Tag Archives: caller ID

AT&T ramps up voicemail security, say hello to your new pin code

Have anything sitting in your voicemail that you’d prefer the rest of the world didn’t hear? When’s the last time you went about checking it, anyway? AT&T is now on a mission to save its carefree customers from themselves, and beginning today, all new subscribers will be required to set a voicemail password or affirmatively disable the security measure. Ma Bell’s new policy is a reaction to the current unauthorized intrusion hubbub in the media, combined with the very real threat of caller ID spoofing. Shockingly, its current customers won’t receive similar treatment until early next year, and only when they upgrade their handsets. Of course, you can easily secure your voicemail within the settings, and if you prefer the convenience of retrieving your messages without hassle, you’ll still have that option — much to Rupert Murdoch’s pleasure, that is.

sourceAT&T Public Policy Blog

T-Mobile Name ID finally brings true caller ID to your cellphone


Who Are YouIf you’re still rockin’ a landline you probably take caller ID for granted at this point and, if you’re a mobile only kinda person, you might not even realize your cellphone lacks it. But, the truth is, until now truecaller ID has never been available from America’s wireless carriers. There were a number of technical hurdles that stood in the way, but today those are officially crumbling as T-Mobile is launching Name ID in conjunction with Cequint, the company behind City ID. Instead of just checking an incoming call against your list of local contacts, the number is also fed through a larger database of publicly listed ones. Any match is displayed when you receive the call and, if the person isn’t already in your phonebook, you can easily add them with a tap. Of course, this sort of convenience doesn’t come free — T-Mo will be charging $3.99 a month for Name ID service. At first only Exhibit 4G owners will be able to sign up, but other handsets (including the myTouch 4G Slide) will be added to the list of compatible devices later. Check out the PR after the break. Continue reading T-Mobile Name ID finally brings true caller ID to your cellphone