Tag Archives: curve

Verizon announces online payment partnership with Payfone

Verizon Wireless announced a new partnership with Payfone on Monday that will soon allow its customers using phones, tablets, and PCs to make online purchases easier. Once the partnership’s new service is deployed, customers will be able to make more secure purchases online and charge them to their Verizon Wireless bill or use other standard forms of payment. “Our relationship with Payfone complements the part of the mobile payments equation we’re already working on with our Isis joint venture,” said Greg Haller, marketing vice president, Verizon Wireless. “We approach the mobile payments arena from a customer’s perspective. As we move forward, the most important goals will be security, privacy and simplicity. Through our relationship with Payfone, we will be able to quickly offer value to our customers by offering them greater choice and a simple, safe and secure purchasing experience when shopping online from their smartphones, tablets and PCs.” Hit the jump for the full press release.


New Service Will Allow Verizon Wireless Customers to Make Mobile Payments for Online Purchases from Smartphones, Tablets and PCs

BASKING RIDGE, N.J., and NEW YORK – Verizon Wireless and Payfone, a leading mobile payment processing service, today announced the companies are working together to bring a new mobile payment system to Verizon Wireless customers.  When available, the service will allow Verizon Wireless customers to make online purchases from their smartphones, tablets and PCs using numerous payment methods, including charging purchases to their monthly wireless statements or using traditional payment methods through financial institution partners.

“Our relationship with Payfone complements the part of the mobile payments equation we’re already working on with our Isis joint venture,” said Greg Haller, marketing vice president, Verizon Wireless.  “We approach the mobile payments arena from a customer’s perspective.  As we move forward, the most important goals will be security, privacy and simplicity.  Through our relationship with Payfone, we will be able to quickly offer value to our customers by offering them greater choice and a simple, safe and secure purchasing experience when shopping online from their smartphones, tablets and PCs.”

With Payfone’s unique approach to mobile payments, operators and merchants are able to complete transactions securely and accurately.  Payfone also provides other features important to consumers and merchants, including intelligent routing, pre-authorization and authentication designed to reduce the friction and fraud that affect sales conversion and revenue yield for merchants and operators.

“We are pleased to be working with Verizon Wireless to deliver a new level of convenience, security and flexibility to their customers and to boost revenue and conversion for operators, merchants and publishers,” states Rodger Desai, chief executive officer, Payfone. “This underscores Verizon Wireless’ dedication to cutting-edge innovation as it stays ahead of the mobile payments curve.”



Some hands on time with the BlackBerry Curve 9360



BlackBerry Curve 9360

Adding to the influx of upcoming device news we’ve seen lately is some more fun with the BlackBerry Curve 9360 (aka apollo). BGR dropped some new images of the newest member to the Curve family. BlackBerry Curve users will love the redesigned device that features the classic Curve stylings with some new flair (the backlight on the trackpad looks sweet!!) as well as updated specs.

BlackBerry Curve 9360 Specs:

  • Quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE
  • Tri-band UMTS/HSPA 7.2Mbps
  • Bluetooth 2.1
  • Wi-Fi b/g/n
  • GPS
  • NFC
  • 512MB of eMMC, 512MB of RAM
  • 5-megapixel camera with flash
  • HVGA 480 x 360 display
  • 1050 mAh battery
  • Tavor MG-1 800MHz CPU
  • BlackBerry OS 7
  • 11mm thin

All in all this looks like the BlackBerry Curve 9360 will be a sweet device if you’re a longtime fan of the Curve form factor. Some great updates in the 9360 keep the Curve series going strong. Keep reading for more images.

Source: BGR


BlackBerry Curve 9360 Photos

BlackBerry Curve 9360

BlackBerry Curve 9360


Exclusive: New BlackBerry Curve Malibu Touch Image and Specs!

While the BlackBerry apollo and sedona are looking to be the next update to the entry level BlackBerry Curve line in a non-touchscreen format, following those devices a touchscreen variant is on the way. Pictured above is the BlackBerry codenamed malibu, the CDMA flavor of what will likely go to market as the BlackBerry Curve Touch, which is slated to be released in late 2011/early 2012 as the first Curve to lack a keyboard. Proposed Specs include:

  • Processor: Qualcomm MSM 8655 800MHz CPU
  • Radio: CDMA – EvDo Rev A
  • Display: 3.25″ 480×360 HVGA
  • Navigation: Trackpad & Nav Keys
  • Keypad: Virtual QWERTY
  • Camera: 5 MP (with HD Video recording)
  • Memory: 1GB Flash + 512MB RAM, Hot Swap MicroSD slot
  • Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n
  • GPS: Autonomous & A-GPS
  • Connectivity: NFC, Micro USB, Bluetooth 2.1
  • Sensors: Ambient Light Sensor, accelerometer

While the malibu is the CDMA Curve Touch, it only makes sense that a GSM version is in the works too. Looking like a sweet entry level BlackBerry!

via: cb

Exclusive: CDMA BlackBerry Roadmap 2011 – Montana, Monaco, Sedona, Malibu, BlackBerry 6.1 Evolution and more!

Keep in mind – this is CDMA (hence why you’re not seeing Torch2 or apollo listed). Also means
we could see GSM releases sooner than the CDMA timeline above… plus things often change from plan.

In the last couple of weeks we’ve learned a lot about RIM’s 2011 BlackBerry pipeline thanks to a handful of device leaks. After months (and in some cases over a year) of speculation, we saw specs and renderings show up for the dakota (touchscreen GSM Bold), monaco (aka Storm 3, though possibly will not fall under Storm branding at launch), Torch 2 and apollo (new curve). All that was followed by rumors of another Curve, sedona. Despite the windfall, what we’ve been looking at only told about 65% of the story. Today, thanks to a whack load of CDMA carrier roadmap slides, we can further fill in the gaps and clarify the codenames and even product names of what’s coming up in 2011, including an entirely new device that really hasn’t been touched on yet (Curve Touch!).

Continue reading Exclusive: CDMA BlackBerry Roadmap 2011 – Montana, Monaco, Sedona, Malibu, BlackBerry 6.1 Evolution and more!

BlackBerry Curve 9300 dummies arrive at T-Mobile stores!

This device has had the most global coverage all week. Now it is time we jump back into North America and discuss some news that has been discovered. PocketBerry have just got thier hands on this image from one of their T-Mobile connects showing a dummy unit that has arrived to the store. According to PBs source, the dummy is still not out on display yet. Last summer, I asked the local T-Mobile rep if they knew when they would get the 9700′s when they dropped. She had no clue they were even picking up a new BlackBerry, so it doesn’t surprise me that there still is nothing on the T-Mobile employee streamline about this. However, with this dummy being out already, it does seem odd that they haven’t said anything on it yet. Give it a week or so, we’ll start to see advertisements rolling in. Some questions have arisen such as will it sell? My opinion, yes. Here is why. Take a look around. Where I’m from, I see a lot of 85xx series on the streets.

Hit the More button to read the rest of my justification, or not.

I think a big reason why this phone will sell is that the phone itself was made to be an economical device for the typical end user. The Curve is not designed to outweigh the Bold, it never was. From the design of the phone, to the pricing, this thing was made so everyone can have at least some sort of shot of owning a BlackBerry. The Curve has become so popular, hardcore users are now expecting more from it. I don’t blame them. Having more memory, a faster processor, and certain functions like 3G sure do make life more efficient. I could be wrong. Maybe people are tired of the old, and want something new. Only time will tell.

BlackBerry 8600 What Is It?


blackberry-8600 I really don’t know what to make of this new picture that was leaked over at BerryCn. The pictures is the “about” Screen of a BlackBerry 8600. So far what we know is that it sports a trackpad, running OS 5.0, platform and   it also has the same 3G bands that T-mobile uses. We have already seen leaked pictures  and videos of a 9300 an upgraded version of the 8500 that we expect to hit Tmobile and few other carriers in the next few months. We also expect the 9780 to hit T-mobile and AT&T around the holidays.

So what do you make of this new BB? Could it be a new curve model, maybe touch screen or a prototype that we may not see make it to production. The weird part is the model number 8600 that it would make sense to replace the 8500 series but so far it would seem that spot is what the 9300 will take.

Hopefully we will see a picture of the actual device soon.

Source: PocketBerry

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BlackBerry Curve 9300 With T-Mobile Branding Gets Caught on Camera [from Alliance member http://www.berryreporter.com]

9300 t mob 0 300x169 BlackBerry Curve 9300 With T Mobile Branding  Gets Caught on Camera

Well look what we have here! A Video of a T-Mobile Branded BlackBerry Curve 9300. We all know that when we start seeing branded photos then the device is close to getting released. The folks over at TechnoBuffalo have gotten a nice video of it. This device will probably be seen first in Europe but will probably be seen in North America after that. Don’t know the specs but lets hope it runs OS 6 because if it doesn’t then this device is not that impressive!

Official OS For The BlackBerry Curve 8530 From SMART Communications

Software For BlackBerry® Curve(TM) 8530 smartphone
BlackBerry Handheld Software v5.0.0.1266 (All Languages)

Package Version:
Consisting of:

  • Applications:
  • Software Platform:
  • File name: 8530jAllLang_PBr5.0.0_rel1266_PL4.2.0.335_A5.0.0.734_SMART_Communications_Inc.exe
  • File size: 150.8MB

Note: The Software Platform and Applications version numbers can be found under Options-About screen on the handheld.

Leaked: OS for the BlackBerry Curve 8530

Curve 8530 users always seems to get left behind when it comes to OS leaks, but today you’re in luck. We have OS thanks to our friends at BBLeaks. No reports in yet on the good or bad of this one, but if you are looking for something to do today, why not give the upgrade a shot? As always, use caution when updating your OS.

*OS Disclaimer – Please Read: Keep in mind this is NOT an official release and as such is not supported by RIM or your Carrier. If you choose to install, do so at your own risk and only if you’re comfortable in the process of upgrading and downgrading your device software. It is quite normal during operating system development for certain features to be crippled or disabled while others are tested, and these beta builds often reflect that. They are not always better. Depending on your BlackBerry comfort level, it may be best for you to wait for community feedback on a build before deciding to download and install for yourself or simply wait for the next official release.

  • Download OS for the BlackBerry Curve 8530>>

Source: BBleaks

BlackBerry Curve 8910 Officially Announced by China Mobile

We haven’t heard too much about the BlackBerry Curve 8910 (codename Atlas) as it’s a device that will not be released in North America, but it has no been officially announced by China Mobile. Long story short, it’s basically an 8900 running OS 5, GPS, a 3.2MP camera and does not have 3G or WiFi (to appease the Chinese government). The device is supposed to include “evolved EDGE” which maximizes 2G capabilities, but details regarding this have not yet emerged. What’s odd is that the device was released with a trackball as we were all under the assumption that RIM would be going solely with the trackpad going forward. If we have any Chinese members who are going to go pick one up, let us know what you think.