Tag Archives: Bold 9700

NHCBBA TIP: Sometimes it is best to set your 3G BlackBerry Smartphone to 2G (EDGE) only

Edge is Better!

One of the features of your 3G BlackBerry Smartphone that is easy to forget but can come in really handy given certain circumstances is the ability to change your Network Mode. When you go to Mobile Network Options, under Network Mode you have the options of 3G, 2G and 3G & 2G, with the 3G & 2G option being the one that is typically selected by default. This default option means that if 3G is available for the cellular network you’re connected to you will default to 3G, but if the 3G signal gets too weak or you move out of 3G network range, you’ll automatically drop to a 2G network (known as EDGE) which is more than likely to be present. Compared to 2G, 3G connections offer faster data speeds and simultaneous voice and data (on GSM), so most people prefer 3G to 2G when given the option. Thus, the default setting of 3G & 2G works pretty well for most people, most of the time. However, it can make sense to try changing up this option is if you find yourself in a location where all of a sudden your trusty BlackBerry seems to start working like crap even though you’re clearly connected to 3G – it could be that your device would be better off dropping down to 2G but for whatever mystical reason it doesn’t want to downshift. Allow me to illustrate with a real life example from this past weekend:

I spent the weekend getting some R&R at a buddy’s cabin in a cottage/camping area called Spruce Sands, which is a 15 minute drive away from the town of Gimli on the west shore of Lake Winnipeg. Gimli recently got its network upgraded to offer 3G (yay…finally!). Back at my buddy’s cabin, all of the devices present (a Bold 9780, Torch 9800, Bold 9700 and an iPhone 4) were clearly connected to Rogers and the 3G signal looked strong, displaying full bars. So based on appearances, it seemed like Gimli’s new 3G network reached outside of town to the area where I was staying. I wasn’t paying super close attention to my phone nor using it that much during the day (getting some R&R, remember?), but my Bold 9780 did seem a bit wonky. My battery was almost dead (despite barely using the phone), I had some undelivered BBMs, and it seemed to take everybody in the cabin a few tries to make voice calls. The service felt suspect, but since I was seeing full bars on 3G (and was having a good time drinking), I didn’t think to do anything about it.

By mid-afternoon of day two after hearing others in the cabin complain about the same issues I noticed the day before, I finally decided to do something about it, and changed my Network Mode to 2G. Boom. Issues Fixed. By switching to EDGE only mode and ignoring 3G connectivity, every issue we experienced went away and our devices were back to running normal (with exceptional battery life I might add on EDGE). Apparently we were picking up the town’s 3G tower still but were near the limit of its range, which meant we were ignoring the much closer towers that offered EDGE only. And that really horrible battery life was the result of the radios working excessively hard to try an maintain that 3G connection when we were clearly getting out or range.

Long Story Short: If you find your 3G data connectivity appears to be ok but all of a sudden you’re experiencing poor battery life, undelivered BBMs, delayed SMS messages and calls dropping, try switching to 2G only. It might save you from a ton of aggrevation!

Via: cb

Leaked OS for the BlackBerry Bold 9780

A few days ago we saw OS leak for the Bold 9700 and today it’s popped up for the 780 as well. This one is brand new so no reports on whats good just yet, so if you install be sure to swing by the forums with your findings. As usual, be careful when updating your device .. always.

*OS Disclaimer – Please Read: Keep in mind this is NOT an official release and as such is not supported by RIM or your Carrier. If you choose to install, do so at your own risk and only if you’re comfortable in the process of upgrading and downgrading your device software. It is quite normal during operating system development for certain features to be crippled or disabled while others are tested, and these beta builds often reflect that. They are not always better. Depending on your BlackBerry comfort level, it may be best for you to wait for community feedback on a build before deciding to download and install for yourself or simply wait for the next official release. do not contact your carrier or RIM for Beta OS technical support (their first course of action will be to advise you to downgrade to a supported OS). *

Download OS for the Bold 9780

Travalert Tries to Wake You Up Before You Miss Your Stop

Travalert Travalert4

I ride public transportation practically every day and totally understand the problem Travalert is trying to solve. You will be on a subway, train, or bus tuning out to music or even grabbing some shuteye and you almost miss your stop and your heart jumps in your chest. I usually set a alarm on my BlackBerry when I am listening to music but with train and bus times ranging based on signal issues or traffic it gets a bit tricky.

Continue reading Travalert Tries to Wake You Up Before You Miss Your Stop

Official: OS for BlackBerry Bold 9700 via Cosmote

Apparently some carriers are scared of OS 6, as OS is officially released via Cosmote.

Note: The Software Platform and Applications version numbers can be found under Options-About screen on the handheld.

  • 700 from Cosmote

Official OS for BlackBerry Bold 9700 from T-Mobile

BlackBerry OS T-Mobile

While BlackBerry OS for the 700 has been out in various forms for a little over a month now, T-Mobile is finally officially releasing it to their subscribers. We’ve had a few reports of people receiving emails from T-Mobile over the past couple of days stating the following:

700 smartphone. BlackBerry 6 includes many enhancements including a rich new browser, expanded messaging capabilities, enhanced multimedia and a redesigned interface that’s powerful and easy to use. From your computer, go to www.t-Mobile.com/bbupgrade and follow the on-screen instructions to get the software update.

So if you are a T-Mobile customer that hasn’t installed BlackBerry 6 on your device yet, either because you don’t like installing leaks or you were waiting for the official from your carrier, head on over and check it out at the link below. If you’d like to take a look at what other 9700 users have been saying about this OS before you make the leap. Thanks to everyone that sent this in!

  • 700 from T-Mobile

BlackBerry PlayBook battery life looks to be 10 hours with continual use

BlackBerry PlayBook battery life

Been wondering just how long the BlackBerry PlayBook battery will last when you’re busy browsing the web, watching movies, listening to music, sending emails … you get it – well we have too. Up until now we haven’t really been informed of just what the PlayBook was packing as far as battery life. We know that the PlayBook will be sporting a 5300mAh battery (compare that to the awesome 1550mAh battery on the Bold 9700) so it definitely has some juice. Looking closely on the Staples pre-order page we can actually see the device listed as 10 hours with continual use. So, providing that isn’t just a made up number and it actually came from RIM, that means you’ll have plenty of go time on the PlayBook. If it’s 10 hours with continual use, we can only image what the “down time” battery life will be. Of course we won’t know for sure until we get our overly-ready hands on one, but it’s totally promising as of now. What do you think? Will the PlayBook battery be just plain awesome or not get the job done? Sound off in the comments!

via: cb

Official OS for the Bold 9700, 9780 and Torch 9800 available from Rogers

Official OS for the Bold 9700, 9780 and Torch 9800 available from RogersJust in case some of you all out there missed out on the leaks, missed the update notification — or simply just forgot, Rogers has updated the Bold 9700, 9780 and Torch 9800 all to OS They are continuing to send out SMS messages to customers so depending on which device you have you may get one sometime soon. If you’re wanting to go ahead and download the install falls you can grab them from the Rogers BlackBerry downloads site, or just simply fire up BlackBerry Desktop Manager and install from there. No matter how you decide to do it, best to get it done when you have a chance as the later OS for all those devices are leaps and bounds above the launch OS’.

For more information and downloads

Leaked: OS for the BlackBerry Bold 9700!

Hey BlackBerry Bold 9700 users, let’s not let the Torch owners have all the fun! OS has leaked for your device, so if you’re into that sort of thing go ahead and give it a go. As always, back up your device data first please. We’d hate to see you lose anything. Let us know what you see that is new and improved, and hop on over to the forums to discuss it further!

*OS Disclaimer – Please Read: Keep in mind this is NOT an official release and as such is not supported by RIM or your Carrier. If you choose to install, do so at your own risk and only if you’re comfortable in the process of upgrading and downgrading your device software. It is quite normal during operating system development for certain features to be crippled or disabled while others are tested, and these beta builds often reflect that. They are not always better. Depending on your BlackBerry comfort level, it may be best for you to wait for community feedback on a build before deciding to download and install for yourself or simply wait for the next official release – do not contact your carrier or RIM for Beta OS technical support (their first course of action will be to advise you to downgrade to a supported OS). *

To dowload OS for your BlackBerry Bold 9700


via bbos

Official: OS for BlackBerry Bold 9700 via Rogers Wireless

In typical Rogers fashion, they’ve released OS6 update for 9700 weeks after Telus & Bell. The version that comes to Rogers is OS

Note: The Software Platform and Applications version numbers can be found under Options-About screen on the handheld.