Tag Archives: UI

Foursquare for BlackBerry v3.2.1 Released with BBM & UI Improvements

Foursquare has released another incremental update to their hugely popular BlackBerry app. The latest version brings them to v3.2.1. According to the change log scored by PocketBerry this update includes some improvements for BBM and their interface. The full change log includes:


  • Improved handling and performance with connections to all terminals BBM
  • Changed the appearance of screens and reports
  • Amendments on the acquisition of our location
  • The amendments take into account the device with a higher screen resolution
  • Minor fixes minor bugs and optimization

You can pick up the updated version of Foursquare in App World[qrcode pix=180]http://nhcbba.com/downloads/Foursquare[/qrcode]

What’s with the Kiddish BlackBerry 7 Icons RIM?

It’s been a couple of days now since I got my BlackBerry 9900 and it’s truly every die hard BlackBerry fan’s dream phone. While I could go on about all the vast improvement I have seen considering I was still rocking my old Bold, I will opt to sum up the entire improvements with two words, NO LAG!  RIM has kept its word on improving the overall performance of these new BlackBerry smartphones and customers will show their appreciation by buying these new phones. But one thing seems to be bugging me about my new BlackBerry 9900.

Continue reading What’s with the Kiddish BlackBerry 7 Icons RIM?

BlackBerry Torch 9850 and 9860: 5 things you should know

BlackBerry Torch 9850 and 9860 smartphones

I’m happy to tell you about two new BlackBerry® 7 OS smartphones announced today, the all-touch BlackBerry® Torch™ 9850 and 9860 smartphones. #TeamBlackBerry members in North America will be able to purchase the BlackBerry Torch 9860 smartphone from AT&T, Rogers, Telus and Bell, and the BlackBerry Torch 9850 smartphone from Sprint and U.S. Cellular. For more details on pricing and international availability, make sure to check out our BlackBerry Torch product page or contact your local carrier.

To ensure you have our patented Inside BlackBerry insight into these sweet all-touch BlackBerry 7 OS smartphones, I tapped Product Managers Sangita and Troy to list the 5 things you need to know about the BlackBerry Torch 9850 and 9860. Take it away, Sangita and Troy!

Continue reading BlackBerry Torch 9850 and 9860: 5 things you should know

Canada Post Mobile App updated: Major UI overhaul

Maybe the recent postal strike delayed this update, but I’m happy to say that Canada Post has updated their app today. This update, v3.1, brings a major UI overhaul & brings an important new feature: Postal Code Search.

If you’ve never used Canada Post Mobile App, you’ll be happy to know that it has many features:

Canada Post Mobile App gives you access to some of the the most popular tools on canadapost.ca. You can now create your own personalized stamps with Picture Postage, Track a Package and Find a Post Office anywhere in Canada.Use Picture Postage by taking a picture with your device, or access any photos that you have stored on your camera roll — share life’s precious moments, create your own stamp!

Use Track a Package to track and check the status of your items. You can give the item a name and save it in the app (e.g., Mom’s package), so you can easily keep track of it until it is delivered.

Use Find a Post Office to locate the nearest Canada Post retail outlets, based on your GPS coordinates or an address that you enter.



TweetCaster for BlackBerry enters beta stages

Tweetcaster for BlackBerry

Although Seesmic may have given up their efforts for the BlackBerry platform that doesn’t mean there isn’t plenty of other developers out there ready to go ahead and fill their void. Tweetcaster has now re-launched their Twitter client for BlackBerry in beta form. Yes, I say re-launched because the app they released before was scrapped in favor of a new UI and additional features such as multiple account support, image uploads and list integration.

You can download the app now for free but it will cost you a Tweet basically promoting the release of the new application. If you’re into checking out new Twitter apps, give this one a go and let us know how it’s working for you all.

Learn more and download TweetCaster for BlackBerry[qrcode pix=170]http://www.handmark.com/applications/tweetcaster/blackberry/login.php[/qrcode]


BlueBox for BlackBerry PlayBook rolls out v1.2

BlueBox for BlackBerry PlayBook rolls out v1.2

BlueBox has finally rolled out their latest update for BlackBerry PlayBook owners looking to access their DropBox accounts. Now sitting at v1.2 BlueBox has become a great alternative to a official DropBox application. Granted, out of the gates it was totally rough around the edges but with a new UI now in place, the ability to zip and unzip files as well as an well inetgrated file browser — BlueBox is getting better with each release. If you’ve tried BlueBox in the past and weren’t happy with it, then by all means — give it another go. This round of bug fixes and overall enhancements has done the app well.

Download BlueBox for the BlackBerry PlayBook


New BlackBerry Traffic Beta Available in BlackBerry Beta Zone

Word just came in of a new BlackBerry Traffic Beta opening up in the BlackBerry Beta Zone. Since the beginning of the BlackBerry Beta Zone it has been obvious that RIM cares about our opinions in the development of native apps. From the Beta Zone have come out some super solid apps like BlackBerry Protect, BlackBerry Travel, and finally BlackBerry Traffic as well as many improvements to BBM, Twitter for BlackBerry and Facebook for BlackBerry.

In this latest version of BlackBerry Traffic ( we see certain upgrades like:

Updated Maps

Obviously in GPS program having the latest map data is essential. The BlackBerry Beta Development team has also used all the testers feedback to account for new roads, better route selection and improve the accuracy of ETA and traffic data.

  • Over a million new searchable addresses
  • Thousands of miles of new back roads
  • Dozens of new highway construction projects
  • Over a 130,000 miles of verified speed limits

Added “Exit” option to the BlackBerry menu screen

An “Exit” option has been added to quickly close the program instead of having to back out of each individual screen one by one like in previous versions.

“App not responding” issues on BlackBerry Storm 2 devices has been fixed

Possibly the most annoying part of this program for many Storm 2 users has finally been fixed. No more sudden interruptions in the service of the application and hopefully it stays like this for good.

Minor UI updates and improvements

Any avid user of BlackBerry Traffic, like myself, will notice some minor UI tweaks in this latest release.

This update doesn’t contain anything too crazy but it is great to see them constantly work to improve an already awesome application. If you haven’t already join the BlackBerry Beta Zone and let your voice be heard.



RIM working with YOU i Labs to bring the UI to the next level?

RIM and YOU i Labs

It looks like RIM is reaching out to YOU i Labs in an effort to develop the UI or future smartphones and tablets. YOU i Labs is a Canadian company that is responsible for building “inspirational user interfaces” – prodiving a natural UI framework and software services. The result is an incredibly smooth and interactive experience to start. According to their website, roughly 500 million devices in the market are running YOU i Labs developed software; could BlackBerry be added to that list? A low rumbling of rumours in the intertubes suggests a partnering between RIM and YOU i Labs.

Some of the products of YOU i Labs includes uSwish – a graphical UI platform that supports Haptics, Multi-touch, Gestures, Physics and Stereoscopic 3D. A look at the Embedded OS support list reveals that it includes QNX (hmm). Another product is isGPU (Intelligent Software Graphics Processor Unit) which is a set of libraries for 3D and 2D graphics. It brings the benefit of amazing rendering power over OS /platforms graphics support. For developers and hardware manufacturers, it gives them an OS independent graphic solution (lessening app porting costs and marketing time). Coincidently QNX is also supported (double hmm).

Now check this out – the PlayBook UI was designed by Teknision; another Canadian company which also works with YOU i Labs (triple hmm). Could these be the pieces falling into place that will allow us to see QNX powering BlackBerry smartphones? Last year, RIM acquired TAT with hopes to strengthen the design of its UI. If RIM is looking to compete with other devices /tablets (and hopefully silence critics) with a truly unique interface and experience then this partnership may be a step in the right direction.

Source: GIGAOM


SugarnSync For BlackBerry 2.0 Update Has an Improved UI and New Features

Single largest update to application since it was first developed

SugarSync Logo

If you’re unfamiliar with SugarSync, it is a file back & sharing service similar to that of DropBox.  I say similar because I have come to be a true believer that SugarSync is superior to DropBox.  We’ve written about it in the past and like many I glazed over and thought “Oh whatever, DropBox is better” and did so without really looking at what SugarSync offered.  At CES2011 I met with Robb from SugarSync and bluntly asked “Why do you think SugarSync is better than DropBox?”  To my surprise I was given an answer I wasn’t prepared for from Robb, “DropBox is GREAT!  We’ll even back that folder up for you!”  With that bizarre answer, he had my attention and I looked further.

Continue reading SugarnSync For BlackBerry 2.0 Update Has an Improved UI and New Features

BeBuzz Free updated to version 4 – Adds toasts, disco LED and more

BeBuzz BeBuzz

The folks at Bellshare let us know they have update the free version of their best selling app Be-Buzz to version 4. The updates bring the UI of the free version up to date with that of the paid app as well as some additional features. Users of BeBuzz free now have the ability to add up to 5 contact alerts (instead of 3), use Toasts and create custom disco LED colors. So if you’ve been on the fence about using BeBuzz at all, the latest free version gives you a much better taste of what the app offers. The full version of BeBuzz has also been updated to version 4.0.77 and includes additional support for third party apps like LiveProfile, ScoreMobile, GroupMe and more. Also added is the ability to suppress the default red LED.  NHCBBA uses this app and it helps a lot to show us when we get certain msgs we want..

More information/download of BeBuzz free