Tag Archives: MTV

BlackBerry Climbs To #2 on The Vitrue 100: Top Social Brands of 2010

blackberry social


The BlackBerry brand has done an incredible job climbing the ranks of The Vitrue 100: Top Social Brands. The Vitrue 100 is a list of 100 brands and the volume of discussion on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. In 2008, the BlackBerry brand ranked number 20, in 2009, BlackBerry rose to 15 and in 2010, BlackBerry is the number 2 social brand.

A little while ago we had some inside tips and stats regarding RIM’s social media strategy, which according to this report is doing great things for brand awareness. Hit the jump for The Vitrue 100: Top Social Brands of 2010.
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Welcome Yo the NEW Celebrity BlackBerry Sightings: Weekly Roundup!

Welcome back to the NHCBBA Celebrity Roundup, where we relax a bit and take a minute to indulge ourselves with some celebrity BlackBerry sightings. From sunny California to the Jersey Shore, there is a little bit for everyone this week. So get comfy, enjoy the photos, and have a great remainder of your weekend!

Jennifer Garner

Jennifer Garner spent a fun Wednesday out shopping at Chanel in Beverly Hills. She bought so much that she needed three people to help her carry out all her giant bags! As you can see, her hands were full between her purse and her BlackBerry 9700, so we can’t blame her for asking for a bit of assistance. Maybe Jennifer should check out NHCBBA.com for a holster, in case this happens again. 😉

Emma Watson

Emma Watson recently started attending Brown University and decided to change her image with a super short pixie hair style. She was spotted on campus last week with her BlackBerry, trying to stay dry during some rainy weather. I wonder if she upgraded from the Bold 9000 at the same time that she changed her hair?

Jwoww and Snooki

Though I have never watched Jersey Shore myself, I know it has a huge following. Two of the girls from the show were recently on a trip to NYC and each had a BlackBerry in hand. While Jwoww appears to be going the classy route with her Bold 9700, Snooki has a different approach. Her Bold 9650 is protected by a leopard print case, and her dress and manicure all match! I know some of you may like this idea, so I checked out the NHCBBA store but while we have a wide variety of accessories, we don’t sell leopard print cases. Or we do, and Snooki bought them all.

Enrique and Kellen

And because I promised the ladies something this week, here are Enrique Iglesias with his Bold 9000 and Kellan Lutz of Twilight fame with his 9700. Yes, the pictures are totally unrelated, but still nice to look at.


MTV has a new daily show called “The Seven” which is designed to keep you up-to-date on what they think you need to know about pop culture, celebrity news, music, fashion and more. It was brought to my attention today (thanks Obi!) that several celebrities including Shakira, Drake, and Michelle Trachtenberg listed BlackBerry in their 7 Must Haves. Other gadgets making the list included iPads and Kindles, which I thought was cool.

That’s your roundup for this week! Keep leaving your comments and tips, it makes it more fun, and see you all back here next weekend for more Celebrity sightings!

Photo Sources:
Jennifer Garner courtesy of Popsugar
Emma Watson courtesy of Coolspotters and Celebuzz
Jwoww and Snooki courtesy of TooFab
Enrique Iglesias courtesy of Celebrity BlackBerry Sightings
Kellen Lutz courtesy of Celebuzz
Shakira courtesy of MTV

Fox Mobile launches BitBop video streaming service for BlackBerry handsets

Fox Mobile announced on Thursday that it is launching a streaming video service that will rival Hulu. The service will feature full-length, on demand television programming from CBS, Fox NBC, A&E, Comedy Central, Discovery, FX, MTV, and USA. Though not available at launch, full-length movies will be added by the end of the year. Targeting the mobile phone market, the service will be compatible with BlackBerry handsets including all the variants of the BlackBerry Bold series, as well as the Curve 8900 and Tour 9630. Though the BitBop app itself is free, the streaming service requires a $9.99 monthly fee that provides unlimited streaming and limited downloads. Interested BlackBerry owners can download the BitBop application from the BITBOP and get their streaming on now

Drake Loves His BlackBerry, Uses It To Write All His Raps

http://media.mtvnservices.com/mgid:uma:video:mtv.com:530191Quite some time ago I posted about how musical  rock star Slash used his BlackBerry to write his book. Today I came across an article on Us Magazine where musical rap star Drake (full name Aubrey Drake Graham) talks about how he loves and depends on his BlackBerry when writing his raps:

All his raps are written on a BlackBerry, if we don’t have a BlackBerry we gotta borrow one or find one somewhere!

The BlackBerry keys…my thumbs were made for touching them!

Talk about an endorsement! You can check out Drake on his BlackBerry in the video above, courtesy of MTV. If you know of any other musically inclined celebrities who use their BlackBerry like Drake does feel free to share!