Tag Archives: BIS

BlackBerry Internet Service 3.2 Details

The rumor is that Blackberry Protect will start running when BIS 3.2 is released.

  • Synchronization with Google calendar – so far we have had (if we had …) the ability to synchronize address book with our Gmail accounts. Since reads 3.2, you can also synchronize your calendar. Note: does not apply to BES users.
  • Improved security – now the password will have to be between 8 and 16 characters long and contain uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers. To date, was required only 6 characters of any kind.
  • Corrected automatic login – users who have had an account through a web page, using the Application Configuration E-mail every time they had to give out your password and login. From now on, when you try to configure access their mailboxes from the device, they will be automatically transferred to the control panel account.
  • Improved interface – WAP users have so far trouble viewing passwords for accounts integrated with the device when you change the active terminals. With BIS 3.2, these users can choose to view the password (instead of marking placed on covering the password), which will enable them to make sure that the entered password is correct
  • Re-validation of Windows Live accounts – now required to re-activate the Windows Live Mail accounts integrated with the device every 360 days and 3 days before the event is sent to the appropriate guide. The BIS 3.2 will also take place one day before the expiry of the account. This situation does not affect users running Windows Live Mail using POP.

Saudi Arabia Banning BlackBerry Service This Friday

It seems like this is a growing trend. First India then the UAE and and others are in the game of banning BlackBerry service until they can monitor it. Now we also can add Saudi Arabia to the list which plans on banning BlackBerry service as of this Friday.

According to Yahoo and the Associated Press:

The Saudi state news agency SPA said in a report late Tuesday that the country’s telecom regulator has informed mobile service providers in the country that they must halt BlackBerry services starting Friday.

RIM still contends that they do not allow for monitoring yet they specifically word it to only mention the BlackBerry Enterprise Solution not regular BIS email for consumers and BlackBerry Messenger.

FAQ: What Communication Is Encrypted on Your BlackBerry


school_apples With the recent security of the BlackBerry infrastructure put into question this month in the Middle East and India I thought I would cover what exactly IS secured on your BlackBerry. These governments are unhappy that they cannot view encrypted messages sent to a BlackBerry but I think most people don’t realize what is encrypted. Since its inception very few email and instant messaging protocols and services have used any encryption since the protocol naturally moves in clear text.

The thing to note is that if you are not on a BlackBerry Enterprise Server little is encrypted! That means if you are using your carriers BIS (BlackBerry Enterprise Server) to receive email on your BlackBerry that communication is NOT encrypted. It might be encrypted between RIM’s BIS infrastructure and your mail server but between your device and RIM’s infrastructure it goes in the clear. The only thing that is regularly encrypted on a regular device is SSL websites like your bank when you are browsing the internet and to a separate degree PIN and BlackBerry Messenger messages. RIM has been very honest about this by specifically stating that it is only BES traffic that is encrypted beyond these governments reach.

Continue reading FAQ: What Communication Is Encrypted on Your BlackBerry

Details & Images Of BlackBerry Shield For BIS Leaked – Remote Wipe, Backup, Tracking & More

Piotr over at BBNews.pl scored some images and details for an upcoming app/service that will be offered by RIM called BlackBerry Shield. At first glance it looks like BlackBerry Shield will mainly be a security-type application that will allow users to do things like remote backup, tracking, etc. Here are some of the details:

  • Remote Wipe – Log into the service through a computer to remote wipe the device and/or memory card data.
  • Display “Lost & Found” – Remotely enable a message with something like “Return to this address…” for when your BlackBerry is found.
  • Remote Password – if you lose your BlackBerry you can lock it remotely from a computer.
  • Audio Ping / Alert – Remotely enable an audio sound / ping so your device can be easily found or if it was stolen, the thief exposed.
  • Remote Tracking – Uses your GSM transmitter or GPS to constantly monitor the BlackBerry and track it on a maps service (like Google Maps) through a computer.
  • Remote Backup/Restore – Remotely backup and restore your BlackBerry either manually or automatically at specified intervals (may depend on wireless data connection).

Sounds awesome! I hope RIM gets a move on with this so we can either test it in the BlackBerry Beta Zone or as a public download for all to use. I’ve included another image of BlackBerry Shield after the jump but for all of them be sure to check out the post over at BBNews.pl (translated).

shieldbbnews21 1024x611 575x343 Details & Images Of BlackBerry  Shield For BIS Leaked   Remote Wipe, Backup, Tracking & More