Tag Archives: Developers

T-Mobile Offering BlackBerry Bold 9900 to Developers for $199 With No Activation Fee

RIM Developers T-Mobile BlackBerry Bold 9900 Discount

T-Mobile might be selling the BlackBerry Bold 9900 to customers for $299 but one of our tipsters let us know about a program T-Mobile is running for BlackBerry developers. Developers can get the BlackBerry Bold 9900 for $199.99 for a limited time after a $50 mail in rebate. T-Mobile did something similar in the past together with RIM for previous devices so its nice to see them continuing. The offer for developers expires on November 1st 2011 and requires a 2 year agreement though they nicely waive the $35 activation fee. No word on if this offer is also good for users who are upgrading.

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Perfecto Mobile for BlackBerry allows developers remote access to BlackBerry 7 smartphones for app testing

While RIM offers developers access to BlackBerry smartphone simulators, for some developers out there testing their apps on real devices offers a much better analysis. For this, Perfecto Mobile has launched MobileCloud for BlackBerry. A service that offers developers remote access to any number of BlackBerry 7 devices on different carriers for which they can test out BlackBerry 7 applications on.

“Real world testing can make all the difference for application developers. MobileCloud for BlackBerry will enable our application development community to quickly and easily test their apps on live BlackBerry 7 smartphones on different networks around the world from the convenience of their web browser,” said Tyler Lessard, Vice President of Global Alliances & Developer Relations, Research In Motion.

The service offers you a free 2 hour testing trial period, after that — it will cost $4 USD plus tax per hour. However, having your app work as expected when finally released is priceless compared the amount of time you’d spend on support emails and other issues that arise with having not test an app fully. If you’re interested in learning more, you’ll find the full press release past the break.

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Developers: Register for the Foursquare Global Hackathon


The foursquare global hackathon takes place on September 17th-18th in cities all around the world. This is a great opportunity for developers to get together and work on a foursquare app that you could finish and take to market in just one day. With the help of other coders, foursquare experts and everyone else attending the event, you could end up with a really solid product at the end of the hackathon. Foursquare is hiring so this is also a great time to show off your skills. Continue reading for more info.

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