Tag Archives: apps

Mini Review: BlackBerry PlayBook USA On-Device GPS Map (Offline Map)

Developer: Skylab Mobilesystems Ltd.
Web Site: AppWorld
Rating: ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Price: $9.99

[qrcode pix=120]http://nhcbba.com/downloads/Skylab_Offline_Playbook[/qrcode]

Skylab recently released a bunch of city and country offline maps for Blackberry Playbook. This was very exciting news, as currently most the map applications require downloading the maps online and caching the trip. However, Skylab seems to be playing marketing games here, as the data is only on device when you browse to a location and cache it online.  So this is really not a real on-device map like many other GPS apps in different platforms (TomTom, Igo, Navigon) where the full map is stored on your device. Those apps will work fine perfectly without any data connectivity. On the other hand Skylab’s software will not.

Continue reading Mini Review: BlackBerry PlayBook USA On-Device GPS Map (Offline Map)

RIM sponsoring Android developer meetups to promote Android apps on BlackBerry PlayBook

Android Developers

While we all wait somewhat patiently for the Android App Player to officially make its way to the BlackBerry PlayBook, it looks like RIM is still rallying the troops on the Android front. RIM is sponsoring 50 Android developer events on Meetup in order to get the Android love flowing on the PlayBook. The sponsored events will allow for a BlackBerry rep to visit with groups in order to help convert Android apps to run on the PlayBook as well as get listed in BlackBerry App World.

Android Player for BlackBerry PlayBook is supporting 50 Meetups across the country to get the word out about converting your Android App to run on the BlackBerry Tablet OS and host it in BlackBerry World. They’re thrilled to have your Meetup participating in this program! In addition to having a local Blackberry rep come visit your Meetup, they’re making a financial investment in your Meetup Group over the next 3 months to help your Organizer make it even better!

It looks like there is a good amount of interest thus far, so lets hope things go well and plenty of developers hop on board. Still no official word on just when we’ll see an official release of the Android App Player, but as always, fingers crossed that it’s not too much longer.

More at Meetup.com


App Roundup: BBM integrated apps for BlackBerry smartphones

It has been about a month or so since RIM launched BBM 6 and its BBM social platform status allowing for apps to integrate with BBM. At the time of its launch there were a handful of apps that came with BBM integration, but since then the list has grown quite a bit. Doing a search on BlackBerry App World gives you a whole load of apps with BBM integration, but not all apps show in the same search. So to make it easier for our NHCBBA readers thanks to Crackberry, here’s a round-up of all the current BBM integrated apps and games. Don’t forget you’ll need BBM 6 in order to avail of the BBM Social Platform, and not all apps are compatible with all devices.

Keep reading for the full list.


Continue reading App Roundup: BBM integrated apps for BlackBerry smartphones

RIM Loses Another Product Manager

And another one bites the dust. More troubles arise as RIM loses yet another key team member. Alex Ivanovic lead product manager for BlackBerry Business Cloud Services for Microsoft Office 365 has officially left the team. Alex spearheaded integrating BES with Office 365. According to reports Alex apepars to be quite happy with his new job working for nulayer, a company that specialized in developing apps for iPhones and iPads. As more and more personnel continue to part ways with RIM it leaves us wondering whats really going on inside RIM.

What are your thoughts on the frequent departure of RIM personnel? Let us know in the Comments Below and might just talk about it in our news cast.
Continue reading RIM Loses Another Product Manager

Free Official FML (FmyLife) App Provides Loads of Laughs

There have been quite a few FML BlackBerry apps released over the years for the awesome www.fmylife.com website. Tom let me know about the latest by Antoine Réveillon which allows you to easily read the stories from FmyLife. The thing is if you go to the FML website they have this app listed as the OFFICIAL FML BlackBerry app which says something I guess.


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This official app lets you to send them your FMLs, log in to your account, read and post comments, moderate the pending FMLs. This is just the first version and they are promising updates.

You can find the free FML app in App World[qrcode pix=180]http://nhcbba.com/downloads/FMyLife[/qrcode]


ElcomSoft Password Breaker gives you access to BlackBerry Wallet and Password Keeper

One of the great things about BlackBerry devices is the ability to password protect the device itself, as well as certain applications or areas on the device from prying eyes. Browse BlackBerry App World you’ll find a whole host of third party apps that allow you to password protect files, folders, photos, BBM, website passwords etc but the BlackBerry itself has one built in already – Password Keeper. You can also download a BlackBerry app that lets you save billing information, credit card details etc to save you time in filling out forms. Of course this is also password protected with a master password. You also would not want anybody accessing that kind of information, bringing me to the point of this post. ElcomSoft, a sotware company, has developed the first commercially available product that allows you to access passwords that are stored in Password Keeper as well as the information stored in BlackBerry Wallet.

Continue reading ElcomSoft Password Breaker gives you access to BlackBerry Wallet and Password Keeper

How to change the default view on the native BlackBerry Calendar app

Beginners BlackBerry Tip: Changing the default Calendar View

Calendar Options  Calendar Options

Options Galore on the BlackBerry OS: One of the GREAT things about the traditional BlackBerry operating system is that it is FULL of options that allow you to customize your device experience. That benefit is also one of the BAD things about the OS. There are options everywhere, and if you don’t know where to look for them or think to look for them, you may find yourself not taking advantage of them. While opening the main Options “wrench” on the homescreen does provide a ton of device options, you’ll also find the Options link on the Menu within native apps like the Phone app, Email app and Calendar app that provide more options for those apps. The same goes for third party apps.

BlackBerry Calendar Tip of the Day: By default, the BlackBerry calendar shows you the DAY view. By hitting the Menu Key (the BlackBerry logo key to the left of the trackpad), and selecting View, you can then toggle between Day, Month and Agenda views. If you find yourself using views like Month and Agenda more than the Day view, you can easily change the default view from within the Calendar app by going to Menu > Options > Calendar Display and Actions and changing the default under the Views > Initial View option as shown in the screen cap at the top of this post.

There you have it. A simple tip, but a handy one for new to BlackBerry users and even old BlackBerry users (like myself) who get lazy and forget all the power that’s at their fingertips.

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Exclusive Interview with Mike Kirkup, Sr. Director of Developer Relations, on why he is leaving Research In Motion

Mike Kirkup

It’s a sad day for NHC Blackberry Alliance. To say I was shocked when I saw word that one of our absolute all-time favorite Research In Motion employees, Mike Kirkup, tendered his resignation today would be an understatement.

Continue reading Exclusive Interview with Mike Kirkup, Sr. Director of Developer Relations, on why he is leaving Research In Motion

How Do You Use Your BlackBerry: Do you use the App Switcher to navigate your applications?

BlackBerry App Switcher

So many BlackBerry users and so many ways to navigate a device. Everyone finds what works best for them as far as getting around their personal device, and while some may make use of certain features, others may not even know about them. One of these that comes to mind is the App Switcher. This simple task lets you quickly switch between open apps simply by pressing and holding the Menu key on your device. I personally never really use the App Switcher but I know many users who can’t get by without it. So our question today is this: Do you use the App Switcher on your BlackBerry? Cast your vote in the poll above, then leave a comment letting us know what works best for you. Thanks @kurtbert! and CB for this very good question


please click below and leave us a comment on you thoughts

Continue reading How Do You Use Your BlackBerry: Do you use the App Switcher to navigate your applications?

BlackBerry Messenger v6.0.1.15 available in BlackBerry Beta Zone

BlackBerry Beta Zone members have a new version of BlackBerry Messenger available today. If you are currently testing BBM Music, you are instructed to stay on BBM v6.0.0.129, but if you aren’t involved in that program, you may feel free to install v6.0.1.15 and give it a whirl. This upgrade is said to have focused on fixing file and picture transfer bugs, as well as the addition of subscription payment support for platform-enabled apps. Be sure to do a back-up before installing, and leave feedback in the Beta Zone discussion forums.

If you’re not already a member of BlackBerry Beta Zone and would like to sign up, head on over to blackberry.com/beta and get registered.
