Tag Archives: Leaked

Leaked Pictures of QNX BlackBerry Fake

I think we can all breathe a sigh of relief. Yesterday, we reported there were pictures online of what was being dubbed as the first QNX-powered BlackBerry. The device, pictured above, is pretty hideous and looks like something that RIM would’ve put out in 2003 instead.

Continue reading Leaked Pictures of QNX BlackBerry Fake

Rumored QNX BlackBerry Images Leaked? We Have Our Doubts!

QNX-phone-leakThis is probably going to make you say that can’t be right! Which is the way I am leaning on this latest image that might be the rumored QNX BlackBerry. The image honestly looks pretty ugly at this point, which make me think they are either fake, or a nock-off device as we have seen many knock-off BlackBerry devices before.  Other rumors suggest that the first QNX device will be an all touch screen. This new image has a full QWERTY keyboard and a the traditional four buttons below the screen.  Hopefully this is not what we see released or the device looks a lot better later down the road. But for now we have our doubts whether this is the first QNX powered BlackBerry Smartphone. If it is true maybe we will see some higher resolution images soon.

Let us know what you make of this in the comments below.

Continue reading Rumored QNX BlackBerry Images Leaked? We Have Our Doubts!

Leaked: BlackBerry Desktop Manager 7 Beta – No keycode required!

Leaked: BlackBerry Desktop Manager 7 Beta - no keycode required!

A new beta version of BlackBerry Desktop Manager appeared in the BlackBerry Beta Zone a while ago, and while it required a keycode in order to make use of it — some folks didn’t really feel as though the application should be restricted. As such, OpenSourceBB members have gone ahead and released version with the keycode requirement stripped out of the app. Now, everyone who wishes to try out the BlackBerry Desktop Manager 7 Beta can do so. Remeber that beta tag though folks, expect some bugs.
Download BlackBerry Desktop Manager 7 Beta


Leaked OS for the BlackBerry Bold 9930

BlackBerry 7

While we just had a leak for the BlackBerry Bold 9930 just yesterday, a fresh leaked OS is again ready to go. This time it’s OS and it looks to be a good one as it is sporting some NFC love (not that it’s of all that much use just yet). So if you just picked up that new Bold 9930 or you’re patiently waiting for it to arrive, download this one and be up to date with the latest leak.

*OS Disclaimer – Please Read: Keep in mind this is NOT an official release and as such is not supported by RIM or your Carrier. If you choose to install, do so at your own risk and only if you’re comfortable in the process of upgrading and downgrading your device software. It is quite normal during operating system development for certain features to be crippled or disabled while others are tested, and these beta builds often reflect that. They are not always better. Depending on your BlackBerry comfort level, it may be best for you to wait for community feedback on a build before deciding to download and install for yourself or simply wait for the next official release. If you require support – do not contact your carrier or RIM for Beta OS technical support (their first course of action will be to advise you to downgrade to a supported OS). *

Download leaked OS for the Bold 9930


RIM’s Upcoming BlackBerry Curve Apollo Is Leaked

Following the unveiling of its latest BlackBerry Bold and BlackBerry Torch smartphones earlier this week, RIM’s U.K. chief revealed that the company is working on a budget device that will make the BlackBerry 7 OS available to fans of its entry-level Curve smartphone. No details were given on its availability or its technical specs, but we do know what it will look like, courtesy of some leaked images published by OneMobileRing.

The device is called the BlackBerry Curve 9360, or the BlackBerry Curve Apollo. While its specifications are yet to be confirmed, it seems the device will feature a HVGA 480×360 display, the trademark BlackBerry QWERTY keyboard, a 5-megapixel camera with flash, and NFC capabilities; all powered by a Tavor MG-1 800 MHz CPU and 512MB of RAM.

Continue reading RIM’s Upcoming BlackBerry Curve Apollo Is Leaked

Leaked Verizon Doc Shows 4G BlackBerry Curve 9370 Release Date

Verizon Leaked Doc Curve 4G 9370

This is an odd ball leak… We knew about the BlackBerry Curve 9360 was coming but the 9370 has been pretty much in the dark. These two devices will probably be the 6th and 7th of the 7 devices RIM promised this year since the Curve Touch Orlando and Curve Bellagio 9790 haven’t really been leaking as much or having prerelease devices passed around.

The odd thing about this Verizon leak from IGN is that it shows the BlackBerry Curve 9370 as being a 4G BlackBerry. It could be RIM found a way to put LTE in a BlackBerry 7 device but its news to us. It could just be a typo with Verizon’s big push into LTE but only time will tell. You excited? The PlayBook is also on the leaked image but still has a TBD launch date.

Thanks to everyone that sent this in!


Leaked T-Mobile Hungary Reseller Slide Shows White Bold 9900?

bold9900 whitejpg

For those of you like me who love the white BlackBerry devices there is a bit of good news in the rumor mill. A Hungarian blog, BerryBlog.hu, caught a leaked screenshot from a Hungarian official reseller showing a T-Mobile BlackBerry Bold 9900 in white and black variants. This points to some hope that a white version of the 9900 might come shortly after the black version. Here is to hoping!

Now if only they would do Crimson Red like they did with the Curve 8310… I loved that color.

via: bbreview

Leaked Bell roadmap shows off new BlackBerry devices

Bell BlackBerry roadmap

Bell is up next on the rumored device front with this leaked hardware roadmap that shows off more than a handful of new devices. While there are no dates of the official or coming soon variety listed, it’s a good sign to see them in print regardless. Included in the lineup are the both Torch 9810 and 9860, Bold 9900 and Curve 9360. Again, here’s to hoping we don’t have much longer to wait before we hear some official dates for all carriers on these devices.

via: cb

Leaked OS for the BlackBerry Bold 9790

BlackBerry 7

In another leak for a soon to be released device, we have OS for the BlackBerry Bold 9790. We saw a bit from this device (dubbed “Bellagio”) with a few tutorial videos that had been leaked. I’m sure not many of you have one to play around with, but if you do you can fire up this leaked OS and see how it goes. Feel free to post some comments (or even pictures) should you be one of the lucky ones 😉

*OS Disclaimer – Please Read: Keep in mind this is NOT an official release and as such is not supported by RIM or your Carrier. If you choose to install, do so at your own risk and only if you’re comfortable in the process of upgrading and downgrading your device software. It is quite normal during operating system development for certain features to be crippled or disabled while others are tested, and these beta builds often reflect that. They are not always better. Depending on your BlackBerry comfort level, it may be best for you to wait for community feedback on a build before deciding to download and install for yourself or simply wait for the next official release.

Download OS for the Bold 9790

Source: BBH-Plus

BlackBerry IM Clients v2.5.88 Leaked for OS 6.0 Devices

 googletalk wlm yahoo_messenger_header_sm

The fun continues with marginally updated versions of the BlackBerry IM clients. The latest were extracted by rr_yy and bring us up to v2.5.88 for those of us with OS 6.0 devices. Nobody is really noticing anything crazy different in these builds but it may be worth a shot if you absolutely have to have the latest version. Keep in mind they might also simply FUBAR your device so don’t say you were not warned!

Here are the links:

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