Tag Archives: milestone

Yoritex has produced Medical Network HUB for BlackBerry smartphones


BlackBerry for medical world

Given the current parade of bad predictions for the BlackBerry from the inside baseball crowd, it’s exciting and refreshing to see that out in the real world many still see BlackBerry surviving beyond next Thursday.  Yoritex has announced that they have produced a Medical Network HUB.  This is the first USB-connected hardware accessory for BlackBerry smartphones, which allows making over 50 different medial and non-medical measurements via plug-in accessories which Yoritex makes.  It provides full mHealth service on real-time transmit data basis.

Keep reading for the full press release.

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RIM Explains PlayBook FIPS Government Certification & More

FIPS Certification PlayBook Interview

The BlackBerry PlayBook became the first and only FIPS US government certified tablet this month which is a pretty big milestone for RIM. While their smartphones are certified RIM has already had the BlackBerry PlayBook cryptographic kernel certified for government use which opens up the doors for the biggest tech consumer in the US to purchase them.


RIM has thankfully posted a video interview with Michael K. Brown, Director of Security Product Management at RIM, to explain a bit about what FIPS certification is and why it is so important. He also explains why this kind of security certification is essential for government clients alongside healthcare and financial clients. Check out the video below including the golf carts driving by in the background…

Desktop Video Link | Mobile Video Link

via: bbreview

NHCBBA want to thank our followers for hitting a milestone

We are always working to make our site better for you and your friends.  But we are slowly getting the fund to keep this up so  if you like to help support you site to keep running please donate to us at this link here..

Now with that over with, we have hit a couple milestones mentioned below