Tag Archives: beta version

BlackBerry Management Center Set to Launch in Mid-August

BIS management

In case you have not been paying attention RIM has been cooking up their BlackBerry Management Center for a few months now. They have been beta testing their latest small business product and so far people are really liking it. It lets small businesses manage BlackBerrys without a BES server by linking their BIS accounts together along with BlackBerry Protect. That way one central administrator or administrators can manage the business or family BlackBerrys and make sure they are backed up and have the correct settings. You can also centrally control the BlackBerry Protect settings that let you find or wipe lost phones.


RIM sent out the email below to beta participants who were kind enough to forward it along. The current tentative date for BlackBerry Management Center to launch is Mid August and hopefully RIM will be able to pull that off.

Continue reading BlackBerry Management Center Set to Launch in Mid-August

Multiprotocol IM client imo beta now available for BlackBerry


imo for BlackBerry

Today imo has announced a beta version of their multiprotocol IM client for BlackBerry. The app is free to download and features multiple services including AIM, Yahoo!, Gtalk, Skype, Jabber, MSN and more. The company has had a web app for quite some time, but this is the first release for BlackBerry Smartphones. While it’s still a bit rough around the edges, imo is a pretty decent client if you like the ability to use multiple IM services all in one place. There are plenty of features to keep most users happy, and pretty much all of the “big name” services are included. The app is free (for now) in it’s beta form and will soon be on the way to BlackBerry App World. Hit the link below from your device to download. Keep reading for some more screen shots.

Download imo OTA to your device[qrcode pix=150]https://imo.im/bb_app/imo.jad[/qrcode]
More information on imo for BlackBerry

Continue reading Multiprotocol IM client imo beta now available for BlackBerry

Wakeful officially launched

I’ve always wanted a futuristic alarm clock that spoke to me when I wake up in the Morning. Ninja Otter recently announced my prayers with the release of Wakeful. Wakeful is an alarm clock application that helps you kick off your day productively by providing you with your life’s most important information when waking up.

Waking up to weather forecast, daily news, stocks & more is something that for most will speed up tons of individuals in the morning.

I had the great opportunity of trying the beta version of this application in March. The bugs that were in the initial beta version (incorrect time, server backlog) have been resolved with the official launch.

For a short time, you can get a 50% discount on the application by entering “WAKEUP” at checkout.

RIM Releasing Updated Theme Builder With Support For All BlackBerry OS 6 Devices By End Of January

I already retweeted this but I figured it deserved some more spotlight. Mike Kirkup (MK) announced through the BlackBerry Developer’s Blog Twitter profile that an update will soon be available for the Theme Builder:

I am pleased to announce that an updated beta version of #ThemeBuilder with support for all 6.0 devices will launch by end of January ^MK

This is great news since the end of January is right around the corner. Hopefully a bunch of theme developers will jump on the new version and start cranking out some awesome themes!

[ Source ]

RIM Rolling Out BlackBerry News Feeds App in Beta Form

social feeds app for BlackBerry 6
Social Feeds

A new app will be hitting the App World Test Center and Beta Zone over the next couple days called BlackBerry News Feeds. The app is an integrated RSS reader that lets you read your daily news and share it with your contacts. Not much is known about this app but hopefully it will have some integration with Google Reader, otherwise many users won’t switch over from their current solutions.

Something that is really puzzling about this new app is the redunduncy it causes with BlackBerry 6 users that already have Social Feeds on their device. Perhaps this app is more focused on the OS 5 and below crowd. It’s also possible that the app uses some of the awesomeness from Viigo’s app, which has been dead ever since they were acquired by RIM.Hit the jump for details from RIM.

Today, RIM launched a beta version of its new BlackBerry News Feeds application. The BlackBerry News Feeds app will provide a single point that aggregates all RSS news. The app is integrated into the BlackBerry experience, making it easy to share articles with contacts, friends and family.

The BlackBerry News Feeds app goes live as a beta in both BlackBerry Beta Zone and in BlackBerry App World’s Test Center over the course of the day today.

Source: BBCool

Twitter for BlackBerry Losing “Beta” Label, Full Version Launches Tonight [from a Alliance member http://www.berryreporter.com]

Update: Now live! If the application doesn’t automatically prompt you to update, head to Options and select Check for Update at the bottom.

Beginning tonight, BlackBerry users will start seeing an update to Twitter, officially bringing it out of beta. According to RIM, the open beta was made available in April to gather community and user feedback, much of which was taken into consideration when updating the application along the way. Unfortunately, this official non-beta version won’t provide support for multiple user accounts, but with any luck we’ll see the feature implemented in future versions.

This new version will feature “Go to User”, which provides access to any user’s profile from anywhere in the application using the auto-complete functionality we’ve seen rolled out in previous updates. Additionally, the updated version will include support for at least 7 new languages, including:

Continue reading Twitter for BlackBerry Losing “Beta” Label, Full Version Launches Tonight [from a Alliance member http://www.berryreporter.com]

Microsoft Tag BlackBerry App Now Out of Beta


Over a year ago there was a lot of buzz going around about a new barcode scanning technology that Microsoft had been working on. They released a beta version of what is called Tag, which needless to say was a very buggy application. However, Microsoft is proud to announce that Tag has come out of beta and that they’ve included a few new upgrades:

  • A device ID feature will allow marketers to deliver a more personalized consumer experience across multiple Tags. For example, consumers can now receive customized content, such as a coupon or other offer from a retail outlet, based on Tags they’ve previously scanned
  • A new .tag file format will make it easier to print and manage a large number of different Tags as part of a broad campaign deployment. Developers of professional printing programs can now generate the Tag graphic on the fly as part of their solution
  • Tag has always been available worldwide and has been distributed and deployed globally. We have added localization in five new languages which include: French, Spanish, Turkish, Simplified Chinese, Italian
  • And finally, we will be introducing a beta Heat Map feature in the next few days, available in the Tag Campaign Manager, that will help companies better measure Tag usage by location and make more informed decisions about their Tag campaigns and overall marketing spend
Microsoft Tag could be a very useful and fun app. Have you tried it before when it was in beta? To download and read more info check out the Microsoft Tag website.
Thanks to BBLeaks.com for this post