Tag Archives: Foursquare

App Roundup: BBM integrated apps for BlackBerry smartphones

It has been about a month or so since RIM launched BBM 6 and its BBM social platform status allowing for apps to integrate with BBM. At the time of its launch there were a handful of apps that came with BBM integration, but since then the list has grown quite a bit. Doing a search on BlackBerry App World gives you a whole load of apps with BBM integration, but not all apps show in the same search. So to make it easier for our NHCBBA readers thanks to Crackberry, here’s a round-up of all the current BBM integrated apps and games. Don’t forget you’ll need BBM 6 in order to avail of the BBM Social Platform, and not all apps are compatible with all devices.

Keep reading for the full list.


Continue reading App Roundup: BBM integrated apps for BlackBerry smartphones

Foursquare for BlackBerry v3.2.1 Released with BBM & UI Improvements

Foursquare has released another incremental update to their hugely popular BlackBerry app. The latest version brings them to v3.2.1. According to the change log scored by PocketBerry this update includes some improvements for BBM and their interface. The full change log includes:


  • Improved handling and performance with connections to all terminals BBM
  • Changed the appearance of screens and reports
  • Amendments on the acquisition of our location
  • The amendments take into account the device with a higher screen resolution
  • Minor fixes minor bugs and optimization

You can pick up the updated version of Foursquare in App World[qrcode pix=180]http://nhcbba.com/downloads/Foursquare[/qrcode]

Developers: Register for the Foursquare Global Hackathon


The foursquare global hackathon takes place on September 17th-18th in cities all around the world. This is a great opportunity for developers to get together and work on a foursquare app that you could finish and take to market in just one day. With the help of other coders, foursquare experts and everyone else attending the event, you could end up with a really solid product at the end of the hackathon. Foursquare is hiring so this is also a great time to show off your skills. Continue reading for more info.

foursquare Continue reading Developers: Register for the Foursquare Global Hackathon

More BBM 6: Apps Made Social

Did you know that seventy percent of BlackBerry® Messenger (BBM™) users use BBM every day to communicate with friends, family and colleagues (if you’re anything like me, you use it every hour – Ed.). Today I am very excited to announce the launch of BBM 6, along with BBM connected apps from the BlackBerry® developer community to deliver a whole new social app experience to #TeamBlackBerry – one that’s only available on the BlackBerry platform. What are BBM connected apps? Quite simply, they are BlackBerry applications that leverage the power of BBM 6 to incorporate your favorite aspects of BBM – and a few new ones!

Please note that to take full advantage of these BBM connected apps, you must first download BBM 6. The BBM 6 update and BBM connected apps may take up to 24 hours to appear in the BlackBerry App World™ storefront for some users.

Check out some of the new social experiences BBM 6 enables:

Continue reading More BBM 6: Apps Made Social

BlackBerry users most important and influential according to Klout

So apparently BlackBerry users have more Klout than and Android users. If you’re wondering exactly what that means, you’re not alone. Klout is a new social networking service that measures individual users “influence” by gathering data from their Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and even Foursquare activities.

Recently Klout pinned Android and iPhone users head-to-head (while completely dismissing BlackBerry users as a whole) and found that iPhone users edged out their Google counterparts. Upon request from many readers, Klout calculated BlackBerry users’ average influence and what did they find? BlackBerry users beat out both iPhone and Android devices alike. Klout called it “an upset.”

While many will quickly dismiss this statistic (and they may have some validity to do so), one thing that we can gather from this is that social networking on the BlackBerry platform has definitely improved within the last few weeks. With the release of new Facebook for BlackBerry and Twitter for Blackberry apps that are extremely solid, and a new Foursquare app that now integrates with BBM, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that BlackBerry users are having more influence than ever.

Research In Motion and BlackBerry’s “impending doom” has also lead BlackBerry users to be influential in social networking in the sense that most of us have to constantly be defending or justifying our loyalty to our BlackBerry devices. If you’re reading this, odds are you have at one point in time or another convinced someone to switch to or stay with BlackBerry. We are influential.What do you think about this latest report from Klout?


Foursquare for BlackBerry v3.1.5 Available in App World

Foursquare is one of those apps/social networks that you either totally get or you have no idea what is cool about it. Foursquare’s simple purpose is to let you accumulate “check-ins” for points and potential mayorships of establishments. Competing with your friends and now, thanks to BBM 6 integration, sharing of your achievements on your Twitter feed or BBM status is also part of the fun.

Today, Foursquare for BlackBerry has received a minor upgrade from 3.1 to 3.1.5. This new build includes minor bug fixes and even some cool little UI tweeks. Check out the App World link below for more information.

Press Release: RIM Delivers Revolutionary Social App Experience with BBM 6

BlackBerry Messenger 6

With over 45 Million users and 2 Million new users on a daily basis — RIM has created something special when it comes to BlackBerry Messenger. Over the past few years, we’ve watched BBM go from what was once a pretty basic instant messaging system to a full-blown social application and now with the introduction of BlackBerry Messenger 6 today, combined with the availability of the BBM Social Platform SDK for developers, BlackBerry Messenger is ready for the next level.

Press Release

Continue reading Press Release: RIM Delivers Revolutionary Social App Experience with BBM 6

10 BlackBerry Messenger 6.0 Powered Apps – Developers Sound Off!

The team at RIM has rounded up some of the many new and long time titles in App World that are now making use of the new BlackBerry Messenger 6.0 and its new Social Platform SDK APIs. This list is in no way extensive and some of the apps are still rolling out but its a good place to start. It includes some of the apps we have already mentioned on BerryReview and including the upcoming augmented reality Wikitude BlackBerry OS 7 app. Personally I am checking out Backgammon King when I have time today. I have always wanted to play Backgammon with friends instead of random strangers.

Each app below has an accompanying message from the developer explaining what they thought of BBM 6 and the social platform it is packing. Its great to see such a positive response from BlackBerry developers from games to business app developers.

All these links are to download from App World on your Blackberry..

Backgammon King (App World) – One of Magmic’s top games is now social. If you want to play against a friend , challenge a BBM contact to a friendly  game or send an invite to download and start the fun.


“Players have always been able to play Backgammon King against real opponents but playing against your friends took a lot of time and effort,” said Troy Johnson, Director Strategic Initiatives, Magmic. “Your BBM contacts are your friends and BBM 6 is making it incredibly easy to share Backgammon King with them and invite them to play in real-time. The ease of access to our product, the ease of sharing and the ease of player engagement are each major breakthroughs. Combine those attributes of BBM 6 with Magmics’ industry leading in-game chat design and you have an incredibly entertaining experience. Trash talking your best friend over a game of backgammon has never been easier and more fun. It’s no exaggeration to say, for Backgammon King, BBM 6 is a real game changer.”

Foursquare (App World) – Foursquare is all about helping you find new ways to explore the city. Earn points and unlock badges, profiles and status updates over BBM.

“RIM is a fantastic partner. We’re thrilled to be working with them to provide a better experience to millions of foursquare users around the world by integrating foursquare with BBM,” said Holger Luedorf, VP of Mobile and Partnerships for foursquare.

Huffington Post (App World) – The Huffington Post, a leader in implementing social features to reach and interact with its network of readers and bloggers, depends on the BBM Social Platform to continue to reach its audiences, even when they are on the go.

“The Huffington Post, a leader in implementing social features to reach and interact with its network of readers and bloggers, integrates the BlackBerry Social Platform to create a place where our users can continue to engage in up-to-the-minute news stories, blogs, and analysis,” said Paul Berry, CTO of the Huffington Post Media Group.    “As a BBM connected app, we make it simple for our readers to easily share and discuss the news. BBM 6 allows The Huffington Post to continue to reach its audience in a new way when they are on the go, and without having to compromise on the quality of their experience.”

Jingu (App World) – Jingu is an application for BBM only and it is focused on enriching the BBM communication experience and the BBM community with the addition of social chat, photo sharing, avatars, and more.

“Jingu users are engaging with BlackBerry Messenger in an exciting new way,” said Pankaj Gogia, Founder, Jingu Apps. “With BBM 6, ease of use is greatly enhanced with capabilities like updating your BBM profile picture directly from within the application. Jingu is dedicated to creating social networking applications built on the BlackBerry Messenger Social Platform that
leverage the new capabilities of BBM 6 and bring enriched and vastly immersive experiences to end users.”

Pocket Ants (App World) – You are the king of the ANTS- feeding, burning, fighting, and racing your ants. Now with BBM you can invite all your friends to rule an ant colony too.

“One of the keys to viral game sales is to allow users to easily invite their friends to join them in playing the games they love,” said Keith Pichelman, CEO, Concrete Software. “Integrating BBM into Pocket Ants has allowed the game to do just that.”

Poynt (App World) – Find businesses, people, restaurants, movies, events and weather info. Going out for dinner with friends? Find a great spot and share it.

“I don’t know anyone who doesn’t immediately react to the ‘chime’ of BBM,” said Margaret Glover-Campbell, VP Marketing & PR of Poynt Corporation. “Being able to leverage BBM 6 to share search results provides a tremendous advantage to our BlackBerry smartphone user base who can now easily and quickly coordinate their social activities. The ability to share the app download directly within BBM is also exciting for us, given the immediacy and viral nature of the platform. From a development perspective, we see tremendous possibilities for future integration around connecting people while they’re on the go.”

PowWow Study (App World) – PowWow uses BBM integration to provide real time social event coordination. Connected BBM 6 users are directly invited and notified of events that are created using Powwow. With PowWow the latest information is made available.

“PowWow uses BBM 6 integration to enable real time social event coordination,” said Kathryn Lahrs, Founder, Lahrs Apps. “Users are directly invited and notified of events that are created with our application. With PowWow, the latest information is available and BBM chats can quickly be started if any further communication is desired. Through BBM 6 PowWow users can share their location information, which is displayed in BlackBerry Maps. There is also an option to check your contact’s availability directly from their calendars and to create an event with this information; this is a very useful tool in event planning and saves time in the process.”

ScoreMobile (App World) – Up-to-the-minute sports scores, players, stats, betting odds and more. You can invite BBM friends into the app to chat about the latest sports banter, share scores and more.

“Following sports is inherently social – fans are extremely passionate, and like to trash talk, comment, and generally share their opinions on whatever they’re watching,” says Dale Fallon, VP Digital Products, Score Media. “By integrating BBM 6 functionality right into the ScoreMobile experience, we enable our users to enjoy the game with their friends even when they’re not together. In a nutshell, BBM 6 integration allows sports fans to be social without having to leave the ScoreMobile app.”

Telmap Navigator (App World) – Telmap is a mobile location companion which now integrates with BBM to bring significantly enriched communication and interactions with users’ real-time locations.

“Telmap, a global location-based services leader, is very focused on serving all users’ needs by constantly enriching and optimizing their on-the-go experiences,” said Motti Kushnir, Telmap Chief Marketing Officer. “The integration between BBM 6 and the Telmap Mobile Location Companion significantly enriches conversations and interactions through BBM with users’ real-time locations. Telmap views this integration as an important pillar of our vision to provide a richer, more comprehensive experience to our users. We work hard to integrate our application with popular and useful platforms like BBM, to ensure added value to users who can now add location information to their interactions with friends.”

Unvired (App World) – Unvired Workflow by SAP allows users to take action on the workflow documents directly from their BB. The BBM integration allows sharing of screen shots/pictures with colleagues during collaboration.

“Unvired Workflow for SAP enables approval of SAP workflow requests directly from the BlackBerry smartphone. Unvired leverages the BlackBerry message list and BBM to provide a familiar BlackBerry user experience,” said Srinivasan Subramanian, CEO, Indience InfoSystems Pvt Ltd. “The BBM platform has been smartly integrated to enable employees to collaborate seamlessly. If the user has some queries while approving the workflow, they can BBM their colleague or Manager, transfer a screenshot of the workflow item and clarify. They can then approve or reject the workflow request. The BBM chat can also be emailed to maintain an audit trail. The BBM integration with Unvired ensures quick turnaround and collaboration between employees, not just for workflow but other usages like checking discounts for a customer, escalating a customer grievance and much more.”

Wikitude (Not Available Yet – BlackBerry OS 7) – Wikitude allows you to experience your BBM in a new way. By using the camera, simply pan around your mobile to contacts in Augmented Reality. You may even find new friends in your vicinity – a truly engaging and immersive experience.

“BBM 6 is the underlying mobile social network making Wikitude on the BlackBerry platform a very unique experience. An augmented reality (AR) browser with millions of interesting places is already a very compelling and new proposition, but bringing it to life with millions of people who can chat, meet and share in an AR environment has the potential to revolutionize how we interact with one another. With BBM 6 and Wikitude preloaded on upcoming BlackBerry smartphones our AR browser will be truly going social for the very first time,” says Andy Gstoll, CMO of Wikitude.

via: bbreview

FourSquare For BlackBerry Updated – BBM Integration is Back!

A few weeks ago, we seen a alpha version of Foursquare v3 that included BBM integration, but had a limited access to the integration. An official version was released (v3.0.2) days later, which had BBM integration removed. Today, Foursquare has been officially updated to v3.1, which brings back BBM integration!

via: bbos

Foursquare BlackBerry App v3.0 Alpha Adds BBM Integration

Foursquare finally released a public alpha build of their app with BBM integration that they were showing off at BlackBerry World. I was waiting for this app to drop since it is a real proof of concept for BBM integration from a high profile app. I am hoping more come soon but check out the Alpha if you are willing to live on the bleeding edge and have BBM 6.0 installed from the Beta Zone.

Download the Alpha build v3.0 of Foursquare at: foursquare.com/blackberry/alpha. Kudos to Tim for sending this one in!

via BBOS