Tag Archives: OTA

RIM Pushing Out BlackBerry Bridge v1.0.5.6 Update

Bridge Update Bridge Update2

Now this is a pretty good sign that a PlayBook OS update is coming soon. I got a notification on my BlackBerry earlier tonight saying that BlackBerry Bridge has been updated to v1.0.5.6. In the past these updates have been harbingers for PlayBook OS updates in the next day or so. Anybody excited?

You can pick up the new BlackBerry Bridge v1.0.5.6 in App World[qrcode pix=120]http://nhcbba.com/downloads/BlackBerry_Bridge[/qrcode]

I also noticed that rr_yy already managed to get OTA’s up for it at rroyy.com/ota/


Multiprotocol IM client imo beta now available for BlackBerry


imo for BlackBerry

Today imo has announced a beta version of their multiprotocol IM client for BlackBerry. The app is free to download and features multiple services including AIM, Yahoo!, Gtalk, Skype, Jabber, MSN and more. The company has had a web app for quite some time, but this is the first release for BlackBerry Smartphones. While it’s still a bit rough around the edges, imo is a pretty decent client if you like the ability to use multiple IM services all in one place. There are plenty of features to keep most users happy, and pretty much all of the “big name” services are included. The app is free (for now) in it’s beta form and will soon be on the way to BlackBerry App World. Hit the link below from your device to download. Keep reading for some more screen shots.

Download imo OTA to your device[qrcode pix=150]https://imo.im/bb_app/imo.jad[/qrcode]
More information on imo for BlackBerry

Continue reading Multiprotocol IM client imo beta now available for BlackBerry

SmrtGuard Updated to Version 5.25 – Brings new features and bug fixes


It’s been a while since we’ve seen a major update to the popular mobile security application. The folks over at SmrtGuard recently rolled out version 5.25 of their free and pro version for BlackBerry users. This new version comes with GUI enhancements, bug fixes, and some new features as well. If you’re still deciding between SmrtGuard and BlackBerry Protect as a mobile backup and security solution then check out this post on the differences between the two.

New Features:

  • Added support for backup multiple contact list (OS 5.0 and higher)
  • Added Remote screen capture and camera capture into Anti-theft feature
  • Fixed a critical restore bug for user migrating from Android to BB
  • Other GUI improvements

Additional improvements:

  • Added My Account Screen within the application
  • Improved SmrtGuard for BlackBerry running OS 6
  • Updated with new and secure way to authenticate with Twitter (for Personal Guardian feature)
  • Fixed issues with Call Blocker – Call Blocker will block without any short burst of ringtone and blocked calls will NOT goto voicemail
  • Fixed minor issue with Email SPAM Blocker
  • Added email notification for Audio Ping and Remote Lock and also record action as location history
  • Added Application Notification on Home Screen if SmrtGuard finds any issue with backup and/or spyware scan
  • Added GPS support (if available and enabled) to Personal Guardian along with the default network triangulation to determine location
  • Added Twitter intergration with Personal Guardian. When Personal Guardian is triggered, you will have the option to send a post to your Twitter account with location links
  • SimCard Guardian supports CDMA devices with SIMCards

SmrtGuard is available in two versions: a free one with basic features and a pro version which you can try for free for 30 days.

More information / download SmrtGuard from BlackBerry App World[qrcode pix=180]http://nhcbba.com/downloads/SmrtGaurd_on_Appworld[/qrcode]
More information / download SmrtGuard Upgrade OTA[qrcode pix=180]http://nhcbba.com/downloads/SmrtGaurd_OTA[/qrcode]

via: cb

ShareFile Announces BlackBerry File Sharing App for Business

sharefileShareFile provides secure file transfer and full-featured virtual data room solutions that enable companies to exchange large and/or confidential business files. The company is debuting its BlackBerry app, alongside apps for the iPad and Android tablets. Central to the ShareFile experience is security, and all data transmitted between ShareFile’s tablet and smartphone applications and user’s mobile device is encrypted.

To download the free ShareFile app, use the OTA link at dl.sharefile.com/bb[qrcode pix=150]http://nhcbba.com/downloads/ShareFile[/qrcode]

GooseChase for BlackBerry Lets You Create Scavenger Hunts with Friends and Coworkers

Watch a demo of the Goosechase platform in action

GooseChase is a really cool scavenger hunt platform that lets you set up a “mission” on the web, create teams, and immediately participants can open their app and begin the hunt. The app works for both BlackBerry and iPhone, so you’re sure to cover almost all of your friends and coworkers.

The process is simple:

Continue reading GooseChase for BlackBerry Lets You Create Scavenger Hunts with Friends and Coworkers

Download BBHTool

BBHTool Alpha Findings/Fixes [Updated Weekly/Daily]

For those that are interested in trying “alpha” versions of BBHTool…
Here is an alpha version of BBHTool that brings some new features including PlayBook .bar installation/removal

With this I hope to bring further testing for the Install-A-Hybrid feature and the Phone Tools tabs, as well as fixing any issues with the PlayBook tab and any bugs/features we can fix/add in the meantime
Ultimately I want to make this an all in one tool for your PlayBook/BlackBerry and I’m lookign for your input to do so

Please note: things may be broken! If they are, please report them here so I can take a look.

download here: http://www.theiexplorers.com/BBHTool-Alpha.zip
Current: Alpha 3

Alpha 3

– Added App Read button to PlayBook
– Added save App Read/Device Info to .txt buttons
– Added launch .BAR after install option
– Added progress bar to PlayBook tab
– Added .APK installer for Android/Android Player on PlayBook
– Fixed mutliple .BAR un/installation
– Various GUI changes/fixes


Things to try:
– .apk/.bar installing (more than one at a time if possible)
.apk uninstalling doesnt seem to work on android player for PB, so that won’t work
Note 2: Remote .apk install doesn’t work just yet (last piece to finish for release)

Known bugs:
– .apk uninstalling doesnt seem to work on android player for PB, so that won’t work
– Remote .apk install doesn’t work just yet (last piece to finish for release)
– Save .cods throws an error after

Plans for future releases:
– install it feature (after completion)
OTA Downloader
– download OTAs without a .jad ending
– Finish Install-A-Hybrid tab and explain how builders can implement
– Finish feature to “Install Hybrid” in Build-a-Hybrid
– Radio swap – offline mode
Phone Tools
– Backup apps to .alx file / add option to backup RIM apps as well
– Restore apps from .alx or .jad
– Phone dump: zip/upload
– Saving .cod files crash
– System read: version/file size
– (Un)Install multiple .bars
– Update Latest Hybrids button (implement other sites)

Thanks in advance and I look forward to improving BBH Tool for you


Sympatico app updated

Sympatico.ca (Owned by Bell) has updated their BlackBerry app recently, & it come with some cool new features. You can check out Canadian news headlines, sports, autos, gossip and weather (uses location-based services to give you the forecast based on your area). The app is free, bilingual and gives you the ability to share via text, email, Twitter and Facebook.

via: bbos

BlackBerry PlayBook – 500,000 units shipped but what could have been done better?

BlackBerry PlayBook

Having both co-CEO’s at Research In Motion on the investors call today was quite a change from the norm — typically it’s just one or the other. That said, having both Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis on the call gave us all a better perspective of things happening within RIM. As it stands right now, RIM has shipped 500,000 BlackBerry PlayBooks but they neglected to mention the number of PlayBooks were sold, even going to so far as to say they didn’t know — shipping items and selling items is totally separate, if we glance back to Kevins predictions on the BlackBerry PlayBook sales they’re starting to sound more accurate as the information comes forth.

When questioned about the launch of the BlackBerry PlayBook, Jim Balsillie stated he wouldn’t have changed all that much, if anything and that RIM wouldn’t have done it any differently. RIM was criticized throughout the media for the launch of the PlayBook and while Jim notes it could have been a more polished launch and the intial product to be better, but there wasn’t anything to gain by delaying it, everyone was working hard as they could to get it out and much of this was lost on the medias representation of the PlayBook. Jim also noted, that the BlackBerry PlayBook has the best in class hardware and with the OTA system they’ve now implemented the product will continue to show it’s strength as it grows but these features which are highlights for the platform was lost in communication throughout the media.

Needless to say, there are few things that could have been done better with the launch of the BlackBerry PlayBook but — I, personally agree that delaying it would not have helped the matter any. What would have helped would have been better forecasting of the situation at hand plus, having all the tools needed to develop on the PlayBook up and ready but that would have come with better forecasting. Waiting for the BlackBerry Player, Android Player and Native SDK has had a negative impact here and wil continue to until those things arrive. By then though — some of the interest will have waned off. I love my BlackBerry PlayBook but there is a tough road ahead for RIM after todays announcements. I realize they’re working on things to improve the situation but evidently — it’s not fast enough to meet demands of the users.


BlackBerry PlayBook OTA Software Loading Error Codes Explained

BlackBerry PlayBook OTA Software Loading Error Codes Explained

I’m sure many of you know that updating software doesn’t always work out as smoothly as we’d like it to, whether it’s from personal experience or you’ve seen someone else run into some issues. Like any device, software or platform, the BlackBerry PlayBook can also run into issues while updating its software. If you’ve had a problem loading the software on your PlayBook you probably got an error code but had no idea what it meant. Thanks to KB26732 in the BlackBerry Technical Solution Center, we now have descriptions for a bunch of those error codes.

Check out the full chart of error codes with their descriptions and some comments below!

Continue reading BlackBerry PlayBook OTA Software Loading Error Codes Explained

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