Tag Archives: theme

RIM Boils Down their BlackBerry Smartphone Core Values for Us

BlackBerry Ethos

A friend of mine pointed out something interesting about the slide deck RIM put up during their BlackBerry 7 device launch in the UK and Canada. RIM kindly posted the slide deck on SlideShare and it really boils down RIM’s smartphone core values, strategy, and even ethos into two slides. The first highlights how “BlackBerry Just Works” and I think if you take those 5 examples RIM puts out of how it “Just Works” you clearly see how the BlackBerry 7 portfolio improves on it.

Continue reading RIM Boils Down their BlackBerry Smartphone Core Values for Us

Welcome a new Theme Producer of Ladies Themes (SweetBBtreats.com) To the Alliance

Sweetbbtreats; We will be posting all types of girlie wallies for your Blackberry Bold 480×360 & Torch 360×480 devices.


Some of the wallies here were found on google images & other random sites (We’ve cropped/edited them in someway) & others wallies are Custom Made.. We DO NOT claim any of these wallies we found on the internet as our own, Only the Custom Ones. If any of these wallies here belong to you, please contact us @ sweetbbtreats@yahoo.com & we will gladly give you the credit that you deserve or remove it frm our blog. Stay tuned… We’re in the process of learning how to theme… Until then enjoy the wallies! Laterz dollz ( :


[qrcode pix=150]http://SweetBBtreats.com[/qrcode]


Here’s a couple theme pics below



Blackberry 101: BlackBerry Device Shortcuts

device BlackBerry Device Shortcuts

This list of shortcuts was pulled directly from the forum. If you find these useful, you can bookmark this link and refer to it whenever necessary.

Enterprise Activation (Options->Advanced)

ALT+CNFG – Settings for Enterprise Activation

Address Book

ALT+VALD – Validate the data structure and look for inconsistencies

ALT+RBLD – Force a data structure rebuild


ALT+RBVS – View web page source code

from the Options menu, type the following (No ALT+ required)

SYNC – Enable Calendar slow sync

RSET – Will prompt for a reload of the calendar from the BES

RCFG – Request BES configuration

SCFG – Send device configuration

DCFG – Get CICAL configuration

SUPD – Enable detailed Cal. report for backup

SUPS – Disable detailed Cal. report for backup

SUPN – Disable Cal. report databaseLUID – Enable view by UID

SRSL – Show Reminder status log


ALT+VIEW – For messages, displays the RefId and FolderId for that particular message. For PIM items, displays only the RefId.

Search Application

ALT+ADVM Search Application Enabled Advanced Global Search

Home Screen

ALT(left)+Shift(right)+Del – Restart the Blackberry (only for full-keyboard Blackberries)

ALT+JKVV – Display cause of PDP reject

ALT+CAP+ H – Displays the Help Me screen

ALT + EACE – Displays the Help Me screen

ALT + ESCR – Displays the Help Me screen

ALT + NMLL – Switches the signal strength from bars to a numeric value.

ALT + LGLG – Displays the Java™ event log.


WLAN (WLAN wizard screen)

ALT-SMON WLAN – Enable simulated Wizard mode

ALT-SMOF WLAN – Disable simulated Wizard mode


Theme (from theme menu)

ALT-THMN – Change to no theme (B&W)

ALT-THMD – Change to default theme


Date/Time (Date/Time menu – No ALT+ required)

LOLO – Date/Time Show Network time values

SIM Card (Options->Advanced->SIM card – No ALT+ required)

MEPD – Display MEP infoMEP1 – Disable SIM personalization

MEP2 – Disable Network personalization

MEP3 – Disable Network subset personalization

MEP4 – Disable Service provider personalization

MEP5 – Disable Corporate personalization


Status (Options->Status)

BUYR – Data & Voice Usage

TEST – start a device test (Keyboard, GPS, RF, Audio (Handset,headset,bluetooth, Misc)

QR Clock: The coolest app you’ll see all day that does nothing.

QR Clock - Do you know what time it is?

To put it in the developer’s own words, “[QR Clock] really has no purpose unless you’ve got a sense of humor.” The application simply displays the current date on the right and an ever-changing QR code that displays the time in seconds. It really only serves to be a difficult to use clock – whipping out your BlackBerry, opening App World, and scanning a bar code is a bit far to go just to find the time – for geeky people who like weird clocks (e.g., me).

So why are we even blogging about this app? Take a look at this iPad app in the iTunes App Store. Now, take a look at this application in the Android Market. Finally, one more in BlackBerry App World. Notice a theme? Those aren’t just similar applications. They’re the same app. Quite possibly, QR Clock is the first application built from a single project to be deployed to all three of these app stores.

According to Adobe, Flash CS5.5 allows users to “[d]evelop content once and deploy to virtually any device or operating system…” QR Clock was written to test just that. With a single project file, the developers were able to submit and gain approval for the same program into three different environments. “Apple was obviously the biggest surprise for me here – they approved and posted the app in their store within a week,” says Dream Injector Developer David Pascual.

Application development can be an expensive and time-consuming operation. To make things worth their while, developers have to go to where the money is. Right now, the money is firmly in Apple’s hand. With designer and developer’s tools like Adobe’s Creative Suite 5.5, creators don’t have to make a choice. Write it once, deploy it almost anywhere. App development just got a bit more cost-effective.

QR Code for app on Blackberry’s [qrcode pix=170]https://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/content/44506[/qrcode]

QR Code for app on Andriod Phones [qrcode pix=170]https://market.android.com/details?id=air.com.dreaminjector.QRCLOCK[/qrcode]

QR Code for app on Iphones [qrcode pix=170]http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/qr-clock/id438633069?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D2[/qrcode]


BlackBerry Theme Studio 6 Gold release coming today

BlackBerry Theme Studio 6

BlackBerry theme developers got a nice surprise from RIM today — BlackBerry Theme Studio 6 Gold release will be made available for all through the BlackBerry downloads page. Although developers have been pushing new themes out for quite some time now, the Theme Studio used to create them was still labeled beta. The latest version has plenty of changes listed for it:

  • Support for the latest BlackBerry devices, including the BlackBerry Torch 9800 and BlackBerry Style 9670 handsets, and BlackBerry 6.
  • Support for theming BlackBerry 6 features such as graphic pop-up menus, plus the addition of BlackBerry Messenger (BBM), Facebook, and Twitter feeds to Today screens.
  • New productivity features allow you to batch update all of the graphics in a theme automatically. You can also change fonts across multiple phone screens automatically. Also, BlackBerry Theme Studio continues to be compatible with popular graphic design tools such as Adobe Photoshop and Corel Paint Shop Pro.
  • A Background Wizard makes it easy to add dynamic wallpapers to your theme. Options include date-based or time-based changes (to highlight a special holiday or change images by the time of day), and slide show backgrounds (to cycle through your favorite photos).
  • A new user interface lets you click on any item on the preview and directly edit its settings. This allows faster editing and a shorter learning curve, plus you can select multiple items to change them all at once.
  • A new export option makes it easier to offer themes through BlackBerry App World. The export packages all of the correct files and settings into a single zip file, ready for upload to BlackBerry App World.

All sounds rather promising right? If you’re a theme developer, you’ve no doubt already hit the download page — if not, you can do so now using the link below.

Download BlackBerry Theme Studio 6

Free Theme In BlackBerry App World: Naturize By BerryGlowDesigns v1.0.0

I haven’t highlighted a theme in a while, and I came across Naturize and really like it. It’s simple, nice, clean, and doesn’t lag or take much room. Even better, it’s in my favorite color – green! It doesn’t run your battery down or take your memory. Check it out…

Naturize is available for devices running OS 5.0 and OS 6.0. I love the shades of green, and the highlight that’s a neon light green and what looks like vintage vines that show up with the highlight on your icon your highlighting. Very simple.

The only thing I did notice is that the GPS symbol is cut off in half, but as far as the theme, it’s simple, elegant, nice, and runs smoothly. It’s nice, especially if you like free and simple themes. I don’t do themes often, so for me it’s nice. It’s understated and yet looks great.

Another exceptional point I like about this theme is the developer, BerryGlowDesigns, has asked that if you have any complaints or suggestions, to please email them and let them know, even though the theme is free! Nice to see that customer service is being upheld even with a free product.

Grab your free copy of Naturizeby BerryGlowDesigns from BB App World here or click code on your Blackberry

[qrcode pix=150]http://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/content/43257?lang=en[/qrcode]


RIM releases two free Spring themes in BlackBerry App World!

Spring BlackBerry Themes from RIM

RIM is back with more free BlackBerry themes! You may recall back in December they released free Christmas themes, and more recently they released a theme for those with visual disabilities. This time around they have published two lovely spring themes, Roots of Spring and Spring Blossom. Roots of Spring has a sweet tree wallpaper and flowers and suns sprinkled throughout. Spring Blossom has a pastel BlackBerry wallpaper and a more subtle look throughout. Icons in both themes have a glow to them, which is a warm touch. You can download these from BlackBerry App World for free! They’re compatible with most BlackBerry smartphones.

For more information/screenshots and to download Roots of Spring
For more information/screenshots and to download Spring Blossom


Why did RIM choose to build a smaller tablet with a 7" display vs. going bigger? Here's the story!

BlackBerry PlayBook

The Globe and Mail posted a really great article yesterday titled RIM makes a play for its future that walks through a lot of the back story leading up to the creation of the BlackBerry PlayBook, and how RIM is positioning themselves for the future. I definitely recommend reading the full article, which looks at both RIM‘s success and the challenges and opportunities they face moving forward.

Relating to the BlackBerry PlayBook specifically, the article helps us to confirm some of those early rumors we were tracking going back to the first whispers of a tablet (that RIM was originally thinking about doing a tablet based of the BBOS, but after the iPad got announced knew they had to do something more ambitious) and confirms that the product development cycle for the PlayBook was extremely fast.

The article also gives us some insight into why RIM chose to build a smaller tablet with a 7″ display, vs. going with a bigger size like the iPad. The decision comes back to Tom Wood, RIM‘s head of Industrial Design, and his team:

Continue reading Why did RIM choose to build a smaller tablet with a 7" display vs. going bigger? Here's the story!

UberSocial Updated to Version 1.191 – Supports Downloadable Themes!

uber50 UberSocial Updated to Version 1.191   Supports Downloadable Themes!

UberSocial received a very interesting update that made me wanna download it and use it again. Now at version 1.191, UberSocial has been added support for downloadable themes! The first, and only, theme released so far is Uber50, a theme designed by 50 Cent himself! I’m not a fan, but the theme does look quite cool. Here’s what’s new with UberSocial:

  • Ablity to mute tweets based on keyword
  • Added ‘save’ button to each options screen so users know they can leave at any time and save what has changed
  • Fixed bug where blocking a user could cause an exception

More >info and download links after the break!

Continue reading UberSocial Updated to Version 1.191 – Supports Downloadable Themes!

BlackBerry Traffic v2.0 now available

BlackBerry Traffic

BlackBerry Traffic has spent a bit of time being overhauled and we had a few updates in the BlackBerry Beta Zone. Today RIM has officially released the latest version in BlackBerry App World. The new version includes and updated UI as well as maneuver guidance, essentially giving you turn-by-turn directions from within the app. New features include:

  • Complete UI revamp – You asked for it, you got it. BlackBerry Traffic 2.0 features new icons, color scheme, 6.0-style theme, and more!
  • Route selection screen – You told us you want more routes to choose from, so we took action. There are now two route choices (including ETA and trip distance info for each) available to you as soon as you select a destination.
  • Future traffic view – A new future traffic view can be accessed by selecting the current time on the route selection screen, or by flipping through the different views when a route is selected. This view can be used to determine the best departure time based on predicted traffic conditions.
  • Next maneuver drive view – The simple view has been revised to display the next maneuver with corresponding turn icon in a large, easily viewable font.
  • Search history – Frequent search terms are now available from a drop down on the search screen.

While it doesn’t necessarily beat out full out GPS apps like VZ Nav or Telenav, it does get the job done and you can’t beat the price. If you haven’t tried it yet or you still have an older version, head to BlackBerry App World to grab the latest version.

More information/download of BlackBerry Traffic

