Tag Archives: BlackBerry DevCon

BlackBerry DevCon Americas Early Bird Offer Extended

RIM is extending the BlackBerry DevCon Americas early bird registration to hopefully build up the event. If you haven’t registered yet, get in before the early bird deadline expires and save yourself some cash. Here is the full update from RIM:

We are extending our BlackBerry DevCon Americas Early Bird deadline to allow even more of the BlackBerry developer community to take advantage of the great offers we have available this year! This is our lowest price yet — registerbefore the new August 26th Early Bird Deadline so you don’t miss these savings:

• Pay only $699 USD, a savings of $250 off the onsite rate
• Save on your hotel booking – stay 4 nights at the San Francisco Marriott Marquis for the price of 3! Plus, if you attended BlackBerry DevCon 2010, you could save an additional $100 USD with the Alumni Discount.

The BlackBerry Development Platform makes developing mobile applications faster, easier, and more profitable than ever – find out how at BlackBerry DevCon Americas 2011, October 18-20 in San Francisco.

This article was originally published in forum thread: BlackBerry DevCon Americas Early Bird Offer Extended started by Joe Jerde View original post

BlackBerry DevCon: Europe and Asia dates and locations announced!

BlackBerry DevCon

Back during BlackBerry World RIM announced they would be expanding their BlackBerry Developer Conferences to new areas this year. Europe was included this time around, as was Asia after having hosted the first DevCon Asia in Indonesia back in January. The dates and locations at the time of the announcement hadn’t been worked out but now we have dates and a location for DevCon Europe and a location for DevCon Asia:

  • DevCon Europe: Amsterdam, February 7 and 8, 2012.
  • DevCon Asia: Bangkok, Thailand with specific dates to be announced shortly.

If you’re a BlackBerry developer and are planning on participating in either of the DevCon events scheduled, RIM has extended the call for papers until Friday July 15th for BlackBerry DEVCON Asia and Friday September 16th for DevCon Europe.

Learn more via the BlackBerry DevCon Website


Register now for BlackBerry DevCon Americas 2011 and save $250

Register now for BlackBerry DevCon Americas 2011 and save $250 USD off the onsite rate with our early bird offer when you register by August 26, 2011. Save even more with the Registration & Hotel Bundle! Bundle your registration fee and hotel costs together, and get 4 nights at the San Francisco Marriott Marquis for the price of 3. Find out more about the Hotel Bundle. Will you be attending? Let us know!


BlackBerry DevCon Americas registration now open

BlackBerry DEVCON Americas

Registration for the BlackBerry Developer Conference (DevCon) in San Francisco is now open. The conference is taking place this year from October 18th to the 20th at the Marriott Marquis in San Francisco. Early Bird registration is only $699, or $599 for qualifying alumni. Students can also receive speical pricing of $199 and faculty can get in for $399. Also upcoming is the first BlackBerry DevCon Europe as well as BlackBerry DevCon Asia. Hit the link below for more info. See you there!

More information/register BlackBerry DevCon Americas


BlackBerry DevCon 2011 Registration Now Open – October 18th-20th

DevCon 2011

At the end of BlackBerry World last week RIM announced the dates for BlackBerry DevCon (Developer Conference) 2011 in San Francisco.

Registration is now open for DevCon and they have an early bird rate in effect for $699 along with a 4 nights for 3 paid nights special going on. Sadly this year won’t be as international since RIM announced DevCon Europe along with their previous DevCon Asia which was very successful.

You can register for DevCon 2011 Americas at this link. Let us know if you are going in the comments!


BlackBerry DevCon 2011 registration now open

BlackBerry DevCon 2011

Although we’re still going through BlackBerry World in Florida, during the general session keynote today Senior Vice President, Business & Platform Marketing, at Research In Motion, Jeff McDowell announced that registration for BlackBerry DevCon is now open. This year, the event will take place in San Francisco on October 18 through 20.

Some of the demos, such as TAT that we’ve looked at from BlackBerry World are slated for arrival at DevCon so, if you’re looking to get in on the action early head on over the DevCon registration page. If you’re unable to attend DevCon Americas, there is still DevCon Asia and Europe as well. Check out the DevCom 2011 Americas page for more details.

Visit the BlackBerry DevCon page for more details

RIM exec talks PlayBook, App World, QNX on phones, etc

While we wait for the BlackBerry PlayBook to released in its WiFi – and WiMAX-equipped forms over the next few months, RIM’s taking every opportunity it can to talk about the platform – and the latest comes from an interview between FierceDeveloper and the company’s veep of developer relations, Tyler Lessard, who played a prominent role at BlackBerry DevCon ’10 a while back where the PlayBook was first announced. When asked about RIM’s decision to partner up with Sprint and deliver a WiMAX version first before looking at bigger carriers with more broadly-used technologies, Lessard says,

“were really excited about was Sprint’s interest and excitement in coming to the table and working with us on a product like that” — which we take as code for either “they paid us the most” or “no one else bit.”

Either way, interesting comments to say the least – though he does say that there are other versions in the pipe. On App World, Lessard notes that BlackBerry’s third-party app platform has taken in some 5,000 apps in the last couple months alone – not a big number, necessarily, until you consider that they’re only up to 17,000 total, so they’re definitely seeing some nice growth percentages there. This is mostly likely due to the release of BlackBerry OS 6.
