Tag Archives: BOSTON

Vitaminwater advertising campaign includes free juice for your devices

Vitaminwater Bus Stops

How many times throughout your day have you found yourself with a dead battery in your BlackBerry? A cool new campaign from Vitaminwater is underway in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Boston that aims to help out with this problem. Bus shelters in those cities have the interactive displays installed, complete with 5-volt battery powered USB ports that will allow commuters to plug in and charge up mobile phones, MP3 players, and gaming devices. If you live in one of these four cities, have you spotted one of these bus stops?

Source: Creativity-Online


Perfecto Mobile gives free access to its MobileCloud to BlackBerry developers


Perfecto Mobile

OK full disclosure – I’m not a developer; I have not written a line of code since 1988.  Now with that out of the way, Perfecto Mobile has extended access to its MobileCloud platform to BlackBerry developers for free.  If you’re unfamiliar with Perfecto’s MobileCloud, it’s a development platform that gives you access to devices without the need to install the simulator on your computer.

As my disclaimer says I’m not a developer but this sounds like a pretty handy tool to have access to.  With the multiple types of devices a developer has to accommodate for when developing an application not needing to have multiple simulators running on your computer would be a real asset.

The MobileCloud platform also allows you to test your application across multiple networks in various geographic regions.  Currently their devices are located in Canada, USA, UK, France, India and Israel.  I can see the many benefits of this ability.

More information on the Perfecto MobileCloud

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