Tag Archives: PIM

5 Must-Have Applications for Your BlackBerry PlayBook

playbook favoritesThe PlayBook is coming along nicely. Lately, we’ve seen an upgrade to the Facebook application, as well as support for in-app purchases and charging improvements. The major updates that the general public are waiting for, such as local PIM applications, should be coming sometime this summer, and we think it’s really going to improve the overall PlayBook experience. As cool as the Bridge idea is, it’s sort of a pain to constantly connect your BlackBerry, and the Bridge Browser is pretty shoddy. For those of you who have a PlayBook, here are some apps we think you must have on your tablet (in no particular order):

Continue reading 5 Must-Have Applications for Your BlackBerry PlayBook

Blackberry 101: BlackBerry Device Shortcuts

device BlackBerry Device Shortcuts

This list of shortcuts was pulled directly from the forum. If you find these useful, you can bookmark this link and refer to it whenever necessary.

Enterprise Activation (Options->Advanced)

ALT+CNFG – Settings for Enterprise Activation

Address Book

ALT+VALD – Validate the data structure and look for inconsistencies

ALT+RBLD – Force a data structure rebuild


ALT+RBVS – View web page source code

from the Options menu, type the following (No ALT+ required)

SYNC – Enable Calendar slow sync

RSET – Will prompt for a reload of the calendar from the BES

RCFG – Request BES configuration

SCFG – Send device configuration

DCFG – Get CICAL configuration

SUPD – Enable detailed Cal. report for backup

SUPS – Disable detailed Cal. report for backup

SUPN – Disable Cal. report databaseLUID – Enable view by UID

SRSL – Show Reminder status log


ALT+VIEW – For messages, displays the RefId and FolderId for that particular message. For PIM items, displays only the RefId.

Search Application

ALT+ADVM Search Application Enabled Advanced Global Search

Home Screen

ALT(left)+Shift(right)+Del – Restart the Blackberry (only for full-keyboard Blackberries)

ALT+JKVV – Display cause of PDP reject

ALT+CAP+ H – Displays the Help Me screen

ALT + EACE – Displays the Help Me screen

ALT + ESCR – Displays the Help Me screen

ALT + NMLL – Switches the signal strength from bars to a numeric value.

ALT + LGLG – Displays the Java™ event log.


WLAN (WLAN wizard screen)

ALT-SMON WLAN – Enable simulated Wizard mode

ALT-SMOF WLAN – Disable simulated Wizard mode


Theme (from theme menu)

ALT-THMN – Change to no theme (B&W)

ALT-THMD – Change to default theme


Date/Time (Date/Time menu – No ALT+ required)

LOLO – Date/Time Show Network time values

SIM Card (Options->Advanced->SIM card – No ALT+ required)

MEPD – Display MEP infoMEP1 – Disable SIM personalization

MEP2 – Disable Network personalization

MEP3 – Disable Network subset personalization

MEP4 – Disable Service provider personalization

MEP5 – Disable Corporate personalization


Status (Options->Status)

BUYR – Data & Voice Usage

TEST – start a device test (Keyboard, GPS, RF, Audio (Handset,headset,bluetooth, Misc)

RIM Running Enterprise BlackBerry Innovation Webcast Series


It is always interesting to see how RIM engages their enterprise customers which is why their latest BlackBerry Innovation webcast series that started yesterday is interesting. They promise that through the series “You’ll discover new and innovative knowledge about the BlackBerry solution and the all new BlackBerry PlayBook tablet.” The first webinar yesterday covered QNX and the BlackBerry Tablet and the next three webinars also cover the PlayBook. Next weeks webinar takes an “Enterprise-Deep Dive” into the BlackBerry PlayBook which should be interesting to hear.


RIM really has quite a bit more to say about the PlayBook once native email and PIM come. They will also come with IT Policies and the need for being able to manage BlackBerry PlayBooks once they start storing enterprise information and have 4G connections.

Check out the full listing of Webinars or simply check out the snapshot below:

Upcoming Webcasts – Date & Time (EST)
QNX® and BlackBerry® PlayBook™ Tablet. June 1, 20112 pm
BlackBerry® PlayBook™ in the Enterprise-Deep Dive June 7 , 20112 pm
BlackBerry® PlayBook™: Deployment Opportunities June 9, 201112 pm
BlackBerry® PlayBook™ Security June 15, 20112 pm
BlackBerry® Enterprise Solution: Today and Tomorrow June 21, 20112 pm
The Office of Tomorrow with BlackBerry June 23, 20112 pm
Getting the Most out of Enterprise Collaboration June 29, 20112 pm
WorkFlow in the Enterprise July 6, 20112 pm
Bridging The Gap: Business & Personal July 13, 20112 pm
Building Simple, Effective Applications July 20, 20112 pm

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How Will BlackBerry PlayBook Native Email & PIM Work?

I have been meaning to write this piece for awhile now but every time I start thinking about it my head starts to hurt. Since the PlayBook launched we have heard reviewers harping about how you “need a BlackBerry” to get email on the device. RIM took it all in stride and announced that native email and PIM (Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, etc) are coming “this summer” for the BlackBerry PlayBook. They even showed off how it will look with a live demo. The thing is I am really curious about is how exactly RIM is planning on making it work.

Don’t get me wrong I don’t think it is impossible in any way I am just curious what the workflow will be and if it will change the current BlackBerry smartphone paradigm. I understand why RIM is taking their time on releasing the native Email and PIM clients since they need to build the infrastructure to bring QNX to BlackBerry smartphones. They also need to include all of the BES integration and security/certifications required for a business call RIM device which does not happen overnight. The thing is I see many forks in the road for RIM on how exactly email and PIM will be handled on the PlayBook especially when you consider it from both a BIS (consumer) and BES (enterprise) perspective. Keep in mind many of these “forks” are similar for any tablet or companion device and not just the BlackBerry PlayBook.

Continue reading How Will BlackBerry PlayBook Native Email & PIM Work?

AT&T’s BlackBerry Bridge software still a bridge to nowhere

If you’re an AT&T BlackBerry user and you bought a PlayBook, you know that BlackBerry Bridge — the piece of software that wirelessly connects your BlackBerry to your PlayBook and facilitates PIM functions — is not available for AT&T BlackBerry devices. Sure, there are unofficial workarounds, but for RIM’s largest customer to not support this critical feature for RIM’s biggest product launch in ages seems strange (RIM views carriers as customers, sorry guys). Despite its earlier statement, many thought AT&T had ulterior motives in not supporting BlackBerry Bridge, but we have confirmed that the real reason is that RIM didn’t deliver BlackBerry Bridge to AT&T until just days before it launched in RIM’s BlackBerry App World. RIM didn’t hand over a final OS build for the BlackBerry PlayBook until days before launched either, and we saw that first hand with the last minute OS updates to our review unit. In spite of the short testing time — and interestingly enough — all other U.S. carriers have approved BlackBerry Bridge.


Native Email and PIM for BlackBerry PlayBook Demoed!


RIM just showed off the BlackBerry PlayBook native email along with PIM for calendar and contacts. This is native email, calendar, and contacts connected to the RIM NOC through BIS or BES or both! They did not have tasks, notes, and the rest that show up over bridge but they will be coming this summer too. We don’t have more than this summer but its nice to see it live in action!!!

Continue reading Native Email and PIM for BlackBerry PlayBook Demoed!

BlackBerry PlayBook Native Email and PIM Video Demo!!

Here it is folks… a video sneak peek of native email and PIM apps on the BlackBerry PlayBook!! RIM showed it off during their BlackBery World Keynote today, and working with BIS and BES, this is the full native email and PIM experience you’d find on a BlackBerry Smartphone on the PlayBook.

Sure, it would have been nice if this was on the PlayBook at launch, but what’s done is done and it’s coming and it’ll be here soon. RIM says this summer, and it makes sense that it will be available as the radio versions of the PlayBook hit the market. Hit the video above for a first look!


Why RIM is launching the BlackBerry PlayBook without a native email client (and why this may or may not matter to you)

BlackBerry PlayBook Email
The PlayBook’s web browser should pull up your Gmail just fine… until the day (hopefully soon)
that RIM rolls out the native email and PIM apps

There is no doubt in my mind that the single biggest point of confusion and concern amongst the uninformed surrounding the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet is the sentiment that you need to own a BlackBerry Smartphone in order to use a BlackBerry PlayBook (in other words, the PlayBook is an accessory to a BlackBerry Smartphone, vs. a tablet device that can stand up on its own). I’ve had friends, readers and my next door neighbor raise this issue with me, and last week I even witnessed WSJ’s Walt Mossberg relay this same notion/misunderstanding when he was a moderator on a panel discussion at CTIA.

Continue reading Why RIM is launching the BlackBerry PlayBook without a native email client (and why this may or may not matter to you)

Funambol answers the call for 'MobileMe-like' service for BlackBerry

There is a growing need for wireless synchronization. Besides the obvious solution that goes by the name of BES (and the free BES Express), many companies have thrown their hat into the ring to provide users a way to feed that need. Some offer only contact, calendar and email synchronization, others offer only access to files. Today, the folks at Funambol decided to toss their own hat in and announced their beta for a ‘mobile cloud service’ for BlackBerry. Through Funambol BlackBerry service, you are able to sync pictures between your BlackBerry to your PC – or to numerous social networking sites (Facebook, Flicker, etc). You can also enjoy two-way synchronization with Outlook of contacts, calendar, tasks and note. All of this is done OTA and you can choose whether you want to manually sync or schedule automatic syncing.

Funambol is already up and running on other platforms and it’s about time that BlackBerry is shown some love as well. They say that their service is equivalent to what Android would expect from Google or what iPhone users get with MobileMe. Funambol is currently in beta and can be found in BlackBerry App World. Based on the reviews on BlackBerry App World, it’s been there since at least October. Full Press Release after the jump

More information/download of Funambol App

Continue reading Funambol answers the call for 'MobileMe-like' service for BlackBerry

AstraSync 4.2 Beta is now available – Exchange Activesync for BlackBerry


If paying for a BES really isn’t in your budget, then maybe Astrasync is a viable alternative for you. Astrasync has just rolled out their latest beta release to customers and it’s bundled with a ton of new additions and features to make the services even more of a compelling offer. The following improvements have been made in AstraSync 4.2 Beta over AstraSync 4.1:

  • Support for creation of meetings requests.
  • Email content encryption.
  • Kinetic scrolling of the message list on touch screen devices.
  • Leaner, faster message store system.
  • More performance settings for power users including control of Direct Push behavior, email truncation size, PIM status checks and Auto Discover.