal. “The concerned internet service provider can also tell the location of the services as well. From these information, the security agencies can easily locate the BES and obtain the decrypted message. They also stated that they have a setup to help the security agencies in tracking the messages in which security agencies are interested in.”