Tag Archives: GV

Google Voice lets you change your digits, keep the old ones for $20

Remember when Google Voice assigned a number to your account with no option to port or integrate with Sprint? Oh how much simpler things were way back in Q1. When those new features first popped up, you were given a 90-day grace period to receive calls and texts to your old number after making a change. Now you can port, integrate, or just flat-out replace your number without sacrificing those old digits. After making the switch, head to the Settings tab in GV, then click “make permanent” within 90 days to keep the old number. You’ll be billed for a one-time $20 “administration charge” (hey, computers need to get paid, too), but you’ll forever be able to receive calls and texts sent to both, though outgoing calls and texts will only appear to be coming from the replacement — so you’ll still need to give your contacts a heads up after making the swap. We’re always happy to see Google Voice add new features — especially when they actually work — so if you’re ready to try your hand at phone number polygamy, get that credit card out and head over to GV.

[Thanks, Liam]

sourceGoogle Voice Blog

Google and Sprint respond to Google Voice integration issues

You may recall from yesterday that early adopters were having a variety of issues after activating (or attempting to activate) Sprint’s new Google Voice integration feature. Well, a full day has passed, and we’ve had several calls with GV lead Vincent Paquet as well as Brian Smith, Sprint’s director of product development. Both executives have said that their respective companies have been hard at work on resolutions to each of the issues we outlined Thursday night, and some customers we spoke to yesterday are now back online. Jump past the break for a quick summary of what’s been fixed, and what remains on the to-do list.

Our primary concern yesterday was a voicemail security bug that inadvertently granted management-level access to people that one user called from the Google Voice web app. Google is not commenting on this vulnerability, but has confirmed that it’s not a threat today. The second issue was that some GV customers who were up and running with Sprint integration suddenly found themselves unable to use the service. This issue has been pegged to the removal of an accounting code — GGLVOICE — that some Sprint reps have accidentally removed. The carrier is working to prevent this from occurring in the future, and those already affected should soon be able to call in for support. Next up, some international calls were being processed through Sprint, rather than through GV, even after users activated their integration. This has been tied to the accidental removal of the same accounting code, and Google has offered to reimburse affected individuals (see the update on yesterday’s post for full details).

Finally, many users — notably those on personal accounts with corporate discounts — have been unable to activate GV integration. Sprint has promised a mid-May resolution, and we’ll certainly keep you updated. Users with these issues are still being instructed to share their concerns on the Google Voice Forum, which as of now is finally getting the attention it needs. You can also post a comment below, as both companies have been monitoring here, too. Things are looking much better today than they were yesterday, but our position remains unchanged: Unless you’ve already activated Sprint/Google Voice integration, please stand by until both companies have had a chance to work out these (very significant) kinks. You’ve been able to hold out this long — what’s another few weeks?

Update: Sprint customers on corporate and government accounts (paid for by your employer) are currently not eligible for integration. Eventually, Sprint will enable integration for some of these companies on a case-by-case basis.

source Google Voice Forum