Tag Archives: BBM Music

BBM Music appeared in App World Yesterday

It seems that BBM Music is slowly being prepared for mass market launch, as it has been spotted in App World yesterday. The app is still Beta Zone-only & requires a keycode, but it’s quite simple to download now.

With a Period End Date of late September, maybe we are merely weeks away from launch?


BlackBerry Messenger v6.0.1.15 available in BlackBerry Beta Zone

BlackBerry Beta Zone members have a new version of BlackBerry Messenger available today. If you are currently testing BBM Music, you are instructed to stay on BBM v6.0.0.129, but if you aren’t involved in that program, you may feel free to install v6.0.1.15 and give it a whirl. This upgrade is said to have focused on fixing file and picture transfer bugs, as well as the addition of subscription payment support for platform-enabled apps. Be sure to do a back-up before installing, and leave feedback in the Beta Zone discussion forums.

If you’re not already a member of BlackBerry Beta Zone and would like to sign up, head on over to blackberry.com/beta and get registered.


First Impressions: BBM Music Will Be Successful

While many in the blogosphere are already taking shots at RIM’s new BBM Music service after only being out for a few days, it seems that all BlackBerry users that are actually using BBM Music love it. The feedback from within the app is outstandingly positive. I don’t necessarily blame too many people for doubting RIM’s latest music service announcement. I too was extremely hesitant about accepting this idea until I tried it for the first time.

Research In Motion’s plan upon releasing BBM Music publicly, is to allow every new user access for one free month of service to test out the app, invite friends, get your first 50 songs; etc. This will be when users are hooked. Yes this service will be $4.99/month according to rumors and to most, paying $5/month for 50 songs doesn’t really make sense. The point though is that it’s not just 50 songs that you’re getting.

It’s actually a lot more.
Continue reading First Impressions: BBM Music Will Be Successful

BBM Music Needs “Thumbs Up/Down” Song & User Ratings

BBM Music4 BBM Music1

I have more or less replaced my Slacker listening with BlackBerry Music since yesterday and I have to say I am impressed. I have found some great songs from BBM friends and contacts that I would never have heard otherwise. I find it interesting that my friends tend to avoid the latest Top 100 hits to define themselves and rather are choosing some classic favorites. The thing it not all of them have anywhere near my music taste or simply have bad taste… That is why I am really hoping RIM throws in some social voting options in BBM Music.

Continue reading BBM Music Needs “Thumbs Up/Down” Song & User Ratings