Tag Archives: Application

How to delete applications on your BlackBerry

Every so often here, we go over BlackBerry quick tips, little tidbits that can make your BlackBerry life easier. Some of these are more advanced, but we also like to go over the basics. Today is one of those instances. In through the site yesterday, I realized we didn’t have a bit on how to delete applications from your BlackBerry. So after the jump we’ll go through the basic process.

Finally, click on Applications.

You’ll see a notice that your BlackBerry is building an applications list. On the other end you’ll see a big huge list, containing core applications and some things you might not recognize. It goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway: if you do not know what it is, do not delete it.

Scroll down to find the application you’d like to delete. Once it’s highlighted, hit the Menu key. You’ll see a number of options, but all we’re interested in now is the obvious one: Delete. Click it, and you’ll get confirmation. Click Yes, and it will delete the application.

Afterward you’ll be prompted to reset your BlackBerry. If you plan to delete multiple applications, say no. Say yes after the last application you’re going to delete. A reset clears the application out of device memory.

Having troubles with the new BlackBerry Messenger 5.0?

Yesterday, in celebration of the leaked BlackBerry Messenger 5.0, we discussed how to install BlackBerry Messenger. Within the article we linked to sources where you can download the application, both over the air and to your desktop. We also warned that you could encounter troubles. Practicing what I preach, I downloaded the 83xx version for OS 4.5 over the air. After a hefty file download, installation, and reboot, I saw that my BBM was gone completely. It seems to be a Verizon problem for those with OS Even so, some people might not like the leaked messenger. After the jump we’ll go over what to do if you want to downgrade.

Now that you’ve backed up your Messenger contacts, it’s time to say bye-bye to the application. Head into Options, Advanced Options, Applications, find BBM 5.0, and delete that sucker (see: how to delete BlackBerry applications). Now it’s time to reload.

If you have BlackBerry Desktop Software, you can use the Application Loader to reinstall BlackBerry Messenger. Once you’re done with that, you can go to the Restore function and bring back your contacts. That should have you back up and running with the old software.

For those who don’t have Desktop Software, you can download BBM over the air. Just head to http://yourcbcfamily.org/bb/curvebbm/ from your BlackBerry browser. Click the link, and you’ll be able to download and install the file. That’s what I did, and voila, BBM back and running — though with no contacts (so add me!).

The caveat with the link, though, is that it’s designed for, so I’m not sure if it will work on other OSs. You can give it a try, of course, but remember that it might mess up your BlackBerry even more.

I hope this helps. I was damn glad to find it after I spent a good while trying to figure out why BBM was not working on my Berry.

Trillian for BlackBerry beta now available for download

Just yesterday we posted that the Trillian instant messaging application would be arriving in beta form on BlackBerry soon. I guess the folks at Trillian weren’t kidding. If you head on over to the mobile download page for Trillian you’ll find that version is now available for download. The beta they are offering up is trial limited, so at some point it will indeed expire but they do not indicate when. Having used it for the past day, I suggest downloading and giving it a try. The list of supported devices can be viewed via the Trillian website and yes, the BlackBerry Storm is supported already. As well as the BlackBerry Pearl 3G although the website does not indicate that model. You can also share your thoughts on it here in the comments or in the CrackBerry forums.

Recovering from BlackBerry error 523

We’ve been taking some time to go over the more common BlackBerry error messages and what you can do to fix them without too much of a headache. Today we’re going to run down error 523, one that destroyed my BlackBerry Curve 8330 — twice. Unfortunately, this workaround wouldn’t have helped me much. It requires booting in safe mode, which is available only on devices running OS 4.6 and up (I had 4.5 on my 8330). But if you’re using a newer BlackBerry and run into this, you can try to work around the error and get your device back up and running.

Once you see the dreaded white error screen, pop your battery. Once you reinsert it and the device starts booting, hold down the escape key. I’m not sure exactly how long you need to hold it, but keep on holding it, just to be safe, until you see that the device is booting in safe mode. Again, you need OS 4.6 or above to do this.

Here’s the strange part, one that many users wouldn’t think of: disconnect your computer from the Internet. once you’re offline, plug your dying device into the computer and run Desktop Manager. From there you go to Application Loader, Add/Remove Applications, and click Start. The key here is to bump any applications you’ve recently installed — ones that might have caused the near-fatal change. I also recommend removing themes, as this is something I did after messing around with Application Loader for a while.

After this, back up your device. I wholeheartedly recommend a full wipe after fixing this error. This could extend the life of your device. I do recommend, however, that you remain open to picking up a new Berry. After I initially fixed my Error 523, it happened again about a month later. In other words, it might be a chronic problem.

Leaked OS [Bold 9000]!!!

Older devices still get some love
Leaked over at BerryReview


Download Here ——->Multiupload


This is an unofficial RIM Software release. If you choose to install, do so at your own risk! NHCBBA is not responsible for any malfunctions or abnormalities that may occur.

Leaked OS [Curve 8520]!!!

Now 8520 users can rejoice….



This is an unofficial RIM Software release. If you choose to install, do so at your own risk! NHCBBA is not responsible for any malfunctions or abnormalities that may occur.