Tag Archives: CNN

Presidential Candidate Ron Paul: "BlackBerry"

Ho, boy! The blogosphere is on fire after US Representative Ron Paul (R-Texas) proclaimed to the world that he’d choose BlackBerry over the iPhone any day. Okay, maybe not on fire, perhaps a low simmer. Last night, CNN hosted the first major debate of the Grand Old Party (that’s the Republicans for those of you keeping score at home) primary season in preparation for our upcoming Presidential Election. But let’s back up a bit for our worldwide audience.

If you’re not familiar with American politics, you should know our Presidential elections won’t be until November 2012 (coincidently, it’s on my birthday that year). Politicians seem to like making this process longer and longer and longer each year. Thus, we have the primary debates start a full 17 months before the actual election. And the primaries are just to decide who the Republicans and Democrats will announce as their candidates for the actual election. But I digress.

During the televised debate, CNN moderator John King asked Rep. Paul, “Blackberry or iPhone.” Without hesitation, Rep. Paul looks right into the camera and states without equivocation, “BlackBerry.” Or at least he would have if CNN had been able to figure out which person on stage was Ron Paul.

Whatever your political leanings, it’s always nice to hear your name on TV. While it’s not exactly “NHCBBA,” we’ll take it nonetheless. Word on the street is that Representative Anthony Weiner (D-New York) also prefers BlackBerry, but that’s probably just because it has a better camera.

via:cnn , cb

UberMedia has plans to build new social network

UberMedia, best known for its UberSocial Twitter application for Android BlackBerry and iPhone, could have bigger plans up its sleeves. According to CNN, UberMedia is planning to build a social network that will compete directly with Twitter in the microblogging space. UberMedia hopes to attract users that are frustrated with the limitations of Twitter, like the 140-character limit, or are confused by how the service works. The firm is no stranger to the social network landscape. In fact, it estimates that 11.5% of all tweets sent in March were from an UberMedia product. However, CNN also notes that the social network project could be part of a backup plan in case UberMedia’s relationship with Twitter goes south — as it did briefly in February when Twitter accused the company of violating its terms of service. “Our foremost desire is to continue to innovate on the Twitter platform and bring some more users and usage to Twitter,” Steve Chadima, UberMedia’s marketing chief, said.


AT&T Says T-Mobile Deal Necessary For Spectrum Needs



The AT&T T-Mobile deal stories just keep on coming with this report from CNN stating that AT&T needed T-Mobile for spectrum needs or face their own growth problems.

Speaking in Orlando AT&T Mobility CEO Ralph de la Vega stated that AT&T would face significant challenges “in the short term,” without purchasing T-Mobile. No time frame was given as to when AT&T might face a crisis of spectrum shortage but acknowledged that AT&T had to make a move within the next 3 years.

“With this deal, we’re set,” says de la Vega says regarding the acquisition of T-Mobile spectrum.

“One of the key drivers (for the deal) was the need for additional spectrum,” de la Vega said on a panel at the CTIA Wireless conference. “It resolves the pending spectrum challenges that we’re facing in major cities.”

With AT&T hoping that a T-Mobile purchase will alleviate coverage troubles in major cities, it will still face a tough road in receiving FCC and DOJ approval.




Dave’s brother is a very advanced programmer who does computer work for a living and has a high up status with Microsoft.  He doesn’t send these if they aren’t real.  If he says this is for real, it for sure is.  Be aware.


I checked with Norton Anti-Virus, and they are gearing up for this virus!

I checked Snoops, and it is for real. Get this E-mail message sent around to your contacts ASAP.


You should be alert during the next few days. Do not open any message with an attachment entitled ‘POSTCARD FROM HALLMARK, ‘regardless of who sent it to you. It is a virus which opens A POSTCARD IMAGE, which ‘burns’ the whole hard disc C of your computer.

This virus will be received from someone who has your e-mail address in his/her contact list. This is the reason why you need to send this e-mail to all your contacts. It is better to receive this message 25 times than to receive the virus and open it..

If you receive a mail called’ POSTCARD,’ even though sent to you by a friend, do not open it! Shut down your computer immediately. This is the worst virus announced by CNN.

It has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever. This virus was discovered by McAfee yesterday, and there is no repair yet for this kind of virus. This virus simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard Disc, where the vital information is kept.




Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-16

BlackBerry Climbs To #2 on The Vitrue 100: Top Social Brands of 2010

blackberry social


The BlackBerry brand has done an incredible job climbing the ranks of The Vitrue 100: Top Social Brands. The Vitrue 100 is a list of 100 brands and the volume of discussion on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. In 2008, the BlackBerry brand ranked number 20, in 2009, BlackBerry rose to 15 and in 2010, BlackBerry is the number 2 social brand.

A little while ago we had some inside tips and stats regarding RIM’s social media strategy, which according to this report is doing great things for brand awareness. Hit the jump for The Vitrue 100: Top Social Brands of 2010.
Continue reading BlackBerry Climbs To #2 on The Vitrue 100: Top Social Brands of 2010

CNN Money Updated to v3.1


One of my most used apps CNN Money just received an update to V3.1 on app world. There is no change log but the UI looks a bit different. Same style but it looks more polished.

App description:

CNNMoney’s BlackBerry application delivers breaking business news and comprehensive market coverage—in a customizable format for your device. This application tops all others in the financial news category with real-time coverage of business news, analysis, data and charts.


  • Content delivered in real-time, direct from CNNMoney’s news feed
  • Breaking News Alerts
    Customized stock quote and tracking
  • Stock ticker, personalized to stocks you choose to track
  • Market updates and index tracking
  • Easy-to-share articles via e-mail
  • You can download the app at this link



    Source: BBR

    FilmOn Live TV – Free Mobile WiFi Streaming Of International News Channels & More!

    FilmOn Live TV   Free Mobile WiFi Streaming Of International News Channels & More!

    Edwin let me know about a website he came across called FilmOn. At first glance this website only seems available for desktop computers, iPads and Droid devices but a quick visit with the BlackBerry Browser presents you with a mobile-optimized website. The mobile site allows you to stream live TV using your BlackBerry’s WiFi connection and includes channels like CBS LA, KTTV Fox, Ion Life, NBC HD, Sky News, BBC News, CNN International and more.

    Most of the channels available in the United States seem to be West coast based but there are international channels with a focus on specific countries like Spain, Russia and Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. I have to mention that FilmOn does offer certain explicit channels that are extremely NSFW and should only be viewed if you’re 18 years of age or whatever the age requirement is for your locale. These explicit channels should be viewed at your own risk, NHCBBA.com, bb.nhcbb.com or nhcbb.com is not responsible for your actions.

    That being said, if you want to check it out go to filmon.com from your BlackBerry browser to be redirected to the mobile website. I’ve confirmed the live streaming to work smoothly on BlackBerry devices running OS 6.0 but do not know how it will work on devices running earlier OS versions. If you decide to check it out be sure to let me know how it works for you in the comments!

    Thanks @tmobb4life!

    HOT! Yesterberry Links – Hundreds of Free TV and Radio Streams

    Yesterberry All I can say is WOW! I am not sure how Yesterberry pulled this off but Yeseterberry has put together links for hundreds of free TV and radio streams. I am not talking about no name TV streams. Their mobile website has links to Fox News, Cartoon Network, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, VH1, BBC ONE and TWO, Discovery Channel, and my favorite Mystery Science Theater.

    I did not even know there were web streams available for all of these channels but Yesterberry has collected quite a few of them. I was blown away with the selection but it could be I just never looked that hard for streaming video channels. All of the links are user submitted so the catalog has really grown. There are also quite a few streaming radio stations in their catalog for you to choose from.

    In other words if you have a unlimited data plan and are into streaming TV and Radio check out www.yesterberry.com from your BlackBerry and hit the TV or Radio menu links. You can read more about the site at this thread on CrackBerry forums. The site is totally free but Yesterberry does accept donations for which they give you a login and extra abilities but free accounts still have access to all the content.

    BlackBerry founder Mike Lazaridis talks to CNN's

    Added On August 4, 2010

    BlackBerry founder Mike Lazaridis talks to CNN’s Maggie Lake about its new phone and the growing smartphone wars.
