Tag Archives: Bold 9800

BlackBerry Bold 9800 Slider Headed To Vodafone UK & Verizon?

The majority of launch rumors we’ve heard so far about the BlackBerry Bold 9800 slider have revolved around a North America launch. A new report says it might also be available to UK users on the Vodafone network and maybe even Verizon:

Look deeper and the rumor sounds all the more spicier. Vodafone UK also owns the Verizon Wireless network in the US. A possible launch of Blackberry 9800 Torch Slider on Vodafone in UK could then also possibly hint at a Verizon launch in the US. Now, Verizon is a CDMA network but that should not be much of a worry for this handset.

According to GoRumors the Bold 9800 should be available through Vodafone UK between September and October of this year. No word on a Verizon launch estimate though. As with all rumors, don’t consider anything official until it comes straight from RIM or a wireless network.

Regardless, anyone on Vodafone or Verizon excited about the BlackBerry Bold 9800?

via GoRumors

Overviews & WebKit Browser Comparison In 3 New Videos Of The BlackBerry Bold 9800 Slider & OS 6.0! July 18th, 2010 @ 10:54 PM | By: Mauricio

What a way to end the weekend! Our buddy Salomondrin put up not one or two but three, new videos each showing off different aspects of the BlackBerry Bold 9800 slider and OS 6.0! These videos are also a bit longer than the usual quick overview offering a better look at OS 6.0, how media is handled and a comparison of the old browser with the new WebKit browser!

The Rest of the Story is on Phantomberry.net

A Few More Photos Of The BlackBerry Bold/Torch 9800 Slider, I Spy A T-Mobile SIM Card

I know continuously posting new photos of the BlackBerry Bold/Torch 9800 slider device is a big tease but I (and I know many of you) just can’t get enough of it. It’s not every day RIM works on a new form factor and operating system.

These bunch of photos come to us again courtesy of BerryTimes.cn. In them you get another good look at its hardware and a side view comparison between the Storm2 9520 and Bold 9700. If you ask me the Bold 9800 is looking pretty solid but we won’t know for sure till we get to play with it.

Note: BerryTimes.cn included a photo showing the T-Mobile SIM card in the first bunch of photos but I failed to mention it then so I figured I would this time. Exciting!

Wall Street Journal: RIM Tests A Tablet And New BlackBerry To Rival iPhone

BlackBerry Logo Preferred Black R 287x63 Wall Street Journal: RIM  Tests A Tablet And New BlackBerry To Rival iPhone

We’ve seen videos, photos and details about the BlackBerry Bold 9800 slider and some details of the BlackBerry Tablet, but all have pretty much been leaks. Now The Wall Street Journal has posted their own article where they cite sources and share details about these devices:

RIM is testing a touch-screen smartphone with a slide-out keyboard, according to people familiar with the device. The phone runs on a new version of the BlackBerry operating system and works much like an iPhone, letting users swipe through screens and expand images with their fingers, these people say. It also has a universal search bar that lets users scour all the phone’s data and some data online as well, these people say.

RIM is also experimenting with a tablet device to serve as a larger-screen companion to its BlackBerry phone, say people familiar with RIM’s plans. That device, which is in an early stage of development, will connect to cellular networks via a BlackBerry phone, these people say. It could come out as soon as the end of the year, these people say.

A RIM spokeswoman said the company doesn’t comment on rumors and speculation. RIM executives have said they will ship a phone running a new operating system and a new Web browser in the quarter ending Sept. 30, but haven’t provided details of the device. They haven’t discussed plans for a tablet.

RIM’s upcoming smartphone and operating system—dubbed BlackBerry OS 6.0—is aimed at addressing many of the complaints critics have leveled at the company’s devices. RIM executives unveiled the software at an investor conference in April.

We already know about most of the details in this post but since it’s now coming from a reputable site like the WSJ, I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s a refreshing affirmation. Be sure to read the full post over at the WSJ and let me know what you think in the comments!

Possible Name Change: Bold 9800 (slider) may instead launch as the BlackBerry Torch 9800; Should RIM add a new product family?

We’ve already seen plenty of pre-release photos and videos of the RIM’s upcoming BlackBerry slider device, which according to the operating system’s about screen pegs the device model number as the BlackBerry 9800. We’ve even seen the device carry the Bold branding on the hardware itself (stamped Bold onto the back of the device beside the camera), which pretty much makes it a no-brainer the slider would be marketed under the name BlackBerry Bold 9800. However, the BlackBerry Bold 9800 name isn’t a done deal just yet.

Apparently RIM has been debating whether or not they should launch the slider as part of the BlackBerry Bold family or instead launch a new product family for the slider. The new name? BlackBerry Torch. We’ve received multiple tips on the ‘ole CrackBerry hotline relaying word that the new slider from RIM, which will launch with BlackBerry 6, may ultimately carry the BlackBerry Torch name rather than Bold. A little digging confirmed the Torch name is being seriously considered (though it doesn’t seem like the decision is quite final just yet). I wonder if RIM’s affair with the Torch name came about when they acquired Torch Mobile (the company/team responsible for the new WebKit browser) or if it was the 2010 Olympics that inspired it? While the change of branding decision may still be a bit up in the air, we have heard that some slider devices are already being manufactured down in RIM’s plant in Guadalajara, Mexico carrying the Torch branding and a quick WhoIs search on the BlackBerryTorch.com domain name does reveal that Research in Motion registered it back in April. In other words, this isn’t random speculation.

BlackBerry Bold 9800 Steps In Front Of The Camera For Us Yet Again.


BlackBerry Bold 9800 Steps In Front Of The Camera For Us Yet  Again.

We’ve seen it in pics, we’ve seen it in video and now it’s time for another round of up close and personal pics with the BlackBerry Bold 9800. Love it or hate it, this is a device that many folks are now starting to love more and more as newer pics and videos show up on the scene. While I’m still not overly fond of the device myself, that on screen keyboard (if it works as I’m thinking it does) should be quite functional. One more pic of the back of the device is after the jump, showing the slider in the up position so you can just see the camera placement. You can view the whole lot of pictures over at TheBerryFix by hitting the source link.