Tag Archives: DM

Backing up 3rd party applications on your BlackBerry

Backing Up 3rd Party Apps

Now that we’ve learned to backup and restore device data using Desktop Manager 6, it’s time to review how quick and simple it is to do the same thing with third-party applications. No matter what the reason, this will save you the hassle of downloading everything all over again. However, when upgrading to an entirely new OS (i.e. OS4 to OS5, OS5 to OS6) you will need to check on compatibility. Keep reading for the full steps on backing up your 3rd party applications.


First, load the desktop software and connect your device with the USB cable. For those that don’t have the latest version you can download here. At the upper left corner click on Device and scroll down to Switch Devices. In the box that appears click on the icon of your phone.

Backing Up Apps

Next, you will be asked to select which data you would like to backup. Remove the checkmark next to device data and make sure that third-party applications is selected and click on Next. This will start the process of retrieving the application information off your device.

Backing Up Apps

Backing Up Apps

Backing Up Apps

Technically, we are using the device switch wizard to backup application data as it is not built into DM6. Therefore, when you see the above screen asking you to connect your new device, click on Cancel.

The important thing to remember is this: Do not exit out of Desktop Manager. The backup files are in a temp folder named for your pin # that will be erased if the program is closed. In order to prevent this, you will need to move the folder to another location while DM is still running. You can search for the folder a few different ways depending on your system. Windows XP users can click on Start Menu > Search and type in your pin number or go to Start > Run and type in %temp%. This will automatically load your temp directory where you can see the yellow folder. Windows Vista/7 users can type %temp% into the search bar by clicking on the Windows Button in the lower left hand corner or can locate the pin folder by following this path: C:Users[name]AppDataLocalTemp.


Backing Up Apps

When you have located the file with your pin #, copy and paste it from the temp directory and place it on your desktop for easy access or in a designated backup file you have created. All of your application modules are now safe and sound on your computer.



When you load DM6, click on Applications from the menu on the left. After it scans and detects your device, click on Import files on the upper right. By default the explorer box will go to your documents directory. Browse through your hard drive to find where you have placed the backup folder. In this folder you will find and select the .alx file (pin #) and click Open. The applications to be added/restored are then loaded into the desktop manager and appear at the bottom under application summary and coded as Install.

Backing Up Apps

Backing Up Apps

Backing Up Apps


To complete the process simply click on Apply at the lower right hand corner of the program.

Backing Up Apps

Backing Up apps

When complete, Desktop Manager will default back to the applications screen and scan your phone again. Some applications might require a reboot to finish the process. Do not remove your phone until it has rebooted and is recognized by DM. Finally, you can safely unplug your device and be happy knowing all your apps are backed up


thanks CB

Official: OS for BlackBerry Bold 9780 via T-Mobile UK

Official OS from T-Mobile UK has reached the BlackBerry Bold 9780. If you have a Bold 9780, get out that USB cord and give your a device a fresh OS. Don’t forget to drop a comment below and let us know how it’s working out for you!

**Currently this update seems to only be showing on Desktop Manager for T-Mobile UK users, but BBH-Plus has created a home made installer for the install**

*Disclaimer – Install at your own risk and always back up your data before loading! This is NOT an official release and as such is not supported by Research In Motion or your Wireless Carrier. NHCBBA.com  is not responsible for any loss of data or any other issues that may arise during the loading process.

We also have the .zip of just the UMTS and Java files if you prefer to do a copy/paste method.

Instructions:1. Install to PC (http://bit.ly/ndsvgo)
1a. UMTS/Java Folder only: Download
2. Install this over folder using this installer
2a. Shrink your OS if you want
3. Install to phone
3a. For best results, do 2-3 battery pulls and allow 24-48 hour “settling” time
This is the full OS DM Update.Contains:
– Updated: BBM, Facebook, Twitter, IM apps

BlackBerry Desktop Manager Updated v6.1.0.35 Bundle 34

BlackBerry Desktop Manager

RIM has been updating Desktop Manager improving features and making it more user-friendly and today a new update is available. Version Bundle 34 brings the following features:

  • Use new Character Archive
  • Sync Multimedia Archive
  • Sync Security Certificates
  • You can use the new Files feature to manage your files between your smartphone and computer.
  • If encryption is turned on for your smartphone, you can also synchronize encrypted media files or copy encrypted files between your smartphone and computer.
  • If your smartphone is associated with a BlackBerry Enterprise Server, you can also synchronize security certificates.

Download BlackBerry Desktop Manager

The update should show up when you start DM or click to check for updates also.

Source: BlackBerryEmpire  via:bbr

Desktop Manager for Mac Support for BlackBerry PlayBook coming this summer

BlackBerry Desktop Manager for PC... just need it for Mac now
Desktop Manager for PC (pictured) supports the PlayBook… Mac support coming this summer

One of the questions that has been popping up a lot in our friends BlackBerry PlayBook Forum site is in regards to BlackBerry Desktop Manager for Mac support. As it stands now, if you have Desktop Manager for Mac installed and plug in your PlayBook, nothing happens. It doesn’t recognize the device. The reason for this of course, is that DM for Mac currently doesn’t support it. We reached out to RIM for an estimated timeline on when Desktop Manager for Mac will get PlayBook support, and were told:

Desktop Manager for Mac will be available this summer. 

Of course, this doesn’t mean that Mac users are left high and dry. Upon connecting a PlayBook to a Mac via microUSB cable for the first time, you’ll be prompted to install drivers onto your Mac. Once installed, your PlayBook will appear as a network drive and you can easily drag and drop to transfer your pictures, movies, documents and other files onto the PlayBook. You can even transfer files via WiFi. So you can survive without worries without Desktop Manager, but for those of you waiting on Desktop Manager for Mac support, you now have a better idea of when it’s coming.

How to Upgrade Your BlackBerry Operating System

So you got a new BlackBerry or you are simply tired of your old operating system on the device and want to want to upgrade it? If you have never done this before, there are a few things you need to know. The first thing is that there are two different types of OS that you can install: one is the official OS, released by a carrier, and the other one is a leaked OS, meaning that it has not been approved by the carriers to be installed. You can install an official OS using Desktop Manager, but usually it will not let you install a leaked OS unless you do some tweaking. This is something RIM implemented with the latest updates to the Desktop Manager.

These instructions are for Windows users. For BES users, your IT needs to issue an activation code unless you can generate one yourself or have Desktop Manager set up with the BES option, it will do it the next time your run DM.

You should know that if you decide to install a leaked OS, you’re doing it at your own risk.

Always do a backup of your Settings and Contacts using Desktop Manager and 3rd-party apps. Use BBSAK, you will see me mention this app a few times.

Software that you will need to download:

  • Desktop Manager – http://na.blackberry.com/eng/services/desktop/ at his link you can download for windows and Mac. What does Desktop Manager do, you may ask. It lets you load your OS to the BB, add applications, back up your data, custom settings and contacts, sync music, switch devices and more. When setting up DM, choose the option for personal account, not the one which associates it with your work email, unless you have access to changing settings on BES. BES is the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, which is mostly used by companies to deliver company emails and settings to your BlackBerry.
  • BlackBerry Swish Army Knife (BBSAK): this application is for both novice and advanced users, but make sure you don’t go around clicking random buttons, you could really do some damage to the BlackBerry. With this application you can install or back up third-party applications, or launch the Application Loader to install your OS.

ScreenHunter_07 Jan. 29 19.30

ScreenHunter_09 Jan. 29 21.02Remember to always back up your data before doing this. On DM, select Backup and Restore.

If you have a password on you BlackBerry, you will need to type that in before it lets you do anything.

Official OS install: To load an official OS, all you need is to download and install the Desktop Manager. It will detect the official OS if it is issued by your carrier. When you connect your BlackBerry via USB, it will prompt you to install the new OS. Simply follow the wizard and select the applications you want to install. Once this is done, you just have to click “Next” until the process is finished. Never unplug the BlackBerry while the device is upgrading. That would render it useless. If you do, there are ways to get it working again, but it’s troublesome.

Official OS from other Carriers and Leaked OS:

Why is DM not detecting the update after installing on PC? You can install the OS issue by other carriers or a leaked OS, but with the latest DM, RIM has blocked that feature. So even if you have installed the OS update, DM will not detect it. Sometimes, it will give you the option to install older versions of the OS.


  • Delete the vendor.xml file found at this location on most Windows PC machines: C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesResearch In MotionAppLoader
  • A quick fix can be disconnecting your Internet so that DM is not communication with the Web. This will force DM to look for the update on your PC.
  • If the above fix is not working, then you need to launch App Loader by itself. And you need to close DM completely because sometimes it will stay running in background and will prevent App Loader from detecting the update as well. You can find App Loader in the same location mentioned above.
  • Another tool that will help you with OS installs is BBSAK. If you don’t feel like going through all the steps above, simply download this application. It has a quick, one-click way to launch the standalone App Loader. Make sure that your BlackBerry shows it is connected to BBSAK. If it does not show it is connected, that probably means that DM is still running is background and is preventing you from connecting to it, or vice-versa. Like I said before, this tool has many useful features, but it has some advanced features that could wipe your device completely. STAY AWAY from these features if you don’t know what they are or what you are doing.

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ScreenHunter_11 Jan. 29 21.05

Once you have launched the App Loader, it should detect the OS update. You then simply select the applications and features you wish to install and follow the wizard until you are done with the upgrade.

I NUKED MY BERRY: something went wrong with the upgrade. Simply follow the steps mentioned above if, for any reason, the App Loader is not detecting your BlackBerry. Take out the battery and connect the BlackBerry via USB. Launch App Loader and wait for it to detect the BlackBerry. Sometimes it will display your PIN or say the device is unknown. This will allow you to get to the step in which you choose what apps and settings you want to install on your BlackBerry. Carefully place the battery back in the BlackBerry without unplugging it from the USB port.

I don’t recommend doing any of this if you are not comfortable with the instructions. If you have other tips to share, please leave a comment. I did not write an in-depth explanation for every step to avoid writing an excessivel long article. Let us know if this one has helped you.

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