Tag Archives: bbm

BlackBerry Messenger for the PlayBook screen shot appears on the AppWorld Page

BBM PlayBook

We notice a thread started about BBM on the PlayBook natively, so instantly my interest was sparked so I checked it out. Inside there was a link to the AppWorld page, which now showcases the photo that is shown above. Whether a photoshop mistake, or a sign of things to come, we are still unsure but we can definitely hope that this is part of the 2.0 overhaul that we have been waiting for!


QNX BlackBerry ‘Superphone’ Will Have BBM Video Chat Capability?

A new rumor has surfaced that suggests the upcoming QNX BlackBerry ‘Superphone’ will have video chat capabilities. We’ve heard rumors ourselves and even gave you a few specs, which basically suggests the first BlackBerry ‘Superphone’ will be a “Mini-PlayBook”. In the sense that it will nearly be identical to the PlayBook and include a front-facing camera, but of course be much smaller in size.

App Roundup: BBM integrated apps for BlackBerry smartphones

It has been about a month or so since RIM launched BBM 6 and its BBM social platform status allowing for apps to integrate with BBM. At the time of its launch there were a handful of apps that came with BBM integration, but since then the list has grown quite a bit. Doing a search on BlackBerry App World gives you a whole load of apps with BBM integration, but not all apps show in the same search. So to make it easier for our NHCBBA readers thanks to Crackberry, here’s a round-up of all the current BBM integrated apps and games. Don’t forget you’ll need BBM 6 in order to avail of the BBM Social Platform, and not all apps are compatible with all devices.

Keep reading for the full list.


Continue reading App Roundup: BBM integrated apps for BlackBerry smartphones

QNX Superphone to come with front facing camera for BBM Video Chat

The rumors of a BlackBerry coming with a front facing have been around for a long time. Most BlackBerry users (myself included) have been clamoring for this to happen since the first Torch came out. Truthfully these recent BlackBerry 7 devices should’ve come equipped with front facing cameras and chat already, but unfortunately what’s done is done.

Today, sources have reported that RIM is taking the idea of front facing cameras, and video chat integration via BBM, very seriously. Video Chat over the BlackBerry PlayBook works extremely well so we know RIM is capable of doing this efficiently. Let’s hope these rumors end up being true and we can have some awesome video chat capabilities on the new generation of BlackBerry devices.

  • We know what most of you will say, but we’ll ask anyways. Do you want a front facing camera on the new QNX-powered BlackBerry lineup?
  • Will these rumors stop you from getting a BlackBerry 7 device?
  • Let us know in the Comments below we might talk about in our weekly news show.

Continue reading QNX Superphone to come with front facing camera for BBM Video Chat

BBM Music appeared in App World Yesterday

It seems that BBM Music is slowly being prepared for mass market launch, as it has been spotted in App World yesterday. The app is still Beta Zone-only & requires a keycode, but it’s quite simple to download now.

With a Period End Date of late September, maybe we are merely weeks away from launch?


RIM Boils Down their BlackBerry Smartphone Core Values for Us

BlackBerry Ethos

A friend of mine pointed out something interesting about the slide deck RIM put up during their BlackBerry 7 device launch in the UK and Canada. RIM kindly posted the slide deck on SlideShare and it really boils down RIM’s smartphone core values, strategy, and even ethos into two slides. The first highlights how “BlackBerry Just Works” and I think if you take those 5 examples RIM puts out of how it “Just Works” you clearly see how the BlackBerry 7 portfolio improves on it.

Continue reading RIM Boils Down their BlackBerry Smartphone Core Values for Us

AP Mobile world edition updates to v3.4.3 bringing BBM integration, push notifications, and more

If you keep up on current events around the world, or are interested in breaking news, you should check out the AP Mobile world edition BlackBerry application. Updated today to v3.4.3, the Associated Press app is now compatible with BlackBerry 7 devices. With this update, they have also integrated with BBM, so you can share news and interesting stories with your contacts at the click of a button! AP Mobile also has push alerts, so you can get pop-up messages or emails when there is breaking news.

Other new features include:

  • New navigation
  • Improved offline experience
  • Fixed video bugs
  • Breaking news alert: Get notified of breaking news in the app
  • Video support: Users can view Video stories using the native video player on their BlackBerry® device
  • Globalized: Users can select different editions for their news
  • Multiple language support: The application now supports Spanish and French languages in addition to English
  • Weather: Users can now easily view weather for their chosen location from within the application
  • Share stories and photos via email, SMS, Twitter, and BBM
  • Featured content is highlighted by our editors

As a downloadable application, AP Mobile updates and caches content throughout the day, thus keeping users in the know while on a plane or subway. It includes a complete set of news categories including Sports, Entertainment and Wacky News, plus AP’s award-winning photos. AP Mobile world edition is free in BlackBerry App World at the link below, and compatible with most BlackBerry smartphones.

More information and to download AP Mobile world edition[qrcode pix=120]http://nhcbba.com/downloads/AP_Mobile_world_edition[/qrcode]

via: CB

Foursquare for BlackBerry v3.2.1 Released with BBM & UI Improvements

Foursquare has released another incremental update to their hugely popular BlackBerry app. The latest version brings them to v3.2.1. According to the change log scored by PocketBerry this update includes some improvements for BBM and their interface. The full change log includes:


  • Improved handling and performance with connections to all terminals BBM
  • Changed the appearance of screens and reports
  • Amendments on the acquisition of our location
  • The amendments take into account the device with a higher screen resolution
  • Minor fixes minor bugs and optimization

You can pick up the updated version of Foursquare in App World[qrcode pix=180]http://nhcbba.com/downloads/Foursquare[/qrcode]

ElcomSoft Password Breaker gives you access to BlackBerry Wallet and Password Keeper

One of the great things about BlackBerry devices is the ability to password protect the device itself, as well as certain applications or areas on the device from prying eyes. Browse BlackBerry App World you’ll find a whole host of third party apps that allow you to password protect files, folders, photos, BBM, website passwords etc but the BlackBerry itself has one built in already – Password Keeper. You can also download a BlackBerry app that lets you save billing information, credit card details etc to save you time in filling out forms. Of course this is also password protected with a master password. You also would not want anybody accessing that kind of information, bringing me to the point of this post. ElcomSoft, a sotware company, has developed the first commercially available product that allows you to access passwords that are stored in Password Keeper as well as the information stored in BlackBerry Wallet.

Continue reading ElcomSoft Password Breaker gives you access to BlackBerry Wallet and Password Keeper

Quick Tip: Know for sure the email you sent was received

Pin2Pin Scrren

Words can’t describe the love we BlackBerry have for our BBM. It’s not totally about the delivery/read confirmations but that is certainly one of the top reasons. Did my message get delivered? Simply check for the ‘D’ and ‘R’ and you know for sure.

Email is always near the top of the list of must have features for a BlackBerry user, so shouldn’t delivery confirmations be built into the BlackBerry natively? The good new is it is a feature that is built into each BlackBerry!

Continue reading Quick Tip: Know for sure the email you sent was received