Tag Archives: EA

Free Tetris for the BlackBerry PlayBook Updated to v2.2

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I have no idea what is new in this update but after the upgrade Terrence let us know that EA Games free Tetris has been updated. The app went from v2.1 to v2.2 with no change log. My guess is it has something to do with OS compatibility since AIR and Flash have been updated but it could improve the game. Let us know what you find!

Tetris in App World[qrcode pix=120]http://nhcbba.com/downloads/Tetris_for_PB[/qrcode]



New Game Dead Space for the BlackBerry PlayBook from EA

362505Looking to spice up your gaming experience on your PlayBook than check out the newly release EA’s Dead Space. The game trailer kind of reminds me of the movie Pandorum,  but that is besides the point this looks to be an awesome shooting, alien butt kicking game. To watch the trailer if you are on your BlackBerry use the link below.

Continue reading New Game Dead Space for the BlackBerry PlayBook from EA

Apple’s reign will soon come to an end, EA founder says

It seems like Apple can do no wrong these days, but according to Electronic Arts founder Trip Hawkins, Apple is headed toward a decline. It goes without saying that Apple will not be able to maintain its dominance forever — every company that rises will eventually fall — but Hawkins sees Apple’s decline as beginning relatively soon. “The thing is, it may take another year or two before it starts to decline, but it has to – everything does,” Hawkins told IndustryGamers in an interview. “Everything revolves so much around Steve, and no matter how good his lieutenants are, they’re not Steve. None of us is going to live forever, though I hope he lives for a really long time.” Hawkins went on to note that games made by Digital Chocolate, the mobile game lab he left EA to launch, will “always be in the App Store,” though he says it would be great if Apple were more open. “I think it would be an incredibly positive thing for the industry if Apple decided to support all of the web standards, because then Apple could be the best about everything. Right now they make a conscious choice. They want you to be in the App Store rather than the browser, so they cripple the browser,” Hawkins griped, though he noted that the closed model hasn’t had a negative impact on Apple’s iOS business at this point.

[Via The Loop]



Magmic Launches Clue Cover Story for BlackBerry

Magmic has announced the release of Clue Cover Story for BlackBerry. Developed by EA Mobile, Clue Cover Story is an adventure game based on the classic iconic Clue board game.

In Clue Cover Story, you must solve the mysterious murder of Mr. Boddy. Search his fantastic hillside mansion to uncover his guests’ devious secrets. Record clues on your crime map to discover who did, where and with what weapon. The faster you are, the more stars you’ll earn to advance your journalism career. Was it Mustard in the Study with the Candlestick? Or Peacock in the Ballroom with the revolver?

Help solve the mystery with Clue Cover Story for BlackBerry from Bplay

EA Acquires PopCap Games for $750M

popcap gamesThe mainstream, multi-platform game developer giant known as Electronic Arts has acquired PopCap Games, a major contender in the online world of casual and social gaming. In one fell swoop, EA came that much close to their goal of being worth $1bn. Earlier this week, PopCap and EA settled on an acquisition price of $750 million. While some analysts are questioning the high price of the acquisition, purchase, CEO of EA, John Riccitiello insists that the price was fair and just. “Acquiring PopCap extends the leadership we have established since the investment in our flagship casual site, Pogo. It adds to our momentum on the mobile and social platforms and accelerates us toward our goal of achieving $1 billion in digital business in FY12,” he said.

The deal also wrangled in PopCap’s 17.5 million Facebook users, pushing Electronic Arts to be the second largest Facebook game publisher right behind Zynga.

There had been some talk in recent months of other gaming companies putting in offers and bids to purchase PopCap, but they were all turned down. What drew PopCap to EA was, according to Riccitiello, “…their recognition of our culture — the respect that EA shows for games and the teams that create them.”

Perhaps the most exciting part of this deal is how much attention the mobile and social gaming world is getting as a result. After reading through the user comments on most of the news articles, it seemed that a lot of readers were surprised to see how seriously a mainstream gaming company like EA is taking mobile gaming. There’s no doubt that mobile gaming has exploded over the past couple of years, so the merging of these two giants is bound to have a ton of impact on what we’re going to see in terms of smartphone games in the near future. Exciting, isn’t it?

Both EA and PopCap have developed and published many huge smartphone game titles such as Need For Speed, Tetris, Bejeweled, and Plants vs Zombies.

via: bbcool

Need for Speed: Undercover hits v2.0 for the BlackBerry PlayBook

Need for Speed: Undercover

Having been on-board for the launch of the BlackBerry PlayBook, EA’s Need for Speed: Undercover is certainly one showing of just how well the BlackBerry PlayBook can handle gaming when developers make use of native SDK. Today, EA has gone ahead and pushed the latest version out to BlackBerry PlayBook owners bumping the release version up to 2.0 status. We don’t have a change log for what was updated in this release but folks are downloading it and sharing their finding in the forums. Hit the link below to share what you may find new in this release.


BlackBerry at SXSW – What may we see?

BlackBerry at SXSW

With SXSW (South by Southwest) set to kick-off on March 11 we’re starting to see a lot of promotion for the events happening and we can’t but notice some of them are being sponsored by Research In Motion. We’re definitely expecting some PlayBook news to come from the event and more likely then some lead-up announcements before the event opens up. While we’ll have to wait for the official news to start rolling, Research In Motion is sponsoring the Foodspotting – Street Food Fest so that may be a precursor to seeing a Foodspotting app demoed for the BlackBerry PlayBook.

While Mobile World Congress gave us a look at EA games demos and demos from TAT on the PlayBook, Apples announcement of the iPad 2 makes SXSW a great venue for Research In Motion to announce some of the further news we’re all waiting for surrounding the BlackBerry PlayBook — such as an announcement on price or availability.

If you look around there are hints being dropped about a PlayBook release party but assuming that doesn’t happen just yet, what are things are you all hoping may come from Research In Motion at SXSW? Let us know in the comments.

via: cb

New BlackBerry PlayBook Video – showing off Need for Speed, Tetris and more!

Mobile World Congress 2011 is now in full swing, and as we hoped Research In Motion has the BlackBerry PlayBook on hand and for the first time is showing it off in Europe. I’m not at MWC this year in person, but our good friend Ewan MacLeod is on site covering the show for us and the first thing he did was rush to the BlackBerry booth to get an update video on the BlackBerry PlayBook. Last week RIM announced that EA’s Need for Speed and Tetris would come preloaded on the PlayBook, and sure enough we got a good look at it. Check out the video above to see Need for Speed, Tetris and more live and in action. Hawt!!

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-14