Tag Archives: LA

Hockey And BlackBerry: A Picture Says A Thousand Words

We all are aware of how much Jim Balsillie, Co CEO of RIM, loves his hockey. This isn’t about him though, it’s a quick moment of hockey and BlackBerry. I saw the picture from Deadspin and it features a hockey loving BlackBerry user in the background. The pic is from a Chicago Blackhawks and LA Kings game with a fight, and it’s a reminder of how we love using our BlackBerry to catch those moments.

You can read more about it from the Deadspin website here.

[via: Deadspin]

FilmOn Live TV – Free Mobile WiFi Streaming Of International News Channels & More!

FilmOn Live TV   Free Mobile WiFi Streaming Of International News Channels & More!

Edwin let me know about a website he came across called FilmOn. At first glance this website only seems available for desktop computers, iPads and Droid devices but a quick visit with the BlackBerry Browser presents you with a mobile-optimized website. The mobile site allows you to stream live TV using your BlackBerry’s WiFi connection and includes channels like CBS LA, KTTV Fox, Ion Life, NBC HD, Sky News, BBC News, CNN International and more.

Most of the channels available in the United States seem to be West coast based but there are international channels with a focus on specific countries like Spain, Russia and Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. I have to mention that FilmOn does offer certain explicit channels that are extremely NSFW and should only be viewed if you’re 18 years of age or whatever the age requirement is for your locale. These explicit channels should be viewed at your own risk, NHCBBA.com, bb.nhcbb.com or nhcbb.com is not responsible for your actions.

That being said, if you want to check it out go to filmon.com from your BlackBerry browser to be redirected to the mobile website. I’ve confirmed the live streaming to work smoothly on BlackBerry devices running OS 6.0 but do not know how it will work on devices running earlier OS versions. If you decide to check it out be sure to let me know how it works for you in the comments!

Thanks @tmobb4life!

Sprint promises WiMAX in NYC on November 1, LA on December 1, and San Francisco a few weeks later

The fact that Sprint and Clearwire have teamed up to deliver WiMAX to New York, LA, and San Francisco isn’t news. In fact, we’ve already seen the networks light up in operational readiness modes on the way to full consumer availability. But now we’ve got dates, the first specifics that we can recall for these cities. Now, according to both Clearwire and Sprint, New York’s WiMAX service will go live on November 1st, LA’s on December 1st, and San Francisco sometime around the end of December. We’ll see if those early 5Mbps to 7Mbps download / 1.2Mbps upload speeds we’ve experienced can be maintained once the service meets the crush of the big city horde. Of course, this is nothing but good news for wireless consumers who’ll also see Verizon light up its competing LTE network in these cities (38 in total) at about the same time.

RIM Pushing BBM Hard With BBM Lounge Events

BBM Promotions Over the last month or so RIM has really been on a roll advertising and promoting the use of BlackBerry Messenger. We mentioned that they have been plastering advertisements all over the US but now they are spreading past that. Here are some examples of how they are doing so.

All in all it is interesting to see RIM finally promoting their software and applications instead of just their hardware. They are finally realizing that it is software that is making the difference today which is why BlackBerry 6 has my hopes high. Hopefully RIM will hit it out of the park!

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