Tag Archives: Download

BlackBerry App World 3.0 Comes Out of Beta – Download it Now!

App World out of beta App World out of beta2

We knew it was coming but now it is official. Shahzoor from BBin.in let us know that RIM has unleashed BlackBerry App World out of the Beta Zone. That means all of you can now download the updated version of App World without having to enter in Key Codes and jump through hoops.

You can pick it up at www.blackberry.com/appworld from your BlackBerry!

BlackBerry Curve 9350/9370 lands official OS from Sprint

9350 official

If you happen to be lucky enough to have one of the yet to be released BlackBerry Curve 9350 or Curve 9370 you will be happy to know that Sprint has released a brand new official OS. is available for download, and while we are unsure of what it fixes, or any issues that it may contain, it is yours to install. As usual, be sure to proceed with caution while installing this OS and be sure to jump in the forums and let us know how it goes for you.

Download OS for the BlackBerry Curve 9350/70.


Leaked: BlackBerry Desktop Manager 7 Beta – No keycode required!

Leaked: BlackBerry Desktop Manager 7 Beta - no keycode required!

A new beta version of BlackBerry Desktop Manager appeared in the BlackBerry Beta Zone a while ago, and while it required a keycode in order to make use of it — some folks didn’t really feel as though the application should be restricted. As such, OpenSourceBB members have gone ahead and released version with the keycode requirement stripped out of the app. Now, everyone who wishes to try out the BlackBerry Desktop Manager 7 Beta can do so. Remeber that beta tag though folks, expect some bugs.
Download BlackBerry Desktop Manager 7 Beta


Simple, simple way to install bar file applications on your Playbook without AppWorld

So, since AppWorld is taking forever to get applications built, and there are members of the community here that are developers of applications we would like to try out! An example is Searching for Humans, they provided a bar file for people to download so they can try their application before it hits AppWorld.

Problem is, most people don’t have the desire to install the entire SDK just to push an application to their PB. I decided to take out just the files needed to push a signed bar file to a development mode enabled PB. Also, I created a batch file to make the install process simple and easy from within Windows. (Shouldn’t need to drop to a command line to use it) This won’t let you load up development / debug bar files, only files signed by the developer will load through this tool.

Here’s what you need to do –

Set a password on your Playbook and turn development mode on. (Options -> Security)

You’ll want to make sure you have the latest Java Runtime Environment installed on your machine. Right now they’re at version 1.6 update 25, and you can download the latest for your system here: Java SE JRE 6u25 Download

And finally download the zip file provided below that has the needed libraries to load the application to your tablet, and a batch file to simplify the installation procedure.

Open the batch file (PB-Instaler.bat) in notepad and edit the lines “TABLETIP” and “TABLETPASS” up at the top to match the hostname or IP address and password on your playbook. (At homescreen press the person icon with the gear in their shirt at the top to get your current IP address) Save the file when you’re done.

Now all you have to do is drag a bar file onto the PB-Installer.bat icon. It will launch in a window and start attempting to push it to your device.

I’ve included my free app from app world, SimpleBrowser, with this zip file.
You can use this file to test the loading process listed below.

Let me know if you try this and how it works for you!

Download PlayBook_Tools.zip

Small change, included instructions in the ZIP file to make life a little easier for some people. Also included my free application, SimpleBrowser with the ZIP file so you have a file to test with right away. Changed the previous post to reflect the bar file being included. The forum software doesn’t seem to like a ZIP file with a BAR inside of it so I’ve made it a link instead of an attachment.

via: cb

Clearwire announces plans to adopt 4G LTE – if it can find the money

Clearwire on Wednesday announced its intent to adopt LTE across its network. The 4G wholesaler says it may add LTE Advanced-ready technology to its network that will provide up to 120Mbps download speeds according to network technology trials. ”Clearwire plans to raise the bar again for mobile broadband service in the United States,” said John Stanton, Clearwire’s Chairman and interim CEO, in a statement. “Our leadership in launching 4G services forced a major change in the competitive mobile data landscape. Now, we plan to bring our considerable spectrum portfolio to bear to deliver an LTE network capable of meeting the future demands of the market.” Clearwire confirmed that it does not intend to discontinue support for its 4G WiMAX network in the near term, and it will continue to build out its WiMAX network. The company did not put a timeline on the plans, however, saying that its entire LTE deployment strategy is “subject to additional funding.”


Clearwire’s full press release follows below.

Continue reading Clearwire announces plans to adopt 4G LTE – if it can find the money

Clearwire adding 120Mbps 'LTE Advanced-ready' technology to its holdings, restates commitment to WiMAX

Is it really fall? We can’t say for certain that this is what Dan Hesse was referring to when he told us face-to-face that something spectacular would be coming our way a bit later in the year, but Clearwire definitely just announced its intent to add “LTE Advanced-ready” technology to its 4G network. In what’ll likely go down as the most shocking mobile news this side of the proposed T-Mobile / AT&T merger, America’s biggest WiMAX fan has finally caved to the realities of the next-gen wireless war: LTE’s winning, and it’s picking up all sorts of steam. Verizon Wireless has been building out LTE at a breakneck pace, and soon enough, Ma Bell (and presumably, T-Mob) will be following suit. According to the bizarrely worded release, Clearwire will be leveraging “deep spectrum resources and an all-IP network to meet long-term mobile broadband demands.” Translation? An “unmatched LTE network” capable of serving current and future wholesale / retail customers.

We’re told that the initial LTE rollout will target “high-demand areas of current 4G markets,” taking advantage of existing 4G infrastructure in order to reduce expenditures. For those curious about transmission rates, you can look forward to download speeds exceeding 120Mbps (or so it says). In a telling quote, Dr. John Saw, Clearwire’s Chief Technology Officer, confesses:

“This is the future of mobile broadband. Our extensive trial has clearly shown that our ‘LTE Advanced-ready’ network design, which leverages our deep spectrum with wide channels, can achieve far greater speeds and capacity than any other network that exists today. Clearwire is the only carrier with the unencumbered spectrum portfolio required to achieve this level of speed and capacity in the United States. In addition, the 2.5GHz spectrum band in which we operate is widely allocated worldwide for 4G deployments, enabling a potentially robust, cost effective and global ecosystem that could serve billions of devices. And, since we currently support millions of customers in the 2.5 GHz band, we know that our LTE network won’t present harmful interference issues with GPS or other sensitive spectrum bands.”

No doubt, that closer there is a direct shot at the dilemmas faced by LightSquared — a company that Sprint curiously just inked a partnership deal with. It’s hard to envision how this unholy love triangle’s going to play out, but the company’s making it quite clear that its LTE network will be “LTE-Advanced-ready,” enabling it to have a leg-up on the laggards here in the States. The dirty little secret in all of this is that Clearwire’s still waiting on “additional funding” to fully implement its LTE desires, which involve the use of multicarrier, or multichannel, wideband radios that will be carrier aggregation capable. As you’d likely expect, the company closed with a restatement of its support to the existing WiMAX network, but it’s practically a guarantee that you’ve seen the last expansion effort on that one. In case you’ve been looking the other way, Clearwire hasn’t produced plans for a new WiMAX market in all of 2011. Now you know why.


Clearwire Announces Intent to Add LTE to Its Network to Accelerate Wholesale Business

* Company Will Leverage Deep Spectrum Resources and All-IP Network to Meet Long-Term Mobile Broadband Demands
* Unmatched LTE Network Capable of Serving Current and Future Wholesale and Retail Customers
* Initial LTE Rollout Will Target High-Demand Areas of Current 4G Markets, Leverage Existing 4G Infrastructure for Minimal Capital Expense
* Download Speeds Exceed 120 Mbps in Successful Network Technology Trial
* Support for WiMAX 4G Network Technology to Continue
KIRKLAND, Wash, Aug. 3, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Clearwire Corporation (Nasdaq:CLWR), a leading provider of 4G wireless broadband services in the United States, today announced its intent to add “LTE Advanced-ready” technology to its 4G network. The announcement follows the successful completion of 4G technology trials that achieved download speeds exceeding 120 Mbps and demonstrated the potential of Clearwire’s unmatched spectrum advantage.

The initial implementation of Clearwire’s LTE network would target densely populated, urban areas of Clearwire’s existing 4G markets where current 4G usage demands are high. The robust all-IP infrastructure already deployed in these markets can be leveraged to serve the company’s LTE needs, delivering significant capital cost savings compared to a similar overlay by other carriers of an existing 3G architecture.

“Clearwire plans to raise the bar again for mobile broadband service in the United States,” said John Stanton, Clearwire’s Chairman and interim CEO. “Our leadership in launching 4G services forced a major change in the competitive mobile data landscape. Now, we plan to bring our considerable spectrum portfolio to bear to deliver an LTE network capable of meeting the future demands of the market.”

“This is the future of mobile broadband,” said Dr. John Saw, Clearwire’s Chief Technology Officer. “Our extensive trial has clearly shown that our ‘LTE Advanced-ready’ network design, which leverages our deep spectrum with wide channels, can achieve far greater speeds and capacity than any other network that exists today. Clearwire is the only carrier with the unencumbered spectrum portfolio required to achieve this level of speed and capacity in the United States.”

“In addition, the 2.5 GHz spectrum band in which we operate is widely allocated worldwide for 4G deployments, enabling a potentially robust, cost effective and global ecosystem that could serve billions of devices,” Saw added. “We anticipate that the economies of scale derived from this global ecosystem will act as a catalyst for the development of thousands of low-cost devices and applications. And, since we currently support millions of customers in the 2.5 GHz band, we know that our LTE network won’t present harmful interference issues with GPS or other sensitive spectrum bands.”

Clearwire also noted that since launching its first 4G market in 2009, video has become the largest component of the company’s overall data traffic and video traffic itself has increased more than tenfold since 2009. The company believes that as more video-intensive smartphones and services rise, so will the needs for Clearwire’s high-capacity 4G wholesale network.

LTE Advanced is a 4G technical standard that calls for peak download mobile speeds of at least 100 Mbps, which far exceeds today’s commercial networks. Clearwire’s LTE network will be “LTE Advanced-ready” meaning that it will use an ultra-high-capacity spectrum configuration that is superior to the typical configuration of the slower, more capacity-constrained commercial LTE network designs in the United States of today.

Clearwire’s LTE implementation plan, which is subject to additional funding, contemplates deploying Time Division Duplex (TDD) LTE technology and reusing its flexible all-IP network architecture and upgrading base station radios and some core network elements, which offers significant capital savings. This will include the use of multicarrier, or multichannel, wideband radios that will be carrier aggregation capable. Carrier aggregation is a key feature of LTE Advanced that will enable Clearwire to further leverage its vast spectrum depth to create larger “fat pipes” for deploying mobile broadband service. The network would position Clearwire as the clear leader in 4G mobile broadband technology, capable of serving the current and anticipated future demands of wholesale and retail customers.

Clearwire, together with some of the largest wireless carriers in the world, is a founding member of the Global TDD LTE Initiative (GTI) which aims to bring together leading industry partners to steer the TDD LTE ecosystem as a major standard in mobile broadband technology and drive the development of next generation mobile broadband networks. Member companies that currently support more than a billion subscribers on their networks believe that a global LTE standard has the potential to achieve significant economies of scale and serve hundreds of millions of customers worldwide.

Clearwire also restated its commitment to its existing 4G WiMAX network, which covers approximately 132 million people while serving 7.65 million retail and wholesale customers and an ecosystem of nearly 110 WiMAX enabled devices, including all 4G phones currently offered by Sprint. Clearwire expects to end 2011 with approximately 10 million 4G customers.


via: engagdet

Official: OS for BlackBerry Bold 9780 via T-Mobile UK

Official OS from T-Mobile UK has reached the BlackBerry Bold 9780. If you have a Bold 9780, get out that USB cord and give your a device a fresh OS. Don’t forget to drop a comment below and let us know how it’s working out for you!

**Currently this update seems to only be showing on Desktop Manager for T-Mobile UK users, but BBH-Plus has created a home made installer for the install**

*Disclaimer – Install at your own risk and always back up your data before loading! This is NOT an official release and as such is not supported by Research In Motion or your Wireless Carrier. NHCBBA.com  is not responsible for any loss of data or any other issues that may arise during the loading process.

We also have the .zip of just the UMTS and Java files if you prefer to do a copy/paste method.

Instructions:1. Install to PC (http://bit.ly/ndsvgo)
1a. UMTS/Java Folder only: Download
2. Install this over folder using this installer
2a. Shrink your OS if you want
3. Install to phone
3a. For best results, do 2-3 battery pulls and allow 24-48 hour “settling” time
This is the full OS DM Update.Contains:
– Updated: BBM, Facebook, Twitter, IM apps

Official: OS for BlackBerry Bold 9000 via T-Mobile Germany

Official OS from T-Mobile Germany has reached the BlackBerry Bold 9000. If you have a Bold 9000, get out that USB cord and give your a device a fresh OS. Don’t forget to drop a comment below and let us know how it’s working out for you! If it is any better for you?

Note: The Software Platform and Applications version numbers can be found under Options-About screen on the handheld.


Video: BBM 6 – Introducing the new BBM Commercial

When your IM application is one of the cornerstones of your mobile device, do you release an update without announcing it to the whole world? RIM has started releasing videos promoting BBM 6 & it’s integration with other applications.

At last count, I had 6 applications connected to my BBM & I’m sure we’ll see many more released in the upcoming weeks.

What’s been your experience with BBM 6 & BBM Integration?

RIM releases BBM 6, makes your mobile messaging dreams come true

It’s been quite awhile since RIM’s mobile chat service got a facelift, but back in April we got a sneak peek of the next BBM build. Since then, millions upon millions have waited with bated breath for its release, and now they must wait no more: BBM 6 has finally been unleashed upon the world. This new bit of code brings support for BBM-connected applications — so you can chat within apps and both view and download your friends’ favorite apps from lists on their BBM profiles. The new functionality means programs for real-time project collaboration are possible, as are new types of social gameplay. Nifty features, all, but are they enough to reverse RIM’s less-than-rosy recent fortunes?

DOWNLOAD BBM HERE[qrcode pix=150]http://nhcbba.com/downloads/Blackberry_Messenger[/qrcode]

