Tag Archives: Middle East

RIM adds over 1 million new subscribers across EMEA in less than 3 weeks


While investors in the US and Canada have been rather rough on RIM lately, they all seemingly forgot that RIM is still continuing to grow globally. Most recently, over 1 Million new subscribers have been added to the BlackBerry services in less then 3 weeks across Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Needless to say, the numbers speak for themselves — RIM isn’t dead, they just need to maintain momentum in their transition period and get new devices out to the masses.


RIM Removing Streaming Apps from App World in the Middle East

Worst part of censorship

A developer of popular BlackBerry apps, Shane, let me know that he was contacted by RIM with an interesting issue with his apps. According to RIM streaming applications are not permitted for sale in the Middle East. They are removing availability of streaming apps in App World for users in the Middle East for all currently approved apps and new apps.

The list of Middle east countries banned from streaming apps is: Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan,Kuwait,Lebanon,Oman,Pakistan,Qatar,Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen


I have never heard of such a restriction where streaming apps are not allowed in the Middle East. It makes me wonder if RIM Legal is pulling some CYA or if this is an actual restriction imposed by other stores. RIM flagged Shane’s police scanner apps but it makes me wonder what RIM means by “Streaming Applications.” I wonder if Nobex and other streaming radio apps are included. This is why I think it is a slippery slope for RIM to only allow BlackBerry PlayBook apps through App World. That is an Apple strategy that just helps enforce censorship since everything is centralized.

Let us know if you figure out any more!

Here is the email RIM is sending out:

Dear Mr X,

This email is to inform you that any streaming applications, including police scanners, are not permitted for sale in the Middle East. Please remove the following countries from any future application submissions of this type. The applicable changes are currently being made to the applications as they are approved. Please note this will not happen moving forward.

Also, if we have missed the country restriction on any applicable applications please make the necessary changes or feel free to inform us.

List of Middle East countries:

– Bahrain

– Egypt

– Jordan

– Kuwait

– Lebanon

– Oman

– Pakistan

– Qatar

– Saudi Arabia

– United Arab Emirates

– Yemen

Thank you for your continued interest in BlackBerry App World.


BlackBerry App World Team




BlackBerry PlayBook previewed in Dubai, coming to UAE on June 12th

At a special preview in Dubai, the BlackBerry PlayBook was the center of attraction among special guests. While excitement at the VIP event was high, so were the expectations of the guests – the BlackBerry PlayBook seemed premature to some. Not content with the performance of RIM’s tablet, one guest noted that “They [RIM] should have waited until the PlayBook had everything loyal BlackBerry mobile users want and need.” Although I agree to some extent, it is quite funny and ironic that RIM had banners set up with the text “Yeah, you should have waited.

All negativity aside, the BlackBerry PlayBook did deliver on many aspects such as robust hardware and snappy software – as can be seen in the video above. Sandeep Saighal, Managing Director for the Middle East at RIM, made an appearance at the event, reminding everyone that the BlackBerry PlayBook is “going to change the way you do business… this is just a small teaser, the best is yet to come.” As far as launch date, it has been confirmed that EMS will distribute the BlackBerry PlayBook through select retail outlets from June 12th. Babar Khan, CEO of EMS, is not only excited, but expects RIM’s tablet to shake up the Emirati market: “After experiencing a successful launch in North America we look to continue this within our region, where smartphone penetration is very high. With features such as seamless integration with a BlackBerry smartphone, Docs To Go for document editing and HDMI output, we expect the BlackBerry PlayBook to become an essential tool for this region’s businesses.

What do you think? Personally, I believe that most of what has been said in the video is true, but I already knew about the limitations of the BlackBerry PlayBook in its current form. And, as said in the video, functionality can be expanded through software updates, which is an important feature in my opinion. I think the BlackBerry PlayBook is a great tablet in its own right, especially the Web browser.

What concerns me, however, is that the BlackBerry PlayBook is heading to the Middle East without being ready for it – Arabic input is lacking, as is the support for certain Unicode languages in general. Case in point, Word to Go can’t even handle Arabic documents properly. But then again, this is all software we are talking about. Here’s hoping that a software update with support for Unicode languages is on its way, lest RIM be ruining their opportunities in the Middle East – a big market for them.

Source: Gulf News; via: Zawya


BlackBerry Protect launched online

I know many of you have been patiently waiting for BlackBerry Protect to be released beyond a limited beta. Well, it seems that we are now blessed with this software in Americas & Europe/Middle East. The launch dates are as follows:

  • March 5th – North America/Latin America
  • March 19th – Europe/Middle East
  • April 2nd – Asia Pacific

BlackBerry Protect now available in Europe and the Middle East

BlackBerry ProtectBlackBerry Protect

When BlackBerry Protect launched as an open beta a few weeks back, the service was limited to BlackBerry users in the Americas only. Now, however, the service was expanded to support Europe as well as the Middle East. This only leaves out BlackBerry users in Asia, but rest assured BlackBerry Protect will arrive there at some point too. And remember, when used consistently and correctly, your BlackBerry smartphone will offer reliable protection… a little bit of extra protection is not bad though, so head over to BlackBerry App World for the download, will you?

More information/download of BlackBerry Protect

Highlights of the 3rd Annual BlackBerry Partners Fund Super Apps Developer Challenge

[ Mobile? Click Here for Video ]


Looking to find some awesome BlackBerry apps? Then you’ll want to see the winning applications from the 3rd Annual  BlackBerry Partners Fund Super Apps Developer Challenge. The Super Apps  Challenge started with an open call to the BlackBerry developer  community to tell us how they had used the Super App  characteristics to deliver an application that users can’t live  without. Now that the Challenge has wrapped up, see the highlights  some of the winners and finalists (see the above video of BlackBerry application Poynt, the North American winner).
Selected from nearly 400 applications for BlackBerry smartphones  across four regions-North America, Latin America, Middle East &  Africa, Asia Pacific and Latin America – these apps range across nine  categories: Maps & Navigation, Reference & eBooks, Photo &  Video, Business, News, Shopping, Utilities, Sports & Recreation, and  IM & Social Networking.
Discover the kinds of Super Apps that people love and use every day:

RIM’s co-CEO Jim Balsillie shows off the BlackBerry Playbook at GITEX

[ youtube video link for mobile viewing ]

This year at DevCon we got to see President and Co-Chief Executive Officer Research In Motion, Mike Lazaridis speak about the BlackBerry PlayBook. Now, come time for GITEX (Gulf Information Technology Exhibition) we get to hear Co-Chief Executive Officer Research In Motion, Jim Balsillie drop his thoughts on the upcoming tablet. In addition to introducing the BlackBerry PlayBook to the Middle East, Jim Balsillie also announced BlackBerry App World 2.0 and the BlackBerry Torch. While not much new was noted, any PlayBook news is great news to us. You all still excited?

Source: TBreak

UAE and RIM to live happily ever after; BlackBerry owners can continue to use their devices

UAE Logo

A last minute decision for sure. Last month the UAE had RIM under its gun threatening to ban BlackBerry services from October 11. On Tuesday it was reported, that only few BlackBerry users are switching to other smartphones. Service providers Etisalat and du had even offered alternative smartphone options to their customers, including devices from Nokia or Apple’s iPhone. This all shall be history now as the Emirates is not going to suspend any of its BlackBerry services after all. The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority also acknowledged “positive engagement and collaboration of RIM in reaching this regulatory compliant outcome.”

It is not clear what the exact changes are, but rest assured BlackBerry users in the UAE may continue using their devices normally in the future. In an e-mailed statement, RIM said it “cannot discuss the details of confidential regulatory matters that occur in specific countries”. This allows for little conclusions to be drawn, but I believe the Emirates has been granted similar access to monitor BlackBerry traffic as India. Despite these matters this is an excellent outcome and shows that RIM has a big heart for the Middle East. We love you too, RIM.
Update: A contact of mine in the Emirates, who wishes to stay anonymous, has provided me with very interesting insight into the subject. Since the very first threats to ban BlackBerry services in the country, several local shops and dealers have lowered their prices for BlackBerry smartphones. However, a couple of days ago prices went up again for almost no reason. Word has it that “inside” information was floating around regarding the talks between the UAE and RIM. In addition, locals already knew since yesterday that a positive outcome has been reached, despite the local media being virtually silent about the subject. No comment on whether the UAE has been granted access to monitor BlackBerry traffic, though.

Source: CBS

The Associated Press Releases A News BlackBerry APP

93888.png Today the associated press released two new BlackBerry news apps for the BlackBerry. One of the Applications is called AP Movil America Latina, and the second app is the AP Mobile world edition. Now users can enjoy their news content in more languages. To download the application simply search for AP on App world.

For AP Mobile En Español click here[qrcode pix=150]http://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/content/896[/qrcode]

For AP Mobile world edition click here[qrcode pix=150]http://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/content/895[/qrcode]


  • Configure Categories: Users can pre-select and organize news categories for quick and easy access.
  • Set Local Preferences: Users can select one or multiple locations by zip code and get news from their local trusted source
  • Ranked Stories: Users can view stories by the most highly rated
  • Send to a Friend: Users can text or e-mail a story or image to a friend
  • Send to Facebook: Users can post stories to their Facebook page to facilitate discussion
  • Save Stories: Users can save stories to read later in the dedicated ‘Saved Stories’ category.
  • Read Offline: Users can read stories offline, without depending on a network connection.

Press Release below:

The Associated Press Expands Audience with New Mobile News Applications for BlackBerry Smart Phones

New “Super Apps” Localize Coverage for Worldwide Users by Tailoring News and Language to Region

New York, NY, Sept. 28, 2010 – The Associated Press, the world’s leading source of news and information, today launched two new mobile “Super Apps” for BlackBerry® smart phones – AP Móvil América Latina, bringing users global news in multiple languages around the world, and a new version of AP Mobile, world edition. Both apps are available for free on BlackBerry App World™ (www.blackberry.com/appworld ).

Continue reading The Associated Press Releases A News BlackBerry APP

Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton Discussing BlackBerry Ban With Middle Eastern Governments

Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton Discussing BlackBerry Ban With Middle Eastern Governments

The looming BlackBerry ban by countries in the Middle East is becoming a very hot issue to the point where the United States is now getting politically involved. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is apparently in discussions about the proposed ban with U.S. “partners” in the United Arab Emirates:

“We have been in touch with our partners in the U.A.E. on this matter,” Clinton said at a press conference. “It involves a very complex set of issues that we’re working on with other countries as well.”

The U.A.E. has voiced concerns about protecting national security in light of encryption that enables BlackBerry users to communicate with each other privately.

“There is a legitimate security concern,” Clinton said, “but there’s also a legitimate right of free use and access.”

I think I prefer Mike Lazaridis’ response. What do you think? You can expect a lot more news coverage on this topic as the discussions progress and I’ll be posting up the highlights here on NHCBBA.com.

via Bloomberg