Tag Archives: NHCBBA

BIS Outages Maybe Due to thier Upgrades (CONFIRMED) by TMO Techs

Blackberry BIS Outages

Maybe Due to thier Upgrades




NHCBBA was just on the phone with T-Mobile and found out there is a PROBLEM with the BIS system… (CONFIRMED)  They stated that this is problems with connecting to the RIM Servers to SEND email and other things on the RIM NETWORK.  NHCBBA started to have trouble over this past weekend with not being able to send out any Email from our Blackberry 9780 and 9530 phones.  We had just posted a story on that RIM is make a BIG upgrade from 4.0 to BIS 4.1.  So it might be happening as we speak here in the USA.


Please keep us updated if your having trouble on your Blackberry’s also send us a email (Tips@nhcbba.com), BBM or comment below

Continue reading BIS Outages Maybe Due to thier Upgrades (CONFIRMED) by TMO Techs

Backing up your BlackBerry smartphone

Quick guide on how to backup your BlackBerry Smartphone from NHCBBA!

BlackBerry Backup

One of the things we can never stress enough is the importance of backing up your BlackBerry. There is so much data on your device including emails, SMS, phone call logs, passwords and memos that if something were to happen to the information or the device itself, having a solid backup could be a life saver. When it comes down to just how to backup your BlackBerry there are some really easy solutions. In the past it was kind of a pain to backup a device since the only real way to get it done was through BlackBerry Desktop Manager, but with the addition of BlackBerry Protect and other 3rd party apps, you can backup your device daily without even thinking about it.

Continue reading Backing up your BlackBerry smartphone

Sorry for the DOWN time due to weather

Due to the Hurrican IRENE

we had power and internet outages in our area


was with out it for the last 8 hours

Due to HIGH WINDS in the Pocono’s of Northeast Penn..

We are saying sorry to all of our Allaince Memebers and friends .

THANK YOU for staying commited to us.

Extra! Extra! Tweet all about it! Are you a Blackberry Reporter? We Need you to help!

The movie Bruce Almighty was on TV recently; a 2003 comedy where a frustrated field reporter was lent the powers of the big G for a week. During the film, Bruce used his newfound powers to become “Mr. Exclusive” – being the first, and the only, reporter on the scene at major news that he himself created. Putting aside the divine powers, it can be argued that almost anyone can become a Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Exclusive – with the right tools of course.

The way we access the news is continually changing as mobile technology advances. I don’t know how many times I would catch the news on an application such as Viigo long before I would be able to sit down in front of the six o’clock news. Do you even venture to the newspaper stand to pay for a paper anymore? Why would you when you can read it online for free? The news has come and gone long before the paper hits the stands – the term “hot off the presses” no longer applies. Terms like “trends” and “feeds” have easily replaced it as they better reflect that instantaneous access we have. If you have a smartphone (or dumbphone for that matter) in hand, and you’re on the scene, you could potentially become a mobile reporter.

Continue reading Extra! Extra! Tweet all about it! Are you a Blackberry Reporter? We Need you to help!

NHCBBA Is Looking For You "Editors or Reviewers"


  • Are you a writer – or want to be one? Do you have an interest in reading & developing news about BlackBerry? Do you find yourself aimless with the time you spend on the computer? Now you can fill that time by volunteering to become a Writer or Moderator with NHCBBA.com!
  • If you are passionate about BlackBerry, Applications, Operating Systems, or just have a general love for it all – contact us today! You don’t need to be an expert, but you should understand forums and know how to create threads and posts.
    Being part of the team at NHCBBA is a great way to network with other BB addicts and can be lots of fun.
  • If this sounds like something you would be interested in then all you have to do is contact the site owner, Aaron R, by Personal Message for more information. Limited positions are available, so don’t hesitate to step up!
  •  Send All info to Support @ nhcbba.com or Contact us at Skype: NHCBBA

Please include the following information:

  • Your Name
  • State/Country/Province (include your time zone) / Email / BBM Pin / Skype ID
  • Why you would like to be apart of NHCBBA.com (We would love to hear your story)
  • Whether you would like to be a Writer, Product reviewer, or Blackberry FAQ’s Writer
  • Any other notes or comments you would like to add

Thanks you, and were looking forward to hearing from you!

Rogers introduces first-ever real-time data usage alerts for roaming

Travel wows

Delayed flights, lost luggage, middle seat, airline goes on strike while you’re on vacation?  These are just a few of the pains people experience when they travel.  I can tell you as a Canadian, that you don’t know travel woes until you travel as a Canadian with your smartphone.  The big three (Rogers, Telus & Bell) have obscene roaming rates.  So when the Kevin, Bla1ze and myself travel to WES/DevCon/BB World with our BlackBerry smartphones we are making a huge sacrifice for you the NHCBBA nation. Rogers charges $6.14/MB in the US, if you think that is bad when our fearless leader travels to Barcelona for Mobile World Congress he is billed the bargain basement rate of $30.00 per megabyte.

The carriers offer packaged bundles for short periods of time to help remove some of the burden of the roaming costs, but who knows how much data is used?  I find when I travel my data use increases with all my Facebook or Twitter photo uploads (can’t let an opportunity to show off what I am eating for dinner) plus all the glorious FourSquare check-ins to earn more and more badges. With these carrier bundles when you’ve exhausted the bucket you go back to pay-per-use.

Rogers however, has introduced some good news.  They have introduced alerts to keep you current on your roaming data usage as well as lower cost travel data passes.  This is a decent start to help ease some of the data roaming pain. Looking forward to see how it helps for DevCon and CES.

More information at Rogers Redboard

via: cb

NHCBBA TIP: Sometimes it is best to set your 3G BlackBerry Smartphone to 2G (EDGE) only

Edge is Better!

One of the features of your 3G BlackBerry Smartphone that is easy to forget but can come in really handy given certain circumstances is the ability to change your Network Mode. When you go to Mobile Network Options, under Network Mode you have the options of 3G, 2G and 3G & 2G, with the 3G & 2G option being the one that is typically selected by default. This default option means that if 3G is available for the cellular network you’re connected to you will default to 3G, but if the 3G signal gets too weak or you move out of 3G network range, you’ll automatically drop to a 2G network (known as EDGE) which is more than likely to be present. Compared to 2G, 3G connections offer faster data speeds and simultaneous voice and data (on GSM), so most people prefer 3G to 2G when given the option. Thus, the default setting of 3G & 2G works pretty well for most people, most of the time. However, it can make sense to try changing up this option is if you find yourself in a location where all of a sudden your trusty BlackBerry seems to start working like crap even though you’re clearly connected to 3G – it could be that your device would be better off dropping down to 2G but for whatever mystical reason it doesn’t want to downshift. Allow me to illustrate with a real life example from this past weekend:

I spent the weekend getting some R&R at a buddy’s cabin in a cottage/camping area called Spruce Sands, which is a 15 minute drive away from the town of Gimli on the west shore of Lake Winnipeg. Gimli recently got its network upgraded to offer 3G (yay…finally!). Back at my buddy’s cabin, all of the devices present (a Bold 9780, Torch 9800, Bold 9700 and an iPhone 4) were clearly connected to Rogers and the 3G signal looked strong, displaying full bars. So based on appearances, it seemed like Gimli’s new 3G network reached outside of town to the area where I was staying. I wasn’t paying super close attention to my phone nor using it that much during the day (getting some R&R, remember?), but my Bold 9780 did seem a bit wonky. My battery was almost dead (despite barely using the phone), I had some undelivered BBMs, and it seemed to take everybody in the cabin a few tries to make voice calls. The service felt suspect, but since I was seeing full bars on 3G (and was having a good time drinking), I didn’t think to do anything about it.

By mid-afternoon of day two after hearing others in the cabin complain about the same issues I noticed the day before, I finally decided to do something about it, and changed my Network Mode to 2G. Boom. Issues Fixed. By switching to EDGE only mode and ignoring 3G connectivity, every issue we experienced went away and our devices were back to running normal (with exceptional battery life I might add on EDGE). Apparently we were picking up the town’s 3G tower still but were near the limit of its range, which meant we were ignoring the much closer towers that offered EDGE only. And that really horrible battery life was the result of the radios working excessively hard to try an maintain that 3G connection when we were clearly getting out or range.

Long Story Short: If you find your 3G data connectivity appears to be ok but all of a sudden you’re experiencing poor battery life, undelivered BBMs, delayed SMS messages and calls dropping, try switching to 2G only. It might save you from a ton of aggrevation!

Via: cb

BlackBerry Bold 9900 coming to O2 UK in August

BlackBerry Bold 9900 O2 UK

If the BlackBerry Bold 9900 has captured your imagination and you happen to live in the UK, then listen. RIM’s upcoming powerhouse of a BlackBerry smartphone has now made an appearance on O2 UK’s website with a “coming soon” label pointing at an August release. No exact release date as of yet, but you can tell that the wait is soon coming to an end.

Other carriers in the UK have announced future availability of the BlackBerry Bold 9900 as well, with Three UK promising a September 15th launch and Vodafone UK taking it easy with only a “coming soon” banner and no mention of anymore detail. It should be noted that Phones4u has already revealed both pricing and details on availability (via Vodafone) with a delivery date of August 24th for pre-orders. Whether a release in late August or earlier, the release is near – I can feel it.

Can you feel it, NHCBBA  Nation? Sound off in our comments below please!

via: cb

BlackBerry Bold 9900 launching in India on August 8th?

BlackBerry Bold 9900 and 9930

All of us here at NHCBBA are anxiously awaiting a release date for the BlackBerry Bold 9900 in North America, but so far we’re not hearing anything concrete. We’ve heard rumors that August 22nd will be the launch date in the UK, and now new word has it that India will be releasing it the second week of August, on the 8th. This will of course be the standard black version of the device, though the same source is reporting that a white version will follow in October.

With all the delays this BlackBerry has seen, it’s nice to finally be seeing it get some release dates. My fingers are crossed now for some news for Canada and the US, as well as for those other as of yet unnanounced devices!

Source: iGyaan  via: cb

Official: OS for BlackBerry Bold 9780 via T-Mobile UK

Official OS from T-Mobile UK has reached the BlackBerry Bold 9780. If you have a Bold 9780, get out that USB cord and give your a device a fresh OS. Don’t forget to drop a comment below and let us know how it’s working out for you!

**Currently this update seems to only be showing on Desktop Manager for T-Mobile UK users, but BBH-Plus has created a home made installer for the install**

*Disclaimer – Install at your own risk and always back up your data before loading! This is NOT an official release and as such is not supported by Research In Motion or your Wireless Carrier. NHCBBA.com  is not responsible for any loss of data or any other issues that may arise during the loading process.

We also have the .zip of just the UMTS and Java files if you prefer to do a copy/paste method.

Instructions:1. Install to PC (http://bit.ly/ndsvgo)
1a. UMTS/Java Folder only: Download
2. Install this over folder using this installer
2a. Shrink your OS if you want
3. Install to phone
3a. For best results, do 2-3 battery pulls and allow 24-48 hour “settling” time
This is the full OS DM Update.Contains:
– Updated: BBM, Facebook, Twitter, IM apps