Tag Archives: Torch 9800 slider

RIM’s BlackBerry Device Roadmap for 2010?

I am not sure what information RBC analyst Mike Abramsky was using to develop this road-map put out by Business Insider but the info looks in line with what we currently know. He marks the Bold (Torch?) 9800 slider coming out for AT&T in Aug 2010 which is a bit later than the July-ish release date we were hearing before. The device will be exclusive to AT&T for 6 months which might add some contention like the Bold 9000 launch. It is also right on schedule with what we have been hearing about the release of OS 6 with the new WebKit browser.

A Few More Photos Of The BlackBerry Bold/Torch 9800 Slider, I Spy A T-Mobile SIM Card

I know continuously posting new photos of the BlackBerry Bold/Torch 9800 slider device is a big tease but I (and I know many of you) just can’t get enough of it. It’s not every day RIM works on a new form factor and operating system.

These bunch of photos come to us again courtesy of BerryTimes.cn. In them you get another good look at its hardware and a side view comparison between the Storm2 9520 and Bold 9700. If you ask me the Bold 9800 is looking pretty solid but we won’t know for sure till we get to play with it.

Note: BerryTimes.cn included a photo showing the T-Mobile SIM card in the first bunch of photos but I failed to mention it then so I figured I would this time. Exciting!

Possible Name Change: Bold 9800 (slider) may instead launch as the BlackBerry Torch 9800; Should RIM add a new product family?

We’ve already seen plenty of pre-release photos and videos of the RIM’s upcoming BlackBerry slider device, which according to the operating system’s about screen pegs the device model number as the BlackBerry 9800. We’ve even seen the device carry the Bold branding on the hardware itself (stamped Bold onto the back of the device beside the camera), which pretty much makes it a no-brainer the slider would be marketed under the name BlackBerry Bold 9800. However, the BlackBerry Bold 9800 name isn’t a done deal just yet.

Apparently RIM has been debating whether or not they should launch the slider as part of the BlackBerry Bold family or instead launch a new product family for the slider. The new name? BlackBerry Torch. We’ve received multiple tips on the ‘ole CrackBerry hotline relaying word that the new slider from RIM, which will launch with BlackBerry 6, may ultimately carry the BlackBerry Torch name rather than Bold. A little digging confirmed the Torch name is being seriously considered (though it doesn’t seem like the decision is quite final just yet). I wonder if RIM’s affair with the Torch name came about when they acquired Torch Mobile (the company/team responsible for the new WebKit browser) or if it was the 2010 Olympics that inspired it? While the change of branding decision may still be a bit up in the air, we have heard that some slider devices are already being manufactured down in RIM’s plant in Guadalajara, Mexico carrying the Torch branding and a quick WhoIs search on the BlackBerryTorch.com domain name does reveal that Research in Motion registered it back in April. In other words, this isn’t random speculation.