Tag Archives: DEVCON

The BlackBerry® Developer Conference is the developer community event that everyone talks about. It’s a premier showcase for what can be done with BlackBerry apps, attended by thousands of the world’s most enthusiastic developers, BlackBerry experts, and Research In Motion® (RIM®) partners. It’s the place to get technical, code-driven information that can be applied to projects; the place where new tools and technologies can be experienced for the first time; the place for getting your questions answered, or finding the inspiration to go further with mobile applications than you ever imagined possible.

BlackBerry DEVCON Americas: 2010 highlights and 2011 registration discount info

Originally posted on the (Inside BlackBerry Developer’s Blog)

BlackBerry DEVCON Americas 2011

As we plan excitedly and build passionately towards BlackBerry® DEVCON Americas, BlackBerry DEVCON Asia and BlackBerry DEVCON Europe, we’re taking the opportunity again to ask you about your highlights from 2010 and requests for BlackBerry DEVCON Americas – the first stop in our world series of developer events.

My top three personal favorite moments from 2010 were:

  • Meeting with BlackBerry Developer Group Managers from around the world at a special reception in The View lounge on the 39th floor of the Marriott Marquis. The managers also shared their experience and tips for launching groups at a special community session.
  • At a special evening event, we highlighted some of our favorite Super Apps from the 2010 BlackBerry Partners Fund Developer Challenge (go here to enter the 2011 challenge!)
  • Mike Lazaridis welcoming an excited and passionate Dan Dodge of QNX on stage to talk about the ultra-powerful BlackBerry® Tablet OS. So much energy on stage and in the crowd!

Check out the BlackBerry DEVCON 2010 highlights photos and videos section for even more!

Your feedback from BlackBerry DEVCON 2010 is embedded in every aspect of the BlackBerry DEVCON Americas plan. One significant way we’ve implemented your feedback is that the conference is now three days instead of four – although we’ve kept the very best of the fourth day’s content in special community sessions throughout the event. That said, what else do you want to see at BlackBerry DEVCON Americas 2011? Let us know your ideas in the comments below!

We’re committed to making BlackBerry DEVCON Americas 2011 the biggest and best yet, and are excited to be offering great deals on our conference access, as well as alumni and hotel discounts. In order to give everyone the opportunity to register at our early bird rate (only $699 plus tax) we are extending this offer until August 26th – register now!

See you in San Francisco!

BlackBerry DevCon 2011 Registration Now Open – October 18th-20th

DevCon 2011

At the end of BlackBerry World last week RIM announced the dates for BlackBerry DevCon (Developer Conference) 2011 in San Francisco.

Registration is now open for DevCon and they have an early bird rate in effect for $699 along with a 4 nights for 3 paid nights special going on. Sadly this year won’t be as international since RIM announced DevCon Europe along with their previous DevCon Asia which was very successful.

You can register for DevCon 2011 Americas at this link. Let us know if you are going in the comments!


NHCBBA Weekly Roundup of Posts

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-16

Video: BlackBerry DEVCON Asia 2011 – Welcome Note From Mike Kirkup, Director Of Developer Relations For RIM

Once again we have some info for anyone interested in the first DEVCON Asia for BlackBerry Developers. RIM posted a “Welcome Note” video where Mike Kirkup, Director of Developer Relations, tells us what attendees can expect from DEVCON Asia and what he looks forward to the most. Attendees of this conference will:

  • Gain insight into developing apps for the new BlackBerry® PlayBook™ and learn about using the BlackBerry® Tablet OS SDK for Adobe® AIR® as well as Adobe® Flash® Builder
  • See how new web-based tools such as BlackBerry®  WebWorks™ can make it extremely easy to get started creating rich, value-added apps across the BlackBerry smartphone and tablet lines
  • Find out about new commercial services such as the BlackBerry® Payment Service
  • Get real world tips on how to market apps and best utilize BlackBerry App World™
  • Get practical and technical information on the BlackBerry WebWorks platform, Java® development tools and BlackBerry PlayBook apps in person from RIM development experts

click the button to view the video

Continue reading Video: BlackBerry DEVCON Asia 2011 – Welcome Note From Mike Kirkup, Director Of Developer Relations For RIM

Free DEVCON Asia 2011 BlackBerry App Now Available For Download


Free DEVCON Asia 2011 BlackBerry App Now Available For Download

The team from 7langit have released a useful BlackBerry application for attendees of RIM’s first DEVCON in Asia. This event will take place at the Bali International Convention Centre in Bali, Indonesia where attendees will have the opportunity to join over 40 keynote, breakout and hands-on sessions. The app, appropriately called DEVCON Asia, will help users stay up to date with all the happenings at this DEVCON. Here’s what the menu items include:

  • DEVCON Asia 2011
    Find our more about DEVCON Asia 2011, its agenda, the keynote speakers, speakers, add the event’s official BBM PIN and download the SDK.
  • Sessions Details
    With the diverse topics up for discussions during the conference, attendees would be better equipped knowing their area of interests. This feature offers details on Java Development, Web Development, Java & Web Development, BlackBerry Playbook, Hands On and Business-Focused sessions.
  • Maps
    Even if it is not your first time to Bali , having the maps of the venue will absolutely help navigate your way during the conference.
    Also direction to reach some cool places in Bali.
  • Social Networks
    What’s the buzz on DEVCON Asia 2011? Don’t miss out the variety of information disbursed via the event’s social networks (blog, Twitter, Facebook and Flickr)
  • Digital Goodies
    Get cool digital goodies such as themes and digital coupons via this feature.

The DEVCON Asia app is available as a free download from the BlackBerry App World and will work on most devices running OS 5.0 or higher. For more info on the DEVCON Asia conference check out this post or go to blackberrydevcon.com/asia.

Kobo debuts social reading application for BlackBerry smartphones


Kobo with BBM from Kobo on Vimeo.

During yesterdays keynote we got a look at some amazing new super apps. One of these was the e-reader Kobo. Kobo had a great demo on how they will integrate BBM socially into the application, allowing users to chat, share items and much more. This is just one of many super apps down the line that we have to look forward to. Check out the video above to see what it’s all about.

Press Release

Kobo Debuts Social Reading Application for BlackBerry Smartphones

SAN FRANCISCO-September 28, 2010 – At BlackBerry® DEVCON 2010, Kobo announced the development of an industry-first social eReading experience and released a video of the social reading app in action. Kobo, a global eReading service, demonstrated during the keynote presentation how application developers will be able to leverage the new BBMTM (BlackBerry® Messenger) Social Platform. The BBM Social Platform enables developers to build applications that take advantage of the BlackBerry smartphone’s social aspects, as well as the push architecture of the BlackBerry® platform. Kobo plans to integrate information from various functions of BBM into the eBook shopping and reading experience on its application once the BBM Social Platform is available. The company today released a video of the forthcoming application: http://blog.kobobooks.com/BBM

“Our customers are passionate about reading and we are excited to bring them a venue to share recommendations and engage in social reading,” said Dan Leibu, chief technology officer for Kobo. “Today, e-reading is a very private experience, but the availability of the BBM Social Platform will enable us to begin to bring our vision of social reading to life and to increase customer engagement through real-time discussions about books, authors and trends.”

Using the Kobo application, readers will be able to:

  • Chat with friends while they are shopping for eBooks. When browsing for eBooks, Kobo members will be able to see which friends have read a book and instantly ask whether the book is worth reading.
  • Read together, share passages and discuss in real-time. Kobo will introduce the concept of a real-time book club, where members can discuss books as they read.
  • Choose who can see their library, which books they read with others, and who they read with.

Since its launch nine months ago, Kobo has grown its store to over 2.2 million books and has attracted customers in more than 200 countries who have downloaded millions of eBooks using its applications for smartphones, netbooks, tablets, and dedicated eReaders. By building BBM integration into the shopping experience, Kobo enables readers to tap their social connections to help find their next great read.

Blackberry Messager does NOT have V6

If they did it would of been in the DEVCON blog or on the http://www.Blackberry.com or http://www.rim.com websites.  Please stop believing these broadcast.  If i heard anything i would of posted the New version on this site or had given the story to the Alliance sites to post.  So keep in touch with this site for further info on this subject….

Devcon 2010 Agenda

Sunday, September 26, 2010
Time Activity Location
3:00pm – 8:00pm BlackBerry DEVCON Registration & Information Desk Open
Conference Services Desk Open
San Francisco Marriott Marquis — Yerba Buena Foyer
Monday, September 27, 2010
Time Activity Location
7:00am – 8:00pm BlackBerry DEVCON Registration and Information desk open
Conference Services desk open
San Francisco Marriott Marquis — Yerba Buena Foyer
8:00am – 9:00am Breakfast Served San Francisco Marriott Marquis — Yerba Buena Foyer
8:00am – 11:30am Tour of the Conference Area San Francisco Marriott Marquis — Meet in Yerba Buena Foyer
8:00am – 12:00pm Hands-on Labs, Ask The Experts, Book Expert One-on-One Meetings, Lounge, and Book Store Open San Francisco Marriott Marquis — Yerba Buena Ballroom 7
9:00am – 11:30am Exclusive One-on-Ones San Francisco Marriott Marquis — Meet in Expert One-on-Ones Area
9:00am – 11:15am Breakout Sessions San Francisco Marriott Marquis — Yerba Buena Ballrooms 1-6,10-14 and Golden Gate Hall
11:30am – 12:30pm Lunch Served San Francisco Marriott Marquis — The Atrium, 2nd floor
1:00pm – 3:30pm BlackBerry DEVCON General Session at Moscone West, 3rd floor Moscone West, 3rd floor
800 Howard Street
4:00pm – 6:00pm Hands-on Labs, Ask The Experts, Expert One-on-Ones, Lounge, and Book Store Open San Francisco Marriott Marquis — Yerba Buena Ballroom 7
4:15pm – 5:15pm Breakout Sessions San Francisco Marriott Marquis — Yerba Buena Ballrooms 1-6,10-14 and Golden Gate Hall
6:00pm – 8:00pm BlackBerry DEVCON Welcome Reception in the Mobility Pavilion San Francisco Marriott Marquis — Yerba Buena Ballrooms 8&9
8:00pm – 9:00pm Community Connection Event and #DEVCON10 Tweetup San Francisco Marriott Marquis — Golden Gate A
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Time Activity Location
7:30am – 8:00pm BlackBerry DEVCON Registration and Information desk open
Conference Services desk open
San Francisco Marriott Marquis — Yerba Buena Foyer
7:45am – 8:45am Breakfast Served in the Mobility Pavilion San Francisco Marriott Marquis — Yerba Buena Ballrooms 8&9
7:45am – 2:00pm Mobility Pavilion Open San Francisco Marriott Marquis — Yerba Buena Ballrooms 8&9
9:00am – 7:00pm Hands-on Labs, Ask The Experts, Expert One-on-Ones, Lounge, and Book Store Open San Francisco Marriott Marquis — Yerba Buena Ballroom 7
8:45am – 12:15pm Breakout Sessions San Francisco Marriott Marquis — Yerba Buena Ballrooms 1-6,10-14 and Golden Gate Hall
12:00pm – 2:00pm Lunch Served in the Mobility Pavilion San Francisco Marriott Marquis — Yerba Buena Ballrooms 8&9
12:00pm – 7:00pm BlackBerry Certification Open San Francisco Marriott Marquis — Pacific Room J, 4th floor
12:45pm – 5:30pm Breakout Sessions San Francisco Marriott Marquis — Yerba Buena Ballrooms 1-6,10-14 and Golden Gate Hall
7:00pm – 11:00pm BlackBerry DEVCON Party at Moscone West, 3rd Floor Moscone West, 3rd floor
800 Howard Street
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Time Activity Location
7:00am – 8:00pm BlackBerry DEVCON Registration and Information desk open
Conference Services desk open
San Francisco Marriott Marquis — Yerba Buena Foyer
8:30am – 9:30am Breakfast Served in the Mobility Pavilion San Francisco Marriott Marquis — Yerba Buena Ballrooms 8&9
8:30am – 2:00pm Mobility Pavilion Open San Francisco Marriott Marquis — Yerba Buena Ballrooms 8&9
9:00am – 6:00pm Hands-on Labs, Ask The Experts, Expert One-on-Ones, and Lounge Open San Francisco Marriott Marquis — Yerba Buena Ballroom 7
9:30am – 11:45am Breakout Sessions San Francisco Marriott Marquis — Yerba Buena Ballrooms 1-6,10-14 and Golden Gate Hall
10:00am – 6:00pm BlackBerry Certification Open San Francisco Marriott Marquis — Pacific Room J, 4th floor
11:45am – 2:00pm Lunch Served in the Mobility Pavilion San Francisco Marriott Marquis — Yerba Buena Ballrooms 8&9
12:30pm – 5:30pm Breakout Sessions San Francisco Marriott Marquis — Yerba Buena Ballrooms 1-6,10-14 and Golden Gate Hall
Thursday, September 30, 2010 (BlackBerry Developer Day)
Time Activity Location
8:00am – 1:00pm BlackBerry DEVCON Registration and Information desk open
Conference Services desk open
San Francisco Marriott Marquis — Yerba Buena Foyer
8:00am – 9:00am Breakfast Served, with special guest speaker Ted Cohen. Keynote to start at 8:15am. San Francisco Marriott Marquis — Golden Gate Hall A
9:00am – 5:00pm Hands-on Labs, Ask The Experts, DEVCON Lounge, and Book Store Open San Francisco Marriott Marquis — Yerba Buena Ballroom 7
9:00am – 5:00pm BlackBerry Certification Open San Francisco Marriott Marquis — Pacific Room J, 4th floor
9:30am – 11:45am BlackBerry Developer Day Sessions San Francisco Marriott Marquis — Yerba Buena Ballrooms 1-6,10-13 and Golden Gate Hall
11:45am – 12:30pm Lunch Served San Francisco Marriott Marquis — Yerba Buena Ballrooms 8&9
12:30pm – 4:00pm BlackBerry Developer Day Sessions San Francisco Marriott Marquis — Yerba Buena Ballrooms 1-6,10-13 and Golden Gate Hall
4:00pm – 6:00pm BlackBerry DEVCON Closing Reception San Francisco Marriott Marquis — The Atrium, 2nd floor

* Agenda is subject to change.

Note: All content will be presented in English only.

BoxTone announces Mobile Analytics Platform

Boxtone Logo

Today at the BlackBerry Developers BoxTone announced a new product to accompany their growing product line. It’s called Mobile Analytics Platform and it’s an enterprise tool to assist companies develop and support BlackBerry smartphone applications in less time and maintaining a high quality experience for the end user.

The smartphone application world which started off with consumer focused like Twitter and Facebook and have now evolved into enterprise focused, in many cases they’ve become mission critical. The management of these apps to ensure the application and the core BlackBerry smartphone experience needs to be protected.

Mobile Analytics Platform (MAP) a does just that and they are inviting developers to join the beta program now.

Press Release

Continue reading BoxTone announces Mobile Analytics Platform