Tag Archives: TV

BlackBerry PlayBook Commercial Shows Off BlackBerry Bridge

We all know BlackBerry’s marketing department isn’t the greatest, specially when it comes to commercials. We all know how long it took for a PlayBook commercial to finally hit the airways and truth be told these commercials have left lots to be desired when compared to other competitors’ tablets’ commercials. Well there’s a new commercial that’s making its way on TV. This time, RIM highlights the awesome BlackBerry Bridge benefit of owning both a PlayBook and BlackBerry smartphone. About time too as this should’ve been one of the top selling points to drive current BlackBerry owners to not only buy the RIM tablet but also stay with their BlackBerry smartphones as a whole.

Check out the video above and let us know your thoughts the COMMENTS below..

via: cb

Free TV Guide App with Social TV Listings and Calendar Integration

social tv guideThere’s a cool new app in App World by InfoStretch Corp. that gives you up-to-date TV schedules as well as the ability to share what you’re watching with your social networks. The app looks a lot like the Miso service which lets you checkin to your favorite entertainment. With TV Guide, you get access to the following features:

  • Simple & Easy To Use App
  • Listing Of TV Schedule
  • View Program Information
  • Search for TV Shows
  • Set Reminders for Favorite TV Shows
  • Share Programs Via BBM, Twitter, Facebook & Linkedin
  • Set Favorite Channels

Check out the free social TV Guide app in App World[qrcode pix=150]Free TV Guide App with Social TV Listings and Calendar Integration[/qrcode]

via: bbcool

BlackBerry Pushcast Has More Value in Consumer Than Enterprise


blackberry puschastAs RIM considers the Consumer side, is there a “Killer App” waiting in the wings?In its continuing campaign to adjust to the new market reality, RIM is considering the consumer side while learning how to balance that with its continuing success in enterprise markets. RIM now understand that although enterprise isn’t dead, the consumer market has already surpassed it in volume and revenue opportunities. Ignoring this fact is a recipe for disaster and RIM isn’t about to make that mistake during its time of transition.

Continue reading BlackBerry Pushcast Has More Value in Consumer Than Enterprise

Fake of the Week: Knockoff Torch looks just like the real thing (kind of)


Fake BlackBerry Torch

It’s been quite a while seen we’ve seen a good fake BlackBerry, but Scott let us know that he spotted this knockoff BlackBerry Torch. It looks almost as good as the real thing – complete with slider, trackpad and Torch branding on the back – but this fake also sports some dual-SIM action, TV, Wifi, Bluetooth and more. As you can see from the photos it’s not running a legit BlackBerry OS however, so if that is something you need then you might want to pick up the real thing. Keep reading for a few more images or check it out for yourself. Thanks Scott!

Continue reading Fake of the Week: Knockoff Torch looks just like the real thing (kind of)

RIM is Working on a ‘BlackBerry Media Box’ Similar to Apple TV?

This was posted back June 30th 2011

blackberry media box RIM is Working on a BlackBerry Media Box Similar to Apple TV?


Go a head and take this one with a grain of salt as we try to gain more information. However, the same source who helped us exclusively break the first stories on the ‘BlackPad’ (back in May 2010) now known as the BlackBerry PlayBook, as well as the BlackBerry Presenter and many more, has passed on some information to us regarding a ‘BlackBerry Media Box’. Our source made it clear, however, that the BlackBerry Media Box would likely be less consumer focused than Apple TV, but you may still find 3rd party services integration.

We’re told this BlackBerry Media Box seems to be a crossover of the BlackBerry Presenter and a set top box like Apple TV. Interestingly enough, it is said the BlackBerry Media Box is based on similar hardware as the BlackBerry PlayBook. It should even be powered by the QNX operating system. Our guess is we could see this product released by late 2011, but don’t hold us to it. Details are slim, regardless we figured you’d like to know at least something about a possible BlackBerry product. We’ll definitely continue to inform you as we receive further information.


Presidential Candidate Ron Paul: "BlackBerry"

Ho, boy! The blogosphere is on fire after US Representative Ron Paul (R-Texas) proclaimed to the world that he’d choose BlackBerry over the iPhone any day. Okay, maybe not on fire, perhaps a low simmer. Last night, CNN hosted the first major debate of the Grand Old Party (that’s the Republicans for those of you keeping score at home) primary season in preparation for our upcoming Presidential Election. But let’s back up a bit for our worldwide audience.

If you’re not familiar with American politics, you should know our Presidential elections won’t be until November 2012 (coincidently, it’s on my birthday that year). Politicians seem to like making this process longer and longer and longer each year. Thus, we have the primary debates start a full 17 months before the actual election. And the primaries are just to decide who the Republicans and Democrats will announce as their candidates for the actual election. But I digress.

During the televised debate, CNN moderator John King asked Rep. Paul, “Blackberry or iPhone.” Without hesitation, Rep. Paul looks right into the camera and states without equivocation, “BlackBerry.” Or at least he would have if CNN had been able to figure out which person on stage was Ron Paul.

Whatever your political leanings, it’s always nice to hear your name on TV. While it’s not exactly “NHCBBA,” we’ll take it nonetheless. Word on the street is that Representative Anthony Weiner (D-New York) also prefers BlackBerry, but that’s probably just because it has a better camera.

via:cnn , cb

NFB Films app shares Canadian films, still hoards Jos Louis

The National Film Board of Canada is “Canada’s Public film producer and distributor”. For over 70 years it has delivered thousands of unique documentaries, animated films and more to the world. Growing up, I loved watching many of their children’s features on TV. I’m now able to watch them whenever I want through the NFB Films application on my BlackBerry PlayBook. Yes, I can even watch William Shatner sing O Canada over and over again. Through the app, you are able to watch over 2000 films; which are encoded in MPEG 4 H.264 at 56k, 415k and 1000k. In the application you can search through featured films as well as search by channel or title. If you have found a film that you’d like to “dog ear”, NFB Films includes a Favourites section.

It only takes a few seconds to open up channel listings and start watching movies. The application allows you to view films in (almost) full screen mode, or stay in the original view where you can see the film synopsis and details to the left. You’re also able to pick any point in the film to skip forward or back to. I’m glad that RIM has included this application on the PlayBook. I’ve you haven’t had a chance to check it out, go make some popcorn, dim the lights and enjoy. If you have removed it, you can reinstall it for free from Blackberry App World.

More information/download NFB Films for the BlackBerry PlayBook


Watch TV on your BlackBerry PlayBook with HBO GO & MAX GO

Anytime between 8 am to 5 pm, the sounds coming from my TV are usually that of My Little Pony or Bubble Guppies thanks to my 4 yr old taking possession of it. I usually try to cram as many of my DVR shows in as possible during her naptime but with so many to catch up on, it can take me weeks to get caught up. Now, thanks to my subscription to HBO through my cable provider (I have Comcast), I can catch up on shows & movies via my BlackBerry PlayBook. Cinemax also appears to have the same setup going on.

According to both the HBO GO & MAX GO websites, BlackBerry devices are not listed as being compatible. I’m here to tell you that doesn’t appear to be correct. As you can see in the video above, I had no problem running the HBO GO website content on my PlayBook. I don’t subscribe to Cinemax so I was unable to test that one out. For anyone who does have Cinemax and has tried it out, comment below and let us know if it works! Hopefully more of the premium channels will follow suit and have sites like these available soon.

More information of HBO GO
More information of MAX GO

Comcast launches Xfinity 3G / 4G MiFi for $25

Comcast teamed up with Clearwire to bring WiMAX to the masses a couple of years ago, and now the company is jumping on the bandwidth-sharing bandwagon by offering a mobile hotspot. It’s the same Novatel 3G/4G MiFi from Sprint that’s been putting internet access in our pockets for a month, only this one sports an Xfinity badge and cheaper price tag. While the Now Network version costs $80, Comcast’s Internet 2go customers get the device for $25 on a one-year contract. Plus service is only $40 a month for the same Clearwire coverage that costs $50 from Sprint. Sounds like a winning WiMAX combination to us.

Continue reading Comcast launches Xfinity 3G / 4G MiFi for $25

TAT Demos Stereoscopic 3D PlayBook Media App!


TAT is always pushing the envelope with BlackBerry PlayBook apps first with their scrapbook app that they just released. They continued that trend with a stereoscopic 3D app that plays media and games that really impressed me. Its hard to convey what what happening since you had to be wearing 3D glasses to view it. Still it came out pretty good on my camera.

IMG_3466 IMG_3468

TAT was asked if the app is going to be made public but said that is up to us. Simply ask for just like we did for the scrapbook app. I just want it to be able to view 3D movies on my TV using my PlayBook. The crazy part is I tried playing a 3D movie on my PC and it didn’t was jagged and skipped. The PlayBook is playing it at 60fps without skipping at all.

Continue reading TAT Demos Stereoscopic 3D PlayBook Media App!