Tag Archives: App World

Free Mobli Location Photo Sharing & Filters App for BlackBerry

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Mobli released an app for BlackBerry today that attempts to fill the gap left by Instagram not releasing a BlackBerry app. It sort of mixes the ideas of Instagram and Color by letting you share pictures based on your location, subject, or person you are photographing. You also get access to location based filters which is sort of unique allowing you to filter pictures based on your location, event, date, or category. You can then share your creation on Facebook and Twitter.


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I just started trying out the app so I cannot speak for it but

check out the free Mobli app in App World[qrcode pix=120]Mobli[/qrcode]


and let us know what you think!


BerryReview.com - BlackBerry News and Reviews

crunchSMS updated to v3.13 bringing BlackBerry 7 optimization and lots more

The popular messaging app crunchSMS has been updated several times over the last couple of weeks. With lots of extra features like chat-style bubbles, contact pictures, signatures, text snippets, passcode lock, blacklisting, this app is just like texting, but with heaps of customization.

Version 3.13 – 5 September 2011

  • Optimized performance, especially for OS 7 devices.
  • Reorganized the Options screen.
  • Preparing for Emoji interoperability with iPhone & Android devices for the next Release 3.14!!!

Version 3.12 – 1 September 2011

  • For OS 6/7 the pull down ‘Home Screen Notifications List’ now shows crunchSMS messages!

Version 3.11 – 25 August 2011

  • Quick Reply is now way nicer! Making it much easier to view multi-line messages.
  • Scrolling through messages using the trackball is now much faster and smoother.
  • You can now buy a license through BlackBerry App World, quick and easy, so please support us!
  • When downloading an MMS, pictures and videos are better matched to the capabilities of the phone.
  • Accents are ignored when searching for a contact, so you can look for “Véronique” by typing “ver”.
  • In Quick Reply, if you enter text then press [Open] your text is no longer lost.

CrunchSMS is free, though after 7 days a banner will appear within the app to encourage you to purchase it in order to remove the banner. You can do so for $6.99, though it’s not necessary for the app to function.

More information/screenshots and to download crunchSMS[qrcode pix=180]http://nhcbba.com/downloads/crunchSMS/qrcode]

Evernote Releases Free Official BlackBerry PlayBook Client!

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Hooah! Official apps for popular web services are starting to come in for the PlayBook. The latest is Evernote which Michelle @CrackBerry just spotted on App World. In case you don’t know Evernote is a really slick web service that started off letting you take notes and now includes many other features like pictures and sync them between your devices. Think of it as a central “notepad” app on steroids. Here are some of the ways you can use Evernote:


  • For research and class notes
  • For client and sales meetings
  • To stay in-sync with your desktop notes, web clips, and files
  • To snap photos of whiteboards and business cards
  • As part of your GTD system to help you stay organized
  • To record quick voice memos

Their new client is totally free and you can

pick it up now for your PlayBook in App World[qrcode pix=120]http://nhcbba.com/downloads/Evernote_for_PB[/qrcode]


BerryReview.com - BlackBerry News and Reviews

tiff.fest.app updated to v0.8.53

With the Toronto International Film Festival starting tomorrow, it’s great to see that they’ve launched an app that is compatible with BlackBerry OS 7 devices & the BlackBerry PlayBook!

This app gives you access to film descriptions, schedule information as well as maps and special features on Festival picks and the exclusive Mavericks Program.

THK Live updated to v1.1.0 – Adds support for BlackBerry 7 devices and more

If you’re looking to play some poker on your BlackBerry smartphone, then the obvious choice for that is Texas Hold’ Em King Live. The latest update pushes THK Live to v1.1.0 and brings with it a whole slew of changes including support for newly released BlackBerry 7 devices.

  • Support for new BlackBerry Devices – You’ve got the best BlackBerry, now download the best poker game. THK Live is now available for 9810, 9850, 9860, 9900, and 9930.
  • Rate-Me – We know you love THK Live, so why not tell the rest of the BlackBerry community too? You can now rate the game while you play, and have your review posted on the BlackBerry App World product page!
  • Twitter Improvements – Improved Twitter controls make it easier for you to choose what you want to share with your followers.
  • More Exclusive Cheap Deals – We created even more exclusive chip deals and offers with the ability to broadcast them directly to the players. Who likes free chips?
  • Indonesian Language Support – Game is fully translated and available in Bahasa Indonesian – More languages coming soon!
  • Minor Bug Fixes & Memory Improvements – We’re always fine-tuning every aspect of the game to ensure an optimal gameplay experience.

THK Live has over 1 million unique users playing poker on their BlackBerry smartphones, if you’re looking to get in on the action you will find the latest version available now in BlackBerry App World.

Download THK Live from BlackBerry App Worl[qrcode pix=180]http://nhcbba.com/downloads/Texas_Hold_Em_King_Live[/qrcode]


BlackBerry App World 3.0 Comes Out of Beta – Download it Now!

App World out of beta App World out of beta2

We knew it was coming but now it is official. Shahzoor from BBin.in let us know that RIM has unleashed BlackBerry App World out of the Beta Zone. That means all of you can now download the updated version of App World without having to enter in Key Codes and jump through hoops.

You can pick it up at www.blackberry.com/appworld from your BlackBerry!

App Roundup: BBM integrated apps for BlackBerry smartphones

It has been about a month or so since RIM launched BBM 6 and its BBM social platform status allowing for apps to integrate with BBM. At the time of its launch there were a handful of apps that came with BBM integration, but since then the list has grown quite a bit. Doing a search on BlackBerry App World gives you a whole load of apps with BBM integration, but not all apps show in the same search. So to make it easier for our NHCBBA readers thanks to Crackberry, here’s a round-up of all the current BBM integrated apps and games. Don’t forget you’ll need BBM 6 in order to avail of the BBM Social Platform, and not all apps are compatible with all devices.

Keep reading for the full list.


Continue reading App Roundup: BBM integrated apps for BlackBerry smartphones

Collect App Uses Your Calendar to Easily Track Expenses

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I always love when devs come up with creative ways to do things. John pointed out to me that EcuadorBB has released Collect for BlackBerry. Its a relatively simple expense tracking app with a very cool twist. It lets you easily enter your expenses using the native BlackBerry calendar app. You simply create a new event in your calendar in their format with expense name then cost (plus or minus) and the category. It will them automatically record them in your local database.


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All in all a very cool idea though I would have liked to see some Quickbooks or at least an excel export feature. If the idea intrigues you then

check out Collect in App World for $2.99[qrcode pix=120]http://nhcbba.com/downloads/Collect_App[/qrcode].


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BlackBerry App World available in 14 new countries

RIM is making several people smile today. They’ve announced that BlackBerry App World is now available in Albania, Armenia, Benin, Algeria, Belize, Burkina, Ghana, Bosnia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Morocco, Serbia, Tunisia and Zambia.

If you’re in one of these country, we are happy to see you be able to join in on all this App World goodness!

Continue reading BlackBerry App World available in 14 new countries

BBM Music appeared in App World Yesterday

It seems that BBM Music is slowly being prepared for mass market launch, as it has been spotted in App World yesterday. The app is still Beta Zone-only & requires a keycode, but it’s quite simple to download now.

With a Period End Date of late September, maybe we are merely weeks away from launch?
