Tag Archives: CBS

Adam Lambert makes his CBS debut with a BlackBerry

Celebrity BlackBerry Sighting ALERT!

Adam Lambert makes his CBS debut with a BlackBerry in hand. And while he loves BlackBerry, just make sure you don’t bring your Berry to one of his shows (see the video). Any guesses on what kind of BlackBerry he is using in the above photo?

BlackBerry PlayBook TV and Media – What Can You Watch Without Hulu?

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In my experience, once Hulu blocks a device, many of its content providers follow suit. As many of you know Hulu recently added the Playbook to their list of blocked devices. But to my surprise, in testing many content providers still work just fine. Here are a few:

So, Playbook owners, what other media sites have you been using on the Playbook?

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Find Streaming TV for your PlayBook Using SideReel and TVDuck

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Since Hulu in all of their wisdom has decided to block the BlackBerry PlayBook from streaming videos we are left hunting for them on our own. David pointed out that quite a few sites are still working on the BlackBerry PlayBook so I thought I would mention a tip or two of my own. I have found myself using the very useful SideReel website to find shows along with links to where they are available to stream from. Many of them sadly go to Hulu which is blocked or XfinityTV which I am having trouble with though it does work every once in awhile. On the other hand it does provide links to CBS, NBC, and others that do work.

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If that official route fails a friend pointed out to my you may want to try TVDuck. Their legal situation seems a bit questionable but they have been around for a bit. They also rate the links based on quality which is nice though you have to jump through a couple ads to get the videos to play and they tend to be much lower quality.

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Check it out and let me know how it goes. Also if you have your own tips and tricks feel free to share them!

Polar Mobile contracted to bring ‘at least’ 100 apps to the BlackBerry PlayBook

RIM has apparently teamed up with fellow Canadian company, Polar Mobile, to develop ‘at least’ 100 apps for the BlackBerry PlayBook. Polar Mobile has a suite of apps developed for TIME, CBS, Bloomberg, and more. It is possible that as Polar Mobile begins moving into the tablet space it will bring these current smartphone apps to the PlayBook. Polar Mobile does not know which clients will want their apps brought to the PlayBook, but they intend to begin rolling out the apps by this summer.

“Tablets represent a massive opportunity for our customers to increase reach, drive engagement and create a new revenue stream,” said Kunal Gupta, Polar’s CEO. “We are excited to extend our platform to the PlayBook and believe it will be a key content-consumption device that publishers need to be on.”

via Globe & Mail

NHCBBA Is Looking For Editors and Video Reviewers

Blog for NHCBBA 

As some of you, many of you already know, we are looking to add a few writers to the NHCBBA team.  I have to admit that I didn’t expect the number of of responses that we received when we initially put this request out, so, in an effort to answer a lot of questions collectively we figured that we should streamline the process of applying…

The first thing that we should mention is that this is not a paid position, at least not initially.  If, however, you have a passion for BlackBerry’s, the celebrities that use them, and could see yourself writing a post or two per day, head after the jump…


Here is what we are looking for:

  • Individuals who can post at least two NHCBBA per day — Many of you who send in pics regularly submit way more than that so we figure that this part should be pretty easy.
  • Individuals who can write at least a few sentences or  more about the pictures they post — We’ve been known to post a picture with title and nothing else, but, we know that the posts CBS visitors love the most are the ones with a bit of commentary…
  • Previous blogging experience not required, but, helpful…
  • Image editing software knowledge –  CBS is about the pics… You don’t need to be a Photoshop guru, but, a basic knowledge of how to crop images to specific dimensions and reduce image size is essential…

Still Interested?  Here is what we would like you to do…

Send and email to Support@nhcbba.com with the following:

  • Send us two example posts complete with an image cropped to a width of 460 pixels.  This post should have at least a paragraph of commentary on the image or a news item about the celebrity in the image.
  • Tell us how much time per week you could commit to researching, writing, and replying to comments on CBS.
  • Tell us what type of BlackBerry, or, other cell phone you use and you favorite celebrity…
  • Send us any questions that you have.

Thanks for applying…

BlackBerry Climbs To #2 on The Vitrue 100: Top Social Brands of 2010

blackberry social


The BlackBerry brand has done an incredible job climbing the ranks of The Vitrue 100: Top Social Brands. The Vitrue 100 is a list of 100 brands and the volume of discussion on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. In 2008, the BlackBerry brand ranked number 20, in 2009, BlackBerry rose to 15 and in 2010, BlackBerry is the number 2 social brand.

A little while ago we had some inside tips and stats regarding RIM’s social media strategy, which according to this report is doing great things for brand awareness. Hit the jump for The Vitrue 100: Top Social Brands of 2010.
Continue reading BlackBerry Climbs To #2 on The Vitrue 100: Top Social Brands of 2010