Tag Archives: OS 5.0

Official: OS for BlackBerry Bold 9000 via T-Mobile Germany

Official OS from T-Mobile Germany has reached the BlackBerry Bold 9000. If you have a Bold 9000, get out that USB cord and give your a device a fresh OS. Don’t forget to drop a comment below and let us know how it’s working out for you! If it is any better for you?

Note: The Software Platform and Applications version numbers can be found under Options-About screen on the handheld.


Leaked OS for BlackBerry Bold 9000

There are honestly quite a few times each week that I pull out my BlackBerry Bold 9000 and wish there was an OS 6 I could load up. I still love that device and would keep rocking it if the OS was up to date. While this is pretty much a pipe dream, there are many users that are still faithful to the 9000. For them we have leaked OS for the Bold 9000 today. No reports in on this one yet, so if you install be sure to drop a comment letting us know how it goes.

*OS Disclaimer – Please Read: Keep in mind this is NOT an official release and as such is not supported by RIM or your Carrier. If you choose to install, do so at your own risk and only if you’re comfortable in the process of upgrading and downgrading your device software. It is quite normal during operating system development for certain features to be crippled or disabled while others are tested, and these beta builds often reflect that. They are not always better. Depending on your BlackBerry comfort level, it may be best for you to wait for community feedback on a build before deciding to download and install for yourself or simply wait for the next official release. If you require support. *

Download OS for the BlackBerry Bold 9000

Source: N4BB

Latest OS Breakdown Shows 5.0+ Constitutes 68% of All BlackBerrys in Circulation

This breakdown by Eric at Ebscer shows OS 5.0+ makes up for 90% of purchasesRIM has released the latest App World OS breakdown numbers with the latest data from May. According to their numbers, OS 5.0 and 6.0 make up 68% of all BlackBerrys in the market. Some other interesting facts include the fact that 31% of free app downloads come from an OS 6.0 BlackBerry. Again, OS 5.0+ dominates and 88% of free app downloads in App World originate from them. OS 6.0 accounts for 54% of all paid app downloads, so it should be obvious to any developer that OS 6 support is a must.

Head over to the DevBlog to see the official numbers.

American Airlines Gets BlackBerry App With Mobile Boarding Pass & More!

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While I personally recommend most travelers simply use the slick BlackBerry Travel app there are some nice benefits to carrier apps. Ashley let me know about the latest release of American Airlines for BlackBerry. I am not sure exactly when it launched but this is the first I have heard of it. The app lets you manage and plan your AA itinerary along with viewing details like gate, seat, and flight status info. You can also use it to access your Mobile Boarding Pass.

The app packs other features like the ability to monitor your place on the standby list, track your elite status progress, add your flight to your calendar, and set parking reminders.

All in all a pretty sweet app that you can pick up at aa.com/blackberry. [qrcode pix=150]http://www.aa.com/blackberry[/qrcode]


According to them the app is supported on the BlackBerry Bold, BlackBerry Torch, BlackBerry Curve and BlackBerry Tour Smartphones running on OS 5.0 and 6.0 though I have not tried other devices to see if it will work.


RIM Launches BlackBerry Mobile Conferencing App in Beta Zone

Image courtesy of PocketBerryRIM has announced the BlackBerry Mobile Conferencing app designed to make scheduling, joining and rejoining conference calls from your BlackBerry quick and easy. Features of the app include:

  • Calendar Integration: The BlackBerry Mobile Conferencing application integrates with the Calendar application on your BlackBerry smartphone for maximum convenience.
  • One Click Join: When your calendar indicates it’s time for a conference call to begin, you get a pop-up display that can dial you into the meeting without you having to remember or dial lengthy phone and access code combinations.
  • Reconnecting: If you’re inadvertently dropped from a conference call, the application allows you to reconnect with one easy click.
  • Store Dial-In Numbers: When there are multiple phone numbers in the invitation for participants in different locations, the application is designed to choose the most appropriate number for you (limited to North American phone numbers only). You can also choose to change the suggested dial-in number manually.
  • Easy Conference Scheduling: Turn almost any meeting invite into a conference call with just a single click. You can also store reservationless or recurring conference information to your conference profile on your BlackBerry smartphone so you can include it in conference call meetings you schedule from your device.
  • Protect Your Host Codes: When sending conference call meeting invitations using conference profile information, participants see only the information they need to join the call. Moderator codes are kept hidden and only used to join the meeting organizer into conference calls in cases where the code is required to open the conference bridge.

The app is live in the Beta Zone so head over there and join. The Mobile Conferencing app requires OS 5.0 or later and the review pool is limited.


Developers: Should You Support Anything Lower Than OS 5?

blackberry OSIt seems RIM doesn’t want developers making apps for anything before OS 5. With OS 5, developers can take advantage of the newer APIs that make for more elegant and engaging applications. As pointed out by Ebscer, RIM likes to point out that 90% of paid applications were downloaded by users running OS 5.0 or higher, and therefore there is really no reason to have your app running on any OS lower than 5.0. There is also a bit of a hidden agenda in telling this to developers, as RIM is trying to shed the notion that there’s fragmentation in the platform.

But should you follow and forget about old OS versions? There are still a few developers who choose to make their apps available for OS 4.5 and 4.6. Take Foursquare for example – the Foursquare app runs on devices as old as the 8700 and 8100. Ebscer on the other hand says he’s moving on and recent applications only run on OS 5.0+.

I recently got out of a meeting where we talked about what browsers to optimize for on our site. Our site gets most of its traffic from browsers with a Safari user agent, which could mean OS 6 devices as well as Mac, iPhone and Android. But there is also a heavy amount of traffic from older devices going as far back as the 8330. This got me thinking that while the vast majority of paid applications come from OS 5 devices, free apps and websites probably need to consider much older operating systems. If selling an app and making revenue is your primary goal, then consider only OS 5 and above. If building a user base and gaining critical mass is your objective, then consider older OS versions.

Do you have an app or a website? What OS versions do you take into consideration?



Official: OS for BlackBerry Bold 9700 via Cosmote

Apparently some carriers are scared of OS 6, as OS is officially released via Cosmote.

Note: The Software Platform and Applications version numbers can be found under Options-About screen on the handheld.

  • 700 from Cosmote

Official OS for BlackBerry Curve 8350 from SouthernLINC Wireless

For those of you who are still rocking a BlackBerry Curve 8350, SouthernLINC Wireless has released a official OS for your device. Good to see that some of these older devices still get to see an update every so often. Update, and don’t forget to leave us feedback if you do.

To find your current software platform and application version numbers, select “Options” and “About” on your BlackBerry.

LiveProfile BlackBerry Updates 1.0.2

Since the LiveProfile BlackBerry app has only been available for less than 24 hours now we consider it a public beta. This means bugs do appear and things might not work as expected. Rest assured we are here working since the release to patch as many bugs as possible and we will continue working around the clock all weekend. We can’t thank you enough for your support and understanding as we work through a few kinks. Stay tuned for more exciting news in the days to come.

We have just updated the LiveProfile BlackBerry app to 1.0.2. This update includes mostly bug fixes such as a fix for profile pictures, notification bugs, speed increases, stability improvements, and more. While profile pictures were fixed for all devices the process to update appears to be a bit complicated.

We are working on an update to help make updating your profile picture much easier. This update will be available tomorrow however in the meantime here are instructions on how to change your profile picture (As appearing on BB OS 5.0):

Click on photos, click up until you see media card and device memory, go to media card -> BlackBerry -> Pictures (scroll down a bit) and now you should see your pictures. See after the break.




Official: OS for Curve 8520, Curve 8900 & Bold 9000 via AT&T



AT&T has officially released OS for the BlackBerry Curve 8520, Curve 8900 & Bold 9000.
Note: The Software Platform and Applications version numbers can be found under Options-About screen on the handheld.