Tag Archives: PlayBooks

RIM offering $100 prepaid gift cards for BlackBerry owners who purchase PlayBooks

PlayBook offer

This isn’t the first promotion we have seen around the BlackBerry PlayBook, and we are sure it won’t be the last, but it is nice to see RIM continuing to push the PlayBook to users. It started with the free PlayBook for developers offer, then we saw Staples giving $100 coupons, then Best Buy discounting it and now RIM is offering $100 prepaid giftcards with the purchase of the PlayBook for existing BlackBerry users.

This offer is only available to residents of the US and Canada, and is limited to one claim per PlayBook and three claims per household. If you have been on the fence about snagging a PlayBook, be sure to grab one before Sept 22, as that is when this promotion will come to an end.

More information on the offer at BlackBerryatSchool

All BlackBerry PlayBooks Now on Sale at BestBuy – $450 & $550

BestBuy now has the BlackBerry PlayBook on sale.  The 16gb($50 off) is $449.99 and the 32gb($50 off) and 64 gb($150 off) priced at $549.99.  Its funny that they would put the 32gb and 64gb model on sale for the same price, but it might be to clear out 64gb inventory.  The savings are on from now until September 5th.  Is this enough incentive to for you to act if you have been holding off?

Check out the BlackBerry PlayBook discounts over at Best Buy


New 16GB BlackBerry PlayBooks Selling for $389 On eBay

PlayBook deal eBay

This deal keeps on coming and going on eBay so I thought we should mention it. TabletaHolic let us know that sami809 has the BlackBerry PlayBook 16GB Model in new condition for $389.99 on eBay. Normally we wouldn’t mention eBay deals but the seller sami809 has a nice and high feedback rating with 99.1% positive feedback. TabletaHolic let us know that this deal comes and goes and usually lasts until the inventory is sold out.

$389.99 is a great deal if you want to cheaply jump on the BlackBerry PlayBook bandwagon especially with a huge OS update coming by end of next month. Let us know if you pick one up!



TweetBook for the BlackBerry PlayBook now available

TweetBook BlackBerry PlayBook

If you’re looking for a new Twitter app for your BlackBerry PlayBook, TweetBook might be the one for you. This new client from Smarter Apps brings Twitter to your PlayBook in grand fashion. It’s multi-pane design lets you access DM’s, mentions and full timeline as well as your camera, search, multiple accounts and much more.

TweetBook is designed to feel and function as a native Twitter application for the BlackBerry PlayBook. This provides the user with a high quality, full-featured Twitter experience: search, browse, send images, messages, follow your interests and friends while tweeting to your heart’s content on Twitter® with ease and simplicity.

TweetBook manages all of Twitter’s content within sleek, rich graphics and multi-pane windows, supports multiple accounts, and receiving notifications on your PlayBook home screen will keep you on top of your friends, mentions and interests. TweetBook also takes advantage of the BlackBerry PlayBooks built-in camera, allowing you to directly take and upload images to your tweets – it couldn’t be simpler!

TweetBook sells in BlackBerry App World for $4.99, so while it may be a bit steep for some, it’s definitely a great option for Twitter on the PlayBook. We’ll have a full review coming up so stay tuned!

More information/download of TweetBook[qrcode pix=120]http://nhcbba.com/downloads/TweetBook_for_PB[/qrcode]




One Click Install of Android apps on Playbook with BBH TOOL

JD at BBH-Plus has worked his magic and implemented a one-click install for Android apps to the Android app player of the PlayBook.
All that you have to do is make sure your PlayBook is in development mode (like you would to side-load .bar files), enter in your PlayBooks information, select the Android app .APK files, make sure the Android app player is open on your PlayBook, and then click install. If all goes well, you’ll get a pop-up message letting you know the files were successfully installed.

This makes for the easiest way to install 3rd party apps to the Android app player. If they don’t first appear, go to a different section of the Android app player. Once you swipe back, the homescreen should have refreshed and the newly loaded Android apps icons will appear. Give a big shout out to @theiexplorers for his awesome work!


Rumor for today: RIM to discontinue WiFi PlayBook?

We all love rumors. We all love knowing little secrets that have been possibly leaked from within a company that reveal certain goals, devices, or direction of a company. With rumors though, readers need to be cautious as to not buy into what is said too much because as with many things in business, plans change quickly. What was certain one day, might not be so certain the next.

With all this in my mind, BGR is reporting that according to an OTR Global report, RIM will be discontinuing the WiFi enabled BlackBerry PlayBook. Jonathan Geller, Mr. Boy Genius, is a known BlackBerry-hating, Apple fanboy and any time a negative BlackBerry rumor comes out, he makes it sound like it’s pretty much fact. Could this happen? Yes, of course. Will this happen? Highly doubtful. It is simply a rumor.

While RIM has had some success with the PlayBook, the lack of native email, BBM; etc has been an arguing point for many that wish to jump negatively on BlackBerry’s tablet. By ceasing production of this type of PlayBook, RIM would almost be adding insult to injury for all those of us that have bought one already. That’s not to say RIM would cut support for current WiFi enabled PlayBooks, but it would still not sit right with investors and future purchasers of PlayBooks.

Obviously the more information we get, we will be sure to pass it on but for now all PlayBook owners and lovers can rest assured RIM is working hard to provide the best tablet experience for us.



Angry Birds in real life!

[Mobile? Click Here for Video]

As we wait for Angry Birds to invade our BlackBerry PlayBooks, T-Mobile gives us a entertaining commercial that depicts the Angry Birds game in real life. Watch how people use a simple smartphone to play a life-size version of the Angry Birds game – complete with real flying birds and exploding pigs!


Verizon adds 4G LTE to nine more cities

Verizon Wireless customers will be able to join the LTE network in nine new cities, taking advantage of lightening-fast speeds on 4G devices. The expansion includes:

  • Mobile and Montgomery (AL)
  • Greater Fairfield and New Haven (CT)
  • Gainesville, Pensacola, and Tallahassee (FL)
  • Fayetteville-Lumberton (NC)
  • Bryan-College Station and Temple-Killeen (TX)

There are also reports of access in Albany, though VZW has yet to confirm launching LTE in New York’s capital city. The carrier has also expanded coverage in Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, New Orleans, and Philadelphia.

This additions bring the list of LTE cities to 55, just over the 35 percent mark towards the carrier’s goal of 147 cities by year’s end. 4G PlayBooks are also expected to hit the market this summer. Soon we’ll be enjoying 4G on our BlackBerry tablets!

Hulu now blocked on the BlackBerry PlayBook, big media strikes again

Hulu now blocked on the BackBerry PlayBook, big media strikes again

Some sad but expected news folks — we’ve started getting tips in through Tips@nhcbba.com and through the NHCBBA support tips line that Hulu has gotten a little cranky about offering content on the BlackBerry PlayBook. Although PlayBook owners previously have had access to all movies and TV shows it now looks that Hulu has added the BlackBerry PlayBooks browser string to their blocked list.

Overall, it’s not really a huge surprise that they have done so but rather more frustrating and annoying that big media can’t see the advantages here for end users. If you live in an area where the content is licensed for — it really shouldn’t matter on how you access that content. Hopefully, it’ll work out in the end though and hulu will realize they just simply need to make an app for the Blackberry PlayBook that allows access. Thanks, to eveyone who sent this in to NHCBBA!

The Joy Of Tech takes on the BlackBerry PlayBook — again

PlayBook Launch

Here we are on the eve of the BlackBerry PlayBook launch and we figured we’d toss a little humor into the mix by posting up the above comic from the folks over at The Joy of Tech. This of course, isn’t the first PlayBook comic they’ve done but this one adds a great twist on some of the most current events happening with Research In Motion.

The reviews are out, the forums are filling up — and most importantly people are buying BlackBerry PlayBooks despite some of the negative (deserved or not) criticism that it has recieved. Let’s face it – the above comic hits on current events but it’s not totally accurate by any means.

Plenty of users out there were chasing after the size, the specs and functionality the BlackBerry PlayBook offers long before they gave thought to how many apps it will have at launch. Fact is, the BlackBerry PlayBook is a new venture for Research In Motion but it’s also something everyone can enjoy — not just BlackBerry users. To enjoy a BlackBerry PlayBook you don’t need to be a BlackBerry user, as is clearly shown in the here on NHCBBA. So get in a laugh from the comic above, then get to the store and buy a PlayBook. You know you want it!!